anyone else sick of stroking certain apologists egos?

by theinfamousone 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jaguarbass

    This place is just like a tv or radio, instead of having a dial you go to the next post if you dont like what you read. But if you dont like what you read and you stay to read some more that person has yanked your chain. Some people like to yank other peoples chains. I have even yanked a few.

    When you come here your not in the kingdom hall, so you can click your mouse and find data that wont be as disturbing.

    I remember after I left the tower, I went through my saved, born again phase. Then I realized I was selling God again every place I went, trying to save people, Then I thought if this is all true, why cant God do it? Ultimately, I realized I was putting other people down to make myself feel good. That wasnt really compatible to my personality and view on life. So I gave the God business back to God. As far as I can tell he took it and gave it to a few others on this board.

  • theinfamousone

    i agree with you all about the ability to be able to just walk away and not post on those threads or to even finish reading them... i personally am all for debate, and enjoy it very very much... the problem is when these idiots come along and decide to berate people for no reason... of course, i reason with them and usually put their backs up against the wall so that their best response usually ends up being "BWAHAHAHAHAA!", but would be more than willing to debate with them if they would actually throw words instead of bwahas back at me... i am open minded enough to realize that both sides could be right, but aparently, some people are not mature enough to allow others to feel their own way! meh, i guess to each idiot there is a village

    the infamous one

  • BizzyBee

    Good points - especially about only entering threads that interest you. It doesn't take very long to get the drift - and then stay for the mud-slinging or just quietly move on. But can we define terms? You seem to use anti-atheist and apologist interchangeably, which is not correct. Here's my glossary (in the context of this board) to start things off:

    Apologist = A JW sympathizer, either associated, DF'd, unbaptized - doesn't matter. They buy the WTS propaganda pretty much whole cloth and their arguments are from that perspective.

    Atheist = Nothing to do with being JW or ex-JW. Just someone who does not believe in the existence of a Supreme Being (well, maybe the FSM).

    FSM = Flying Spaghetti Monster, noodly appendages and all. Object of worship by Pastafarians.

    Theist = Nothing to do with being JW or ex-JW. Just someone who does believe in the existence of a Supreme Being and all that entails. (Probably not the FSM).

    Agnostic = Those wascally wabbits who stand in the middle of atheists and theists - can't pin 'em down!

    Forgive me, O infamousone, if it is I who have misunderstood thee.

  • jgnat

    ...and then there are the spelling nazis, whom Leolaia confirms are doomed at Armageddon as well.

    ..if it is I who have misunderstood thou thee
  • BizzyBee

    Thank you, jgnat! Spelling was correct, word was wrong.

  • ozziepost
    It has come to the point that I wonder if the moderators are aware of what amounts to vandalizing 'taggers' who are using JWD like a wall for their spray paint message.


    please PM me with details.

  • theinfamousone

    you are correct my friend, these words are not interchangeable... though i did use the word apologist in the title, that was more directed at the certain apologist himself.. the theistic/atheistic debate is tired and has become nothing more than a mud slinging event... yuck

    the infamous one

  • kid-A

    When you put Perry and Vinny in their appropriate contexts, they really dont seem that noxious.....just a couple of harmless 'farts in a bottle'.....taking their rightful place among the pantheon of former JWD "fundy" posters of days gone by.......

  • sass_my_frass

    Yeah, I don't get why people buy into it. For me, the best thing about being atheist is not having to convert people to my beliefs to feel good about them.

  • theinfamousone

    i guess you're right... the problem is their condescending BS tone... thats what bothers me here

    the infamous one

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