If Bush Used Nuclear Weapons On Iran Should He Be Tried As A War Criminal?

by frankiespeakin 119 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blueblades

    I believe that the world is in a no win situation. America is forced to wait until it is hit with a Nuclear weapon first before it could respond with it's own Nuclear Arsenal. This policy of no first strike will be the cause of millions dying here in America from a Nuclear Attack from whomever gets the capability to use it on us first. After that it won't matter much because there will be no winners in a Nuclear War followed by Nuclear Winter.

    To answer your question: It would not be Bush or any other elected President to come, whatever party is ruling. It would take a non- partisan vote of approval to use Nuclear Weapons,Congress etc. No one man has that power or authority.

    No one has an answer on how to get out of this mess in the Middle East, it is an ongoing war that will not go away anytime soon. Even when we pull out, the ideology of Radical Islam ( not The Islamic Religion of those who claim Islam is a religion of Peace ) is to eventually destroy Israel and America and rule the world, even if they have to kill their own.

    The question is Hypothetical and there-fore moot.


  • Adolfius

    Frankie, what is it with you and George Bush and the military? Did Georgey boy come round your house with a general friend and beat up on your family? Every thread you start is completely pre-occupied with one or the other.

    If Bush launched an un-provoked attack on Iran with Nuclear weapons........yes he should be tried, but I think you're clutching at straws thinking something like that will ever happen.

    What you have to remember is the American people voted that fool in democratically. He leads America because the American people asked him to. He's never done anything unlawfully. Every action he takes or order he gives, first has to get approval from the elected senate and congress. Even the war in Iraq was done with the full backing of a UN mandate, and the troops are still there at the request of the democratically elected Iraqi government. It may all look a bit suspect, but technically he's done everything within the law and is almost 100% certain to continue operating within the law.

    You've obviously got a personal gripe with el presidente, but your question seems to be more about trying to make your point that you hate Mr Bush rather than a genuinely constructive question. I get the impression you only want one answer.....YES!!!!

    Here are some more erroneous questions:

    Should Nelson Mandela be tried as a criminal if he ever walks into a primary school and starts butchering 3 year olds any time in the future?

    Should members of Green Peace be tried as criminals if one day in the future they decide saving the earth isn't for them anymore and they destroy every oil tanker and refinery on the planet, spilling vast amounts of oil and kill the entire life of the sea?

    Should the Queen of England be tried as a criminal if one day whilst meeting smiling crowds, she accepts a bunch of flowers from a well wisher and then proceeds to decapitate said well wisher with a large machete she was concealing in her hat?

    Ridiculous questions that clearly have only one answer, but are pointless because the events will never happen.

    Frankie, leave George Bush alone. Pleeeeeaaase!!!

  • frankiespeakin


    If Bush launched an un-provoked attack on Iran with Nuclear weapons........yes he should be tried, but I think you're clutching at straws thinking something like that will ever happen. ...Ridiculous questions that clearly have only one answer, but are pointless because the events will never happen....Frankie, leave George Bush alone. Pleeeeeaaase!!!

    Apearently you don't read or follow the news.

  • Adolfius

    Apearently you don't read or follow the news.

    What? Has he just launched a strike? What have I missed?

  • hillary_step


    the only reason that the war in iraq has become more deadly and is continuing that way is because of syria and iran. they are recruiting and training more and more radical islamists. they sneak across the border into iraq and attack the coalition forces. its not the same war that started, it has changed drastically.

    This is true. What is also true is that before the US and coaltion forces invaded Iraq, this scenario was predicted by numerous people political and otherwise. The White House Administration chose to ignore the obvious in deference to the "John Wayne" school of foreign policy.

    Remember, 'Bring 'em on' the President said with a sneer. Well they brought them on and the US and its allies are counting bodies daily. They completely underestimated their enemy and showed a shocking ignorance of the history and culture of the peoples of the Middle East.

    The invasion of Iraq did nothing more that fuel the fires of loonie Islamic fundamentalists who must have cheered from their mountain caves the moment a battle-fatigued foreign soldier set foot on Arab land. The White House Administration have been so easily played by the cunning of these fundamentalists - and that is why their credibility is at an all time low.

    America is slowly sinking into the slough of despond, preceded by its dollar and until its people break the spell of apathy that has gripped the nation, low grade, self-seeking thinkers on both sides of the political spectrum rule as kings.


