by glenster 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • glenster

    One year I haven't found much of anything by the Watchtower for is 1945. Does anyone have any quotes and literature names and dates for 1945?

    For example, I have:

    1968 "During world war I, God's people expected it to lead directly into Ar-
    mageddon, but Jehovah prevented such a climax at that time. We didn't succumb
    to such an expectation during world war II." ("(Our) Kingdom Ministry," Jan.,
    1968, p.5)

    I found JWs literature claims of Armageddon being right around the corner for every year of WWII (including the fighting in Europe before the U.S. got involved) except 1945. A few examples:

    1939 "The abundance of Scriptural evidence, together with the physical facts
    that have come to pass showing the fulfillment of prophecy, conclusively proves
    that the time for the battle of the great day of God Almighty is very near and
    that in that battle all of God's enemies shall be destroyed and the earth
    cleared of wickedness." ("Salvation," Rutherford, 1939, p.310)

    1941 JWs were "in the remaining months before Armageddon" according to "The
    Watchtower," Sept.15, 1941, p.288.

    1943 "The final war will come as a most sudden and complete surprise...."
    "Nevertheless, the appearing of the 'desolating abomination in the holy place'
    is an unerring proof that the unknown day and hour of the beginning of the final
    war is dangerously near." ("The Truth Shall Make you Free, 1943, 1953)

  • cultswatter

    OOOh ya army geddon is so sooooh close just around the corner

  • Atlantis


    W h e n T h i s P r o p h e c y B e g a n

    The prophecy of Armageddon by 2000 AD began in 1945 in TheWatchtower (February 15 pp. 51-60) in the article TheKingdom Sabbath and Its Lord.


    1945 Blood transfusion are not acceptable


    By the time the Aug. 15, 1945, issue of the
    Watchtower was published, Witnesses were told that they could not allcurrently be regarded as children of God. On page 253 of that issue,
    it was written: "he is not yet giving the `other sheep' the standing
    of sons of his, sons of `The everlasting Father' (Isaiah 9:6). But
    these faithful ones will become such during his thousand-year reign
    after Armageddon; and now, by virtue of the prospect of eventually
    becoming Jehovah's perfect sons, they address him prospectively as
    `Our Father.'"


    In 1945, the Watchtower President, the late Nathan Knorr saw fit to amend thearticles of incorporation to change the stated purpose of the Society. Regarding their purposes they deleted:

    "The purpose for which the corporation is formed is,...the dissemination of Bible truths in various languages by means of the publication of tracts, pamphlets, papers and other religious documents, and by the use of all other lawful means which its Board of Directors, duly constituted, shall deem expedient for the furtherance of the purpose stated."


    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • Atlantis


    I forgot to say: Welcome to the board!

    Tweety picture no.0355

    Cheers! Atlantis-

  • Leolaia

    Very interesting that the Society says that "God's people" (i.e. Jehovah's Witnesses via the WTB&TS and its publications) did not succumb to an expectation during World War II that it would "lead directly into Armageddon" or would have the "climax" of Armageddon follow it. The nearness of Armageddon was so repetitively intoned over and over again from the mid-1930s onward to 1945 at least that everything since -- including the 1975 prophecy -- pales in comparison. I have supplied below a mere sampling of the many, many statements about how close Armageddon was, or how present wartime events were going to lead into the destruction of Babylon the Great, the first act of Armageddon. I have provided this lengthy sampling to demonstrate just how obsessed the Society was with the nearness of Armageddon, how convinced it was that it lay only months ahead, or just a little into the postwar period. Many more examples could be provided from the literature. The most strident example is the last one, delivered on 10 June 1945, falling in the period between V-E Day (8 May 1945) and V-J Day (15 August 1945).

