Why 6 Billion People Deserve to Die in Armageddon

by Leolaia 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Arthur
    What kind of denial does a person have to be in to feel so joyous at the wanton slaughter of 99.9% of the world's population. Is it, "Oh boy, now I will get my own pet lion??!!!!"

    It is also the fact that they will have a nice big house next to a waterfall. They will get to lay in their hammock and eat grapes from their very own vineyard, while pandas and peacocks roam through their yard. As for those "wicked ones" who were slaughtered by the "Great Theocrat"? Bah! Their corpses are serving the purpose of fertilizing their grape vines!

  • dawg

    how do you print this priceless piece of work?

  • jgnat

    Why all the interest in the cat? That disturbs me too. Just yesterday I read a newspaper article that had me grumble, "The world is going downhill" My daughter, curious, looked over my shoulder to see what would rouse me to such indignation. Was it another murder? An example of man's inhumanity to man? No! It was bridal clothing for pets.... http://www.myfauxpaws.com/weddingpc.htm

    On the other hand, it's the little things that can bring home a cruelty. My ex-husband heaped all kinds of abuses on me and my infant son before I finally left. My body was a roadmap of bruises. My toddler son had bite marks on his arms and legs. Want to know what the clincher was for me? After a phone call went badly, my husband ripped apart the phone. All I could think of was, "What did the phone ever do to him?"

    An essential psychological device in war or genocide is dehumanization; it is easier to process the cognitive dissonance involved if you think of your enemy in an abstract or stereotyped fashion, as a non-person without basic rights and dignity


    What happens when we flesh out the personalities and life stories of the people undergoing gruesome deaths in the picture? Since 99.9% of the world's population are not murderers, thieves, rapists, etc. what about the vast majority who live good lives, albeit not as Jehovah's Witnesses?


    What kind of denial does a person have to be in to feel so joyous at the wanton slaughter of 99.9% of the world's population? Is it, "Oh boy, now I will get my own pet lion??!!!!"


    Rutherford was some sort of monster to write off anyone who wouldn't bow to him. At least Russell offered salvation for the world's masses.

    Let's do this again! I see in your lightning picture, for example, Larry, Moe and Curly are mocking the faithful ones.

  • ninja

    Leo...I'm loving your work mrs........he he

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover
    I never really looked at the pictures closely but it did always appear that most "bad people" seemed to wear bandanas too. Did anyone else notice that?

    Yep, bandanas and headbands, the skinny kind tied around the forehead. So maybe they're being destroyed for bad fashion sense?

    Leolaia - you rock!

  • greendawn

    It is the infantile and neurotic mind of the JWs beginning with Rutherford that has perceived all this non sense. God won't execute anyone permanently unless they are given a proper chance to find the right way unentangled by ignorance and coercion. If some people have done enough and already deserve permanent execution they are only a small percentage of the world's population. It is not possible to separate the world into sheep and goats on the basis of the JWs because they are not in any way fit for this purpose.

  • PrimateDave

    Leolaia wrote:

    This is Friskie, Jane's cat. Yes, even pets of the Executed will perish as well. In this case, Friskie failed to regularly observe God's law on blood. Each time Friskie caught a rat, lizard, or cockroach, she forgot to pour the blood out to the ground before consuming the flesh. Bad kitty!! Jehovah does not like bad kitties!!

    I always knew God didn't like cats!

    On a more serious note, the Witnesses aren't the only ones who like graphic portrayals Divine wrath.


  • yaddayadda

    At least Charles Rutherford had the sense to realise that the idea of destroying billions of ignorant persons for ALL ETERNITY at Armageddon is completely incompatible with Jehovah being a God of love and justice. Hence Russell came up with the idea that all those killed at Armageddon must of necessity be resurrected during the millennial reign, for the same reasons that all those dead in their graves before Armageddon strikes will be resurrected. They all alike get another chance, because Satan blinded them all. They never had a fair chance.

    So why bother killing much of humankind at Armageddon in the first place? Because they must still pay the price of death for their inherited Adamic sin. Only those redeemed by Christ when Armageddon strikes will pass straight through into a new earth without dying first. So said Pastor Russell (I think).

    Seems to make more sense than the Society's version of events. At least to me anyway.

  • yaddayadda

    (deleted - double post. Damn 'puter)

  • RedPill2006

    Very good point Leolaia!!! I'm glad to learn more and more that people outside this whacko organization tend to THINK and be REASONABLE, and actually make some sense. Something that the WT has tried to erase from JW's minds.

    The funny thing is, I raised up studying with these kind of pictures. What cracks me is that those people are all clothed like in the 70's (they should have gone by '75 or so). WE have to rewrite history for the WT:

    This is Gladys. Yes, she remembers how hard it was to fight for human rights in the 70's. 37 years have passed by...instead of eternal incineration in Gods "giant microwave" much has been accomplished for the Maidworkers Union. Just the other day she meet that lovely lady that is a Jehoavahs Witness and has benefited from GLADYS work towards workers rights. Some people are actually pissed off at this. Gladys read in the newspaper that there is an organization in Brooklyn that still denies its 'workers' and hundreds of Maids the rights they have. 'Crazy people', thought Gladys.

    This is Larry . He had a hell of a time. Yeah, pot smoking was fun in the 70's. Since then he has gotten over the crazy "hippie" lifestyle and moved on to a great carreer. He surely is glad that he didn't accept the tracts from the two crazy pioneer sisters back then.....Just the other day he remembered them again, because he meet his friend Joey. Joey is now 67 and has no funds, no pension and Larry felt so sorry for poor Joey...he was washing windows. Joey told him that he expects the end anytime soon....that was the moment Larry had this flashback and remembered the two crazy chicks at his door. Larry had to shake his head....whilst he packed his Golf equipment into the new Lexus. God, I'm glad this whole Investment stuff worked out well.

    This is Diane. Much has happened since the WT printed that brochure. Diane did a good life. Actually she, as a woman, showed the world that it IS possible to contribute in a meaningfull way to humankind. She is now the CEO of a big Software company (Microhard.com). Her children are getting a decent education in an elegant school in Switzerland. She has created many jobs for thousands of people. Actually there are many young Witnesses hoping to get a Job at her company. Also, recently the Watchtower Society knocked on her door to get help with they're IT needs....God, the world really needs Computers more than anything else! Look, even those freaks that print a 2000 year old book are looking for the newest and fanciest technology there is! She surely is proud of her work. Now she is in the position to donate some of that cash to programs that actually HELP the poor and shelterless.

    This is Jane . The elders certainly tried to scare the hell out of here.....showing her pictures of the BIG ASS DAY.....Jane is glad she didn't follow through. She re-married again. Mark is certainly not a JW, but loving and caring. Jane almost forgot that the WT even exists. Just the other day she heard about that lovely sister that studyied with her.....she died. Poor woman,, she expected so much to be in Paradise by now. She even never got to marry or have children on her own. Jane heard that she had to be cared by in a home for the elderly, since everybody else in the Hall was sooo busy announcing that the BIG ASS is sooooo near.

    This is Friskie , well....my friends. What should I tell you about our Friskie......as a kid I was shocked to see the little kitten being rosted for some unknown reason. Actually Friskie had more kittens, and they where sooo cute that they all got contracts for a big TV advertisement for cat food. Friskie is now old and fat (can you believe even my cat is now 40 years old?) Yeah, medicine has gone a long way. Even cats get to live longer......

    Wish you well being and peace.


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