  • frankiespeakin


    Here, DA : http://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/newsrel/science/mcnuclear.asp


    Stop showing how ignorant you are, and do a little research before you spout BS.

  • frankiespeakin

    Appearently the US doesn't want other nations to have nuclear weapons, but it is ok for them to use them or threaten to use them, I guess they want to be the biggest bully on the block:


    Petition by physicists on nuclear weapons policy, September 2005

    As physicists we feel a special responsibility with respect to nuclear weapons; our profession brought them into existence 60 years ago. We wish to express our opposition to a shocking new US policy currently under consideration regarding the use of nuclear weapons. We ask our professional organizations to take a stand on this issue, the Congress of the United States to conduct full public hearings on this subject, and the media and public at large to discuss this new policy and make their voices heard.

    This new policy was outlined in the document Nuclear Posture Review delivered to Congress in December 2001, part of which has been made public, and is further defined in the unclassified draft document Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations dated March 15, 2005, which is in the final stages of being adopted and declared official policy by the US government, according to reports in the Washington Post and the New York Times (9/11/05). It foresees pre-emptive nuclear strikes against non-nuclear adversaries, for purposes which include the following (Doctrine for Joint Nuclear Operations, Page III-2):
    * For rapid and favorable war termination on US terms.
    * To ensure success of US and multinational operations.
    * To demonstrate US intent and capability to use nuclear weapons to deter adversary use of WMD.
    * Against an adversary intending to use WMD against US, multinational, or alliance forces.
    The Nuclear Posture Review document states that:
    *US nuclear forces will now be used to dissuade adversaries from undertaking military programs or operations that could threaten U.S. interests or those of allies and friends.
    * Nuclear weapons could be employed against targets able to withstand non-nuclear attack

    This dangerous policy change ignores the fact that nuclear weapons are on a completely different scale than other WMD's and conventional weapons. Using a nuclear weapon pre-emptively and against a non-nuclear adversary crosses a line, blurring the sharp distinction that exists between nuclear and non-nuclear weapons, and heightens the probability of future use of nuclear weapons by others.

  • Adolfius

    Stop showing how ignorant you are, and do a little research before you spout BS.

    Frankie, I'm not ignorant. What you're showing is not news. It's speculation....otherwise known as no news, news.

    "president bush has not ruled out using nuclear weapons against Iran". That doesn't mean he said he was going to use them.

    It's like having a headline "Bush hasn't ruled out becoming a heroine addict!" Your interpretation would be that it must mean his is going to become a heroine addict.

    This is just typical of the idiot media. There's no news, nothing important has happened so they make something out of nothing just to get a sensationalist reaction from people.

  • frankiespeakin


    I think the more you write the dumber you look.

  • NotaNess

    Jaguarbass, give factual evidence of any stitch of evidence that Bush lied about the war. You will only come up with concocted mis-truths, and stories and alegations. That's all the left wing kool-aide drinkers can come up with. If it was there, the lies would be in the major spotlight. It's all just hate and mud slinging.

    No one likes this friggin war ok, but someone has to come forward and do the dirty work of trying to protect the people of this country from the hatred of the foreign enemies (and internal enemies within), who's gonna do it, the UN....right.

    Dems and independants love to throw any mud they can at who they like to call the enemy(the right, and it's called the RIGHT for a reason), when all the normal people Republicans, are trying to do is save this country from major chaos and killing by people who have wanted us dead for decades, thanks to carter, clinton, & Hollywood the immoralities of some groups in this ever degrading Country(atleast that's part of it)

    Sorry to jump on sides, but I'm tired of the REAL lies. I'll go on record and say that the WTS is like the left wing party.

    Say what you will. I'm right. If you don't care about the legitimacy of defense of this nation, then you don't care about the safety of Me, my wife, my child and your own family...period. The bombs are coming and they've been planned for decades. When the social destruction of this society is in play just like the terrorists want in years to come, and you can't even feel safe bringing your kids to school or going out to a mall for fear of being killed, then you'll finally get the realization of the situation.

    This war on terrorism, externally and internally, is only a delay, but a much needed one.

    If you think the military should come back and we should stop all the defensive measures, then I guess we should close down all the police stations in the US. After all the police are just going out and stopping a good portion of criminals from robbing, murdering and terrorizing the neighborhoods in this country. Some criminals and innocent even get caught in the cross fire of the policing system here. If we shouldn't defend abroad, why defend here??!! Right? Is this your line of thinking too?

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