Does the Society or congregations announce death of GB member?

by Bob Loblaw 14 Replies latest social current

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    So we all know that Carey Barber died recently.

    I was wondering if most JW's know about this news.

    Do they make an announcement at the congregations? Have a moment of silence?

    Do they talk about what a good witness he was,...etc?

    What about Bethel? They would all know,...I'm sure.

    So do they make an official announcement and have a really large funeral memorial?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't know about Bethel, but they generally have a tiny piece in the WT magazine
    announcing deaths. The problem is that this comes out months after the fact.

    I don't recall ever hearing it at DC's from the Bethelite, but it must have occurred.

    They play down that these folks make up a collective "Leader" so there is no big
    to-do about them.

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    So I guess my next question is:

    Do they announce his replacement?

    I'm guessing that they probably don't, or if they do, it's a tiny blurb in the wt or awake.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    sure they announce their deaths to the congregations...about 2 months after we find out.

  • sir82

    Most congregations have somebody on the Bethel e-mail grapevine. News like that spreads quickly, but informally.

    The Watchtower is prepared many months in advance, the "June 1" issue was actually prepared in February or March or so. There will be a brief one-page article on Barber's death in a month or 2.

    There are no automatic replacements for GB members - there is no fixed number that has to be filled. However, it is quite likely that 1 or 2 new members will be selected at some point. Perhaps they will wait for Barr to keel over & name 2 at once - that seems to be the way they've done it lately.

    I'd bet a nickel that the more ambitious of the "Nethinim" are jumping all over themselves, trying to get noticed so they can be named to the GB.

  • averyniceguy

    Not right away, but My Dad (JW) found out about Carey Barber's death from someone emailing about his death. I am sure Most of JW already know about his death, thanks to the internet(email).

  • Gayle

    They would announce it at Bethel,,,but oddly there or out in the congregations,, they really don't care much.

  • Bob Loblaw
    Bob Loblaw

    They don't care about the man,...but they are willing to die by his words.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    It was announced at our meeting a couple of days after it happened. The elder has a direct connection to the inside of the Borg. He has some heavy responsibilities that keep him in regular contact with the branch.

    But I think this is unusual for it to be announced locally. And no... I doubt replacements are will read about it in the WTrash or in a Yearbook.

    SnakesInTheTower (of the Lazy Sheep Class)

  • dedpoet

    I told a jw who still speaks to me about it a week or so after it had happened,
    and that was the first he'd heard of it. He has yet to hear anything from any of
    his elders, several weeks after the event.

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