A mormon fires back at PBS

by LovesDubs 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • smellsgood

    "And, no, it wasn't necessary to do any elaborate counting. We, also, went back over the video to see how "balanced" it was ... pro-LDS vs. anti-LDS. It was easy to simply count the air time given to the anti side versus the pro side. A 10-1 ratio of anti comments to pro comments can hardly be called "balanced" by any reasonable definition of the term."

    Yeah, either way, I don't believe it was 10 to 1, but lets say you're correct:::

    Where I think we get into trouble is when as you often see with the Jehovah's Witness, everything is categorized into "pro-JW" vs. "anti-JW." It isn't a boxing match. Also, making it us versus them blurs the facts and makes it about egos rather than sussing out the truth.

    What I would be more interested to know; given that you and others in the LDS faith KNOW that there is no extra-BOM evidence, written, oratorical, historical, archaeological, or biological evidence WHATSOEVER that the Israelites migrated to the Americas, why is it not clear that it is FICTION? It's about as factual as Paris Hilton having a genius level IQ.

    What purpose does the BOM or any of Josephs Smith's revelations serve in the sphere of the Christian gospel?

    Do you have to be a member of the Church to perform the "Salvation rituals"? Or be saved? (I know you'll answer no, just as a JW would, but can you be honest enough with yourself to admit you believe otherwise, or your faith teaches otherwise?)

    Doesn't the Mormon Church claim to be first century Christianity restored? Doesn't the Watchtower faith claim the same? Didn't the Way International and countless others claim the same?

    Have you read "No man knows my history"?

    What's the point of Mormonism? What does it "restore" that was "lost" that is pivotal for "salvation"?

    I'm curious.

    It would warm your heart no doubt to know that where I'm from, it's swarming with Mormons. The Church has three services that are packed, just want to go in there one day and holler away. It's right by the school, so had alot of Mormon friends growing up.

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