Why would God...

by Crooked Lumpy Vessel 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JamesThomas

    Put us on this planet...giving us life with all its beauty. Flowers, children, relationships, clouds, trees, kittens...Then

    Tell us we are imperfect human beings and that there are invisible evil forces and demonic influences that are much greater and stronger than we are trying to sway us in the wrong direction. That we are suppose to follow and believe in a doctrine based on writings of men assumed to have been inspired by God with no real visible proof. But have a 'ring of truth' only to those predisposed to hear it...and that if we fail to recognize these invisible forces we are doomed to death for all eternity? Why would he set up people for failure. Why not just show himself or his legion of angels so that we can dicuss our concerns and problems and obtain a real relationship through conversation and visual proofs of his realm?

    What's your thoughts?

    When there is no thoughts, no dramatic story weaved by the mind such as above, what is here? What is real? What are we really when void of everything believed to be?

    Perhaps if attention rested in reality rather than illusion, the hunger for authenticity and truth would be quenched. Only one way to find out.


  • Tuesday


    Because religion is a smile on a dog.

    I'm not aware of too many things, you know what I know, if you know what I mean.

  • mouthy

    tell us we are imperfect human beings and that there are invisible evil forces and demonic influences that are much greater and stronger than we are trying to sway us in the wrong direction. That we are suppose to follow and believe in a doctrine based on writings of men assumed to have been inspired by God with no real visible proof. But have a 'ring of truth' only to those predisposed to hear it...and that if we fail to recognize these invisible forces we are doomed to death for all eternity? Why would he set up people for failure. Why not just show himself or his legion of angels so that we can dicuss our concerns and problems and obtain a real relationship through conversation and visual proofs of his realm?

    What's your thoughts?My 2 cents worth? You see I dont see it that way... I see where God created everything beautiful ..But in doing that he didnt make us Robots. He gave us a brain to think & a heart to love. But as we ALL have done ,,,,the first created listened to another voice....call it the Devil, or the head of a cult,or a person that is out to use you...I do not think God intervens !!Unless we invite him too,
    I dont think we should listen to men/women.. I have found since I have left mind control. I KNOW when I am doing something wrong. My conscience tells me. ( I still go ahead & do what I want & afterwards remember that little voice saying dont do that) I think that being born again helps you to be taught by the HOLY Spirit...No Mother ,Father ,Cult leader & we are then OLD enough to understand . .

  • restrangled

    This is a good question. In addition, for those who believe the bible, (that God's authority was questioned by one of his angels, and that Eve was deceived and Adam went along with his wife, why punish so severely the victims who had much less experience?

    Satan is considered the liar and deceiver, yet has been allowed to remain alive doing as he pleases for thousands of years perhaps more, no one knows how old he is. Yet the humans he deceived are given 100 years max with all that comes with it. Diseases, starvation, and poverty for many.

    Why didn't this Deceiver receive the harsher sentence? Why didn't God say, "I'll give you 1000 years to prove your point and thats it." NO, he gets many thousands, and a second chance at it in the future after he is "locked up" for 1000 years.


  • mouthy

    Yeah! but a thousand years with GOD is a flash in the night

  • 5go
    Yeah! but a thousand years with GOD is a flash in the night

    but that is not the point a 1000 years is 50 generations of humans to prove what ? That we can't do what rule our selves ? Why didn't he do what a ruler is supposed to do and protect his subjects from harm.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Put us on this planet...giving us life with all its beauty. Flowers, children, relationships, clouds, trees, kittens...

    Ahh, the beauty of gods creation:


    Seriously though, you can't ignore all the bad things. If god created everything, then he also created the ebola virus, earthquakes, rabies, that dog, my dad's mother, football fish, volcanoes, gnats, ticks, poisonous spiders, deadly snakes, the forbidden fruit, and every other piosonous animal, disease, and natural disaster (or at least the system that spawns natural disasters) etc.

    When you take god out of the equation: tsunamis, viruses and ugly/dangerous animals all make sense.


  • Hortensia

    god didn't do either.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    but that is not the point a 1000 years is 50 generations of humans to prove what ? That we can't do what rule our selves ? Why didn't he do what a ruler is supposed to do and protect his subjects from harm.

    I'm not too impressed with his leadership either.

    A third of his angels would rather die than continue serving him.

    100% of the population in Eden would rather die than continue serving him.

    He can't even support a nomadic tribe for a few decades, he treated them worse than the egyptians... he eventually had to assign a human king to make things work.

    Why should we believe that paradise or heaven would be any better? He hasn't succeeded yet.

  • SirNose586

    Ahhh! That is one scary looking dog!

    but that is not the point a 1000 years is 50 generations of humans to prove what ? That we can't do what rule our selves ? Why didn't he do what a ruler is supposed to do and protect his subjects from harm.

    I'm not too impressed with his leadership either.

    A third of his angels would rather die than continue serving him.

    100% of the population in Eden would rather die than continue serving him.

    He can't even support a nomadic tribe for a few decades, he treated them worse than the egyptians... he eventually had to assign a human king to make things work.

    Why should we believe that paradise or heaven would be any better? He hasn't succeeded yet.

    Good points. Jehober's record is pretty dismal.

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