Old friend and new CO come calling.

by Wasanelder Once 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    An old friend brought the CO by the house today. I answered the door before I knew who it was. It was low key and not a lot of pressure. He introduced himeself as "Brother So and so". I asked if he had a first name. Yes, he gave it to me. I called him by that for the rest of the time they were here. None of this "Brother" bullcrap. We shot the breeze and they left. It was refreshing not to be grilled. I stayed in charge of the conversation by keeping it "unspiritual." We talked about nothing and I sent them on their way. The CO was younger than me and I think he was clearly acting humble and interested. Strikes me as two-faced and dare I say, "a closet case?". No single, 40 something, man I know gives his first name as "Jamie". He struck me that way anyway, without the name.

    Just thought I'd let you know, they haven't given up yet, but close.


  • avidbiblereader

    Thanks for sharing but hey at least you were worth 30 minutes of time on the Field Service card. None give me a second of their time, I too was once an elder, but not considered worth a second. You are doing better than me.


  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    That's right ... take charge of the situation. Another person can only have as much power over you as you let them have.

  • Highlander

    Sounds like it went well.

    It is your home they are visiting, so you have every right to control the topics and direction of the conversation. If they don't like it, they can leave.

    I agree about that 'brother bullcrap',,, I always respond the same by asking for their first name, and only offering my first or full name, but never 'brother'.

    I only have one brother, so it irritates me when others presume they can take on the same title.

    Hopefully they give up on you soon enough. It would be nice if they could just respect other people with different beliefs and simply leave them alone. Better yet, why can't they

    just be normal and take on a true interest in an individual for who they are instead of who they worship(or don't worship)

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    The only way I can get the to come near me..is if they have no clue who I am.....I sometimes wonder if they do not have a picture of me distributed at all the local halls....

    If they don't...i hope someday I become a big enough threat to them and their plans that they do!

  • OnTheWayOut
    Strikes me as two-faced and dare I say, "a closet case?". No single, 40 something, man I know gives his first name
    as "Jamie". He struck me that way anyway, without the name.

    You are clearly seeing the "Yes-man" or company man in him. Perhaps your clarity is getting sharper on
    that. I saw my CO as jovial and concerned until one visit before I stepped aside. He was gunning for the
    PO, not to remove as an elder, but to remove as PO. He insisted that elders see things his ways. Well,
    a few of them started the discontent, so he had a majority in about 5 minutes, but a few of us held out, saying
    the PO is trying to do a good job in difficult circumstances. He settled for a majority and had him removed.

    So, 6 months later, when I stepped aside before his visit, I knew he wasn't going to be really concerned. I didn't
    agree with him on his last visit, and he just does the company's bidding- no real spiritual help.

    It gets clearer and clearer. I was a company man for awhile. I started to think that doing the company's bidding
    was spiritual shepherding. As time went on, I learned better.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    Jaime Rundquist? He served us around the year 2000. Got his wife pregnant, left the work, she has a child, then leaves him, now she is DF.

  • Magnum

    James Jackson - I knew Rundquist. His wife was a big-mouth. She was way too young to be a CO's wife. She was a young punk who was way out of line. I remember her saying things like "the brothers need to..." like she had some kind of authority.

  • Bobcat

    We had Jamie Rundquist in the late 90s, before he had the "circuit breaker." His wife was very early 20s at the time and he was late 30s. I understand that his child had some very difficult health problems.

  • James Jackson
    James Jackson

    I personally liked his wife. I remember they were late for the a meeting and the first words out of her mouth were "I need a Drink".

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