Does Goofy Speculation of Prophecy by the WTBS reason to leave?

by Mad 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rabbit
    Does GoofySpeculation of Prophecy by the WTBS reason to leave?


    You really need to admit something to yourself: The WTS' use of 'prop'hecy IS just a 'prop'...a tool that is used as a 'carrot on the end of a stick' to attract and keep a controlling net over their gullible followers.

    That prop...that tool was used to convince me and my then JW wife (now ex-wife) 20 years ago to decide my child would be better off dead...than to receive a blood transfusion. Although our baby lived without getting blood, my real conscience...not my WT 'bible-trained' one, is still very wounded...over my capacity back then to make such a horrible choice.

    That prop...that tool was used to convince my JW mother to DIE over that same blood issue many years later from a very survivable, curable condition.

    That prop...that tool was used to murder her.

    That prop...that tool was used to convince my children and family to shun me...and I just walked away without being DF'd.

    Goofy Speculation ?

    Please address me directly on just how the word "Goofy" could possibly be used in what I've written above ! You have side-stepped this issue before, so, again...I ask your opinion about this issue...and am awaiting your reply.


    Some web definitions on the net: Notice the last one...

  • a cartoon character created by Walt Disney
  • cockamamie: ludicrous, foolish; "gave me a cockamamie reason for not going"; "wore a goofy hat"; "a silly idea"; "some wacky plan for selling more books"
  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Yeah....I can use the bible to attack you attacking me and my guesses if I were them.....

    Whats the scripture that says in the end people will arise that will speak bad things about the "truth"?


    Course I do not think they are that smart..........................

  • Rabbit

    BTTT for Brother Mad

  • Quandry

    Here's Mad out in service-

    "Well, yes, Mr. Householder, I do agree that our religion uses goofy speculation of prophecy, but you still come to the Kingdom Hall and hear more."

    Here's Mad speaking to the elders-

    "Just why does the WTS have goofy speculation of prophecy? What do you mean, come into the back room with you and two other elders? I'm just asking, guys, really, I would never leave just because of their goofy speculation! Did I say goofy? I meant......"

  • fresia

    Those that leave followed man that's why they left, the failings and mistaks of some prophecies, so what? b/s that stay, stay because they love Jehovah not man. Ps 146: 3-5

    It is Gods organization and if one listens to what the bible examples give us for our example about the how God has always dealt with his people, you would understand, instead those that left listened to man and put to much credibilty on the men in the wt that let them down, but God never will or has, one must wait as Jehovah allows errors, faith is the key.

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