Desperate and unable to forget

by Shadowland 18 Replies latest social relationships

  • Shadowland

    Hi all,

    am a newbie here so please excuse any lack of decorum, just need to vent to people that understand.

    a quick rundown: dad was an elder since i was about 3, and from the time i was 5 i wondered why he was so nice to everyone else and an arsehole to his family. dad remained an elder until 'deposed' when i was 13, after which my 17 yr old sister 'lost faith' (although, knowing her, it happened a lot sooner). sis left home, i got seriously depressed and tried to kill myself, after which nothing was ever the same with either my family or the 'truth' (the 'lie' is more like it). still speak to my immediate family, but always feel like there is that infuriating subtext of inferiority!!! nothing i do, am or could be will ever be enough.

    i'm now 22 (left at 16) and thought i was dealing with my issues fairly well, until last august. a really close friend of mine, who i grew up with in JWs and who was also in the process of leaving, committed suicide. i went to his 'funeral', which was really a glorified excuse for a CO who had never met him to try and recruit new converts, and completely lost it. his family shunned him as he was leaving, and i'm certain he died because he couldn't deal with the pressure he faced to 'come back to the fold' (but of course, once you've been out, you can never wash the stains off, and you're forever deemed unworthy and inferior!).

    so now, i'm pretty much without a family, without my best friend, and completely frustrated by my inability to move past this. i am lucky in that i have a really amazing partner, we've been together nearly 3 years, but we're having issues at the moment too - how does an ex-witness ever have a 'normal' relationship, where you're not constantly fighting subconscious guilt for being with the person you love?

    sorry for rambling, not doing so well at the moment.


  • MidwichCuckoo

    Hello Shadowland - and a BIG WELCOME. Glad to have you here You 'ramble' all you want!

  • Crumpet
    how does an ex-witness ever have a 'normal' relationship, where you're not constantly fighting subconscious guilt for being with the person you love?

    We all find it difficult for a variety of reasons, but I would suggest at the very basic point of start would be to find out if there is any legitimate reason for this feeling of guilt. Once you have looked into things a bit more you will realise it is your family who are in the wrong for treating you inferiorly and that you have wittingly or unwittingly escaped whilst they are still lost in that web of lies.

    Once you know for sure that everything you were taught was a fallacy you stop feeling guilty about anything and it opens you up wonderfully for loving people based on honesty and non judgementalism. Takes time but its fantastic to get to that stage. I left when i was 16 but didnt find out that Armageddon wasnt coming until I came here 3 yrs ago or so. It took a while for everything to sink in and once it had I was so angry that i had been made to feel worthless all these years by my family who dont have anything to do with me.

    I hope you find your path through this and we'll all be happy to guide you! i have made some life long friends here - of that I am sure.

  • Junction-Guy

    I know this sounds easier than what it is, but seriously we all were taught one of the biggest lies ever, I realize that, and you are realizing it too, so with that being said, just forget about the guilt, there is no reason on earth why you should feel guilty, it should be the other way around, since they (the JW's) contributed to your friends death. I have lots of anger Im dealing with, and lots of depression, but I dont for one second feel the least bit guilty, I escaped one hell of a lie, and Im thankful for that.

    Vent away here all you want, we understand.

  • bernadette

    Hi shadowland welcome to the board - very sorry about your friend

    Hopefully by visiting here you'll be able to dispel a few shadows and heal.


  • free2think

    Welcome Shadowland. I'm so sorry about the lose of your friend, it's so awful how the borg drives people to desperation in their attempt to get out. Thank you for sharing your story.

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Welcome Shadowland. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend and for your family's maltreatment of you and of your sister. Is your sister available as a support to you? I wonder if she could or would be?

  • greendawn

    Welcome, the cult has also created for you problems of adaptation to the real world the only way out is to read plenty about their history and doctrine until you realise that they are nothing but a scam and the true christian religion has yet to arrive in the world. They even caused the suicide of your friend through the shunning policy, one of many we have heard about on this forum.

  • sass_my_frass

    I'm so sorry about your friend, and that you're having a bad time. Welcome to our little safe zone, I hope you can find some healing.

    how does an ex-witness ever have a 'normal' relationship, where you're not constantly fighting subconscious guilt for being with the person you love?

    I hope that you and your partner can talk about what you need to do to put it behind you, and that your partner can understand that it will take longer than they think it should.

  • Cellist

    Hi Shadow, welcome to the board. Vent away, it does help. Especially on a forum like this where the others know what you've been through. I hope you can find some healing.


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