    "During the past fifteen years, in obedience to God's commandments, Jehovah's witnesses have been giving this testimony to the nations....The Scriptural evidence and the physical facts strongly indicate that such witness work is now almost done, and when it is done the universal war will begin. Universal war is absolutely certain to come, and that soon, and no power can stop it.... During the few remaining months until the breaking out of that universal cataclysm the powers that rule the nations of the earth will continue to make treaties... They will continue to persecute and oppose Jehovah's witnesses who are trying to get the truth to the people" (Universal War Near, 1935, pp. 26-27)
    "Today there are about two thousand pioneers who have literally done what Peter and the other apostles did; they have left all to do the Lord's bidding, devoting their entire time to preaching the gospel message from house to house.... Some of these, as in New Jersey, and Germany, and Quebec, are often imprisoned as was Peter. Their life is strenuous, as was Peter's, and interesting and exciting, as was his, to the last degree. Armageddon is just ahead. Today, today, they have the opportunity to suffer something for Jehovah's name. Tomorrow it will all be for ever done. How gladly the angels of God would leave their places in heaven, if that were God's will, to come to New Jersey, and go out in the work in Plainfield or Maplewood, and stand before De Meza or Thiele and say as did Peter of old, "Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard." And recently the angels have heard some wonderful things of what God is about to do in Armageddon; and there will be more.... The women of Jehovah's organization do not have time to powder and paint to look like a circus poster (nor do they want to), neither could they qualify as a model for cigarette ads. Nor do they spend their time toying with cocktail glasses, but if I might propose a toast (water will serve the purpose) it would be, "Here is to the Time writer; we hold our nose as he passes by." Maybe when Armageddon strikes he will realize that the shine on their faces was from an inner glow that was consuming their every thought and energy" (Golden Age, 11 September 1935, p. 792, 799).
    "All the relief work was stopped in Idaho at the first of the year. In shacks that would not keep a horse warm I have seen a mother with two to eight children watching a lone aluminum pot boil with some beans or potatoes in it. Under the conditions it seemed to me that a dose of strychnine would have been more humane than that regular daily dose of poison. How I have hoped and prayed for Armageddon!" (Golden Age, 9 October 1935, p. 30).
    "Can we do better in April? The enemy is now hastening the nations to Armageddon, and Christ Jesus is separating the sheep from the goats" (The Director, April 1936, p. 1).
    "It is not for them to know just how soon the curse will fall, that is to say, just what hour or year Armageddon will take place. They certainly know that it cannot be far removed from the present day, because that work marked out for them, and which they are doing, immediately precedes Armageddon" (Watchtower, 1 December 1936, p. 365).
    "All witnesses for the Lord must be unusually diligent to carry the truth to the people now, and this work must be completed before Armageddon, which will follow shortly after the Hierarchy has reached the zenith of its arrogance and power" (Informant, May 1937, p. 1)
    "If anybody acquainted with God’s Word and the present-day events has any doubt about the approaching battle of Armageddon, the activities of the old harlot throughout the earth should fully convince him. In every country Catholic Action is being pushed against God’s kingdom. This of itself is evidence that Jehovah is permitting the enemy to go his limit now, just before Armageddon... [W]ithout the aid of the radio (which is still completely State-controlled and will probably so continue until Armageddon) or of sound cars, and with only a very limited number of phonographs yet available, we have still been able to keep our ground [in Sweden]" (1938 Yearbook, p. 159, 189).
    "Would it be Scripturally proper for them now to marry and to begin to rear children? No is the answer which is supported by the Scriptures.... Those Jonadabs who now contemplate marriage, it would seem, would do better if they wait a few years, until the fiery storm of Armageddon is gone" (Face the Facts, 1938, pp. 46, 50).

