Family About to Disown Me

by Moridin 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    YAY! At least in THIS case... love... 'bore all things', 'hoped all things'... and 'never failed'. Amen... and amen.

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Eyebrow

    Yeah for your mom!

    I bet it was eating away at her after you too initially spoke about this situation. It must be hard for her, even religious feelings aside considering what is going on in the world. It sounds like her love for her son and your love and respect for her has helped her to see through her personal feelings.

    Is your wife a witness? I was curious how she feels about everything, and if your mom will give her support while you are gone.

  • kenny2

    I joined the military when i was 22. that was in 1985 and i was told i was dfd. i dont even know if it was df or da. it really didnt matter at the time for me. i can tell you that my mother reacted identically, but over some time, the loving human being that she is came to the top and things have been ok with us for quite a while now. we dont discuss any spirtitual issues and thats ok. im glad your mother recognized what really matters and i hope the best for you. i know it was a difficult decision to make on your part considering everything involved, but in my case i have never regretted it.

  • tell all
    tell all

    It is going to take some time for your mother to get over the shock of you disobeying what the watchtower tract society, the so-called chosen ones, state regarding "not joining the armed forces". In due time, your mother might be glad that you enlisted since you will be able to send her money to buy food because the economy will soon crash and a lot of individuals will be out of a job, a house, and cash.

  • BlackMan4Life

    Mordin - Thanks for sharing your experience. I joined the Army Reserves @ 34 after I resigned as as Elder. Of course my JW family (Mother, Aunts, Sisters, etc) disowned me, but I was expecting it. I can't really blame them for their actions because that's what they were taught so they don't know any better.
    Basic Training is HELL! Only a few people I know enjoyed it (17 and 18 years olds.) The physical part isn't as bad as the mental part. The biggest problem I had was being the oldest person there with no rank! The military is all about RANK! So as an older man with a family & career it was extremely difficult listenting to folks in their 20's screaming and disrespecting me 24/7. It's only after your training do you realize that everything they put you through had a reason.
    If you have time you can read my story under the personal experience section on this website.
    Peace My brother - Larry :)

    [email protected]

  • Moridin

    I too believe that she'll start to really respect my decision after a little while, I'm just glad that she isn't going to disown me over it. Eyebrow, your question about my wife, she is not a JW and never was one nor had any relatives that are or were. So some of the things she sees going on upsets her because she doesn't understand the background enough. But my mother likes her a lot and I'm sure everything will be good while I'm gone.

  • Bridgette

    How about a mother's love? Usually far too strong and instinctual to be snubbed out by religious/corporate rhetoric.
    Love and best wishes to you and all your lovely family,

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