So sick to death of the whole 'find Maddie' campaign - now includes Pope

by needproof 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • MidwichCuckoo

    The family, in my opinion, need to keep their mouths shut - they're not doing themselves any favours. A few weeks ago, in the Daily Mail (British newspaper), the grandmother was quoted as saying that the parents don't drink much - after all, they ARE doctors!! She also said that the parents didn't leave the children alone OFTEN, and it's something we've all done at some time!!

  • Gill

    MC - Good point!

    I have to admit to NEVER leaving any of my kids on their own without someone over 14 to look after them ever! WHY? Both my parents worked full time, and went out evenings and thought nothing of leaving me on my own. But I knew what I used to get up to and not much of it was necessarily good, down to attempting to distill pure alcohol at the age of 13 and nearly burning the house down on several occassions. A child is a threat to itself without taking into account other people with bad intent.

    However, I recently saw, with my neighbour who left her 9, 14 and 17 year olds at home and went on holiday with her boyfriend. When she came back, her fourteen year old daughter was pregnant, and her 17 year old sons girlfriend was pregnant. They gave birth withing 5 days of eachother!

    This is slightly older children than young Madeline. Even so, she could have woke up vomiting, choking, had a fit, woke after a bad dream....absolutely anything. And her parents were........out having a nice time!

    Too many parents do this. They forget, once you have a child you have a FULL TIME responsibility as anything, absolutely anything could happen!

    The old saying is 'You need eyes in the back of your head' when you have kids!

    You NEVER leave them alone.

    On the BBC news a lady was minimising the MCCanns having left the children on their own by telling her own story of how she left her 12 year old daughter at home to nip to the shops. When she came back, she found the house crawling with police, as two men had broken into the house with her daughter in it. She then said that her daughter was now too traumatised to leave on her own after the event. The point being???? She then said she would still think nothing of leaving her daughter at home on her own......but unfortunately wasn't able to anymore!

    The McCann's were sadly irresponsible. In the UK it is illegal and a criminal offence to leave a child in any danger. Obviously a young child is in danger if its parents go out for dinner and leave it alone to face its fate alone!

    Criminally irresponsible comes to mind!

    I still feel sorry for them, but they should have known better as too many parents play the risk game with their children.

    I was a child always left on my own. I was a risk to myself from age of 5, never mind being at risk from others!

    Parenting skills are a real problem in the UK!

  • needproof


  • Abaddon

    I would caution people against subscribing to urban myths.

    'Everyone' knows that people are deliberately killed to make snuff movies right?

    And obviously there is a burgoning child sex slave industry

    Obviously some girls are kidnapped by organised criminal gangs an held as slaves, or so close to slaver as makes no difference. But the evidence of world-wide organised rings of child sex-slavers simply isn't there.

    Unfortunately the missing ones are mostly likely taken by local sexual predators, there's no need to make up a massive conspiracy. It's just easy and more comforting to make your nice neighour not a suspect at the cost of demonising some fictional crime lord.

    I also so think it is way easy to judge others; the other kid needproof mentioned was playing outside its grandmother's door in the heart of the countryside and went missing. One can go along the road of due dilegence straight into the arms of lack of persective. I doubt for one moment any one would regard them as careless or bad parents until this happened they're the same people they were beforehand. Let's not forget who the criminals in this really are.

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