    "JEHOVAH’S faithful people on earth publicly emphasized the importance of the dates 1914 and 1918 and 1925. They had much to say about these dates and what would come to pass, but not all they predicted came to pass. The predictions, as to the dates, were correct, but what came to pass could not be fully seen in advance. The failure to come to pass of some of the things predicted has afforded Satan’s agents in 'Christendom', particularly the clergy and the 'man of sin', an opportunity to ridicule and reproach the faithful servants of the Most nigh God, and to say of and concerning them and their published statements: ‘All their visions and predictions have failed; and such proves that they are all wrong, and that all their predictions for the future must fail.’ ...To be sure, no man can say precisely what day or year Jehovah’s battle at Armageddon will be fought, but it is easy to be seen that now conditions among the people are such as to indicate that a great crisis is near. ... God’s kingdom has begun to operate. His day of vengeance is here, and his terrible battle at Armageddon is near and certain to fall upon 'Christendom', and that within an early date. God’s judgment is upon 'Christendom' and must shortly be executed.... Jesus gave answer to the question as to what should come to pass at the end of the world, and he said that, following the World War, which began in 1914, false prophets and false Christs would arise. False prophets and false Christs’ being thus mentioned together shows that there would be co-operation between the false prophets and the false Christs in their opposition to the truth of God’s kingdom message. The ‘evil servant’ class claim to be the anointed of God and, these being false, they are therefore false Christs....Those once enlightened by the truth and taken into the covenant, and who are in line for the kingdom, and who now refuse to testify to Jehovah’s kingdom, and oppose those who are so doing, by their actions declare that ‘the Lord has delayed his coming’ " (Watchtower, 1 September 1938, pp. 269-270)

    "The enemy has rapidly closed in on the Lord’s people during the year. The witness work, as far as being openly and actively done, has been destroyed by the gangster Hitler and his cohorts, directed by the great adversary Satan, in Czechoslovakia, Germany, Poland, Luxemburg, Austria and Danzig. Still there has been some individual work done by faithful servants of Jehovah in these lands. The Society’s property has been seized in the countries of Austria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, and many of the servants of the Lord have been driven out of the land. It is quite evident that the witness work is near an end in continental Europe, and this is further proof that Armageddon is near at hand.... One brother writes: ’Jehovah knows that our company had not a sound-car. It is doubtful if we shall have it before Armageddon. For that reason he has blessed our company with more than usually strong rowers, and boats, and provided us with a territory very rich in lakes' " (1940 Yearbook, p. 132, 192).
    "The prophecy of Daniel, at the eleventh chapter, proceeds to detail the struggle between the 'king of the north' and 'the king of the south', and definitely tells of the everlasting end of the totalitarian rule and that the Axis combine, the dictatorial rule, shall soon cease for ever...While the two kings, 'the king of the north' and 'the king of the south', engage in the most deadly and destructive war of all time, the God of heaven sets up his kingdom... [T]hese present-day events will be quickly followed by the complete destruction of Satan's rule, there shall follow quickly "the battle of the great day of God Almighty" (Comfort all that Mourn, 1941, pp. 16, 21).
    " 'The year 1940 is certain to be the most important year yet, because Armageddon is very near.' It behooves all who love righteousness to put forth every effort to advertise THE THEOCRACY while the privileges are still open" (Informant, May 1940, p. 1)
    "Dictators and their allied enemies prevent the convention extending to countries outside of America. That is a greater reason why persons of goodwill in America should now assemble together to comfort and edify each other. There may not be many more such conventions before Armageddon. Those who love the Lord will do what they can now to aid others to see and to appreciate the great convention that shall follow Armageddon" (Watchtower, 1 June 1940, p. 172)
    "The Watchtower clearly proves that Armageddon is not far off. It therefore behooves all of the anointed and their companions to work with even greater diligence than ever before while it is still day. There is no time now to slack the hand. We should have at least 60,000 model studies going every week. That is only an average of one model study per publisher. It can be done, and if each one realizes his responsibility to The Theocracy he will put forth every effort to attain this quota" (Informant, September 1940, p. 2).
    "Whether it shall be the Lord’s will that another Yearbook be published before Armageddon, of course, no one can say. What the immediate future holds it would be unwise to try to predict. All the surrounding circumstances, however, indicate that the battle of Armageddon is near at hand, which means the end of wickedness in the earth and the full ushering in of righteousness.... The trying experiences of the year past, the persecution and reproach of God’s people by the enemy, and which persecution daily increases, testifies that we are near Armageddon and that soon we shall see a complete change. The present time is the day ’when the wicked spring up as the grass, and when all the workers of imquity do flourish’. Never at any time has there been such wickedness and lawlessness against Christians in America as today....Comfort and aid those of good-will. The day of deliverance is near!" (1941 Yearbook, p. 246, 249).
    "Cartons of Children that had been deposited in The Arena were now opened, and Judge Rutherford instructed the children how to come and each get a copy thereof.... Never was there a more moving sight in these "last days". Many, including strong men, wept at the demonstration. Receiving the gift, the marching children clasped it to them, not a toy or plaything for idle pleasure, but the Lord’s provided instrument for most effective work in the remaining months before Armageddon" (Watchtower, 15 September 1941, p. 288).
    "Just how long thereafter THE FINAL END comes is not revealed to creatures up to the present time. No one has authority to attempt to say just what day or hour THE FINAL END arrives.... Today (1941) "the king of the north" is easily identified as being represented in the so-called "Axis powers" composed of Greater Germany, Italy, and the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, with chief offices at Vatican City. Here again politics and religion, or demonism, form a combination to rule and to keep the people in ignorance of Jehovah’s gracious provision for mankind. The chief objective of this present-day ’king of the north' is world domination.... The undisputed facts show that Hitler and his allies are moving forward with that very purpose in mind.... The Bible and physical and historical facts plainly identify "the king of the south" as the world ruling-power that claims the right to rule and rules in the name of Democracy.... "The king of the north" and "the king of the south" are both violently opposed to each other, and both claim the right to rule, and hence both are seeking world domination.... "And at the time of the end shall the king of the south push at him: and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over." (Dan. 11:40) At this point of the prophecy of Daniel it appears that the fulfillment thereof relates particularly to the time beginning in the summer of 1939 and continues thereafter. At that time "the king of the south" took the initiative and "the king of the north" was warned by "tile king of the south" that the invasion of Poland meant war.... This was the kind of ’lightning war" staged by the Nazis against Poland, Holland and other countries. The attack was made, obviously, under demon timing and direction. All the attacks of "the king of the north" strongly indicate that Gog, the demon field marshal of Satan, is directing the blitzkrieg, or lightning-war....It cannot be taken to mean that the British Commonwealth of Nations or the United States of America, and the other Americas, will be wiped out by "the king of the north". In fact, the prophecy does not disclose which of these 'kings' will be victorious in the present war, but the opinion is here expressed that neither one will have a complete victory. The end of the war will come about in a manner somewhat different from what worldly prognosticators say... Will the present world conflict between the "Axis powers" and the so-called "democracies", the opposers, end in a decisive victory for either side? The prophecy indicates the contrary result; and since we have no way of determining the future save by the prophecy of God, as set forth in the Bible, we know that that way is correct. All the prophecies and the present-day facts indicate that the contending nations will before long enter into some sort of peace treaty.... Then the proclamation of world peace by that combined ruling power, particularly the religious element, will be made.... By the time that "Peace and safety" proclamation is announced the totalitarian, demonized rulers will conclude that everything on the earth is well in hand, and that Jehovah’s witnesses and companions are safely tucked away. But when the emphatic message is heard by them from ’the north and the east’, that is, from Jehovah and Christ Jesus, the demonized ruling elements will conclude that they must completely rid the earth of Jehovah’s witnesses.... That battle of the great day of God Almighty will bring the demons’ rule to its final end. That battle is not to be fought between "the king of the north" and "the king of the south", because at that time all nations will be absorbed into the demon-controlled totalitarian rule. The great and final fight is the battle of Armageddon, in which Christ Jesus, the glorious King, makes war upon all the forces of Satan, both visible and invisible. The totalitarians’