Are JW's generally better than average people?

by JH 299 Replies latest jw friends

  • BFD

    I know that wasn't your question.

    It was my answer though.



  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate

    I know that wasn't your question.

    It was my answer though.



    My thoughts exactly.


    PS- Photograph of Rosalee:

  • Rosalee

    bdf :

    Typical that the original question was dishonestly skewed.

  • journey-on


    It's okay, Honey. I think you're just trying to convince yourself because you're probably just beginning this long hard journey of enlightenment and it's very painful and arduous to leave behind a comfortable lie. It's not the r&f JWs that most of us have a problem with. We know they are manipulated and spiritually weakened to the point of "blindness", but rather, it's the false doctrines by a false religion teaching false prophecies that disturb us. Because of this, we have to endure what they've done to the bonds of love between us. Going back to the vomit of the WTB&T$ would be spiritual suicide for most of us. We hurt for our family members, however, that are still in captivity by this whore.

  • BFD


    How so? You are confusing WT loyalty and adherence to scripture. Two very different concepts.


  • restrangled

    When I say neighbors and coworkers, I don't mean that I talk to them about religion. It's just in general conversation that people say they have no desire and no need for religion. Life is good. Don't rock the boat!

    No eye rolling or quietly slipping away :)

    I don't believe you. I've spent my life in "the world". There is a huge amount of the population who believe in God, but see no need for two bit religions. Because of this, those type of people don't feel a need to press their views on/or convert others. The only people I have ever been around that can turn nearly any conversation that is totally unrelated into a debate about religion are JW's.

    The problem with JW's is that because of their being controlled by the WTS, they often talk, think and speak alike. I don't believe you are the golden exception. You assume that because others don't use the same buzz words and concepts taught to you by the WTS, that they have no belief or need in God.

    This is absurd and shows how out of touch you really are. You are no more a mind reader than the GB is the FDS. An extremely compelling arguement can be made that no religion is neccessary to have a "proper" relationship with God.

    I know its a sobering thought to think that you are no better or worse or any more special than anyone else, but its true.

    I'll take Mother Teresa with her lifetime of service to others over a bunch of self aggrandizing Watchtower pushers any day of the week. Unlike JW's she actually walked the walk.

    r's hubby

  • Rosalee


    TopHat asked if they would still be rejected for not believing in the WTS teachings.

    I simply cleared this up by saying one must adhere to Bible teachings.

    Thus, the original question was dishonestly skewed.

  • TopHat

    Well, Roselee if that is the question, Then all of the Governing Body can be an Apostate of the Bible.

  • BFD

    I am not going to go round in circles with you rosa.

    backtotopic No, I do not think Jws are "better" than average people.


  • flipper

    Welcome, Rosalee....It's good to have your counterpoint - makes for lively discussion and helps us here practice tolerance. I don't believe Jw's are better or worse in general, however from what I've seen they are like a lot of other religions where they say one thing but do another. Also their actual day to day practices encourage the backbiters, hypocrites, and insecure ones. I think a lot of the kindest and most honest JW's get forced into the background. From what I've seen in my 52 years, some of the most spiritual people are the ones who do volunteer work, and are always there for friends, neighbors, and family. Even if they smoke, gamble, have "unsanctioned' sex, belong to no church. Some years back I had a customer, middle aged woman who fit that description, worked as a bartender. She had taken in her dirt poor half senile mom - not only did she take care of her and change her diapers, but did the same for several of her mom's decrepit old friends. For free. Every other word a cuss word, annoying personality, but great sense of humor. She also would take these folks to their churches - a bunch of bullshit, she said, but gives them security. Honest - pointed out one time that I had underchareged her. There are so many people like her. My whole adult life I would rather be in a lifeboat with her than with someone who thinks they are better in the eyes of god, which excuses some pretty bad behavior. If you look into some cults you will see a lot of similarities to JW's. Yikes...I checked out scientology from a link someone had on this board. They are like the watchtower on methamphetamine gone psycho. Well, there are my brilliant opinions.....flipper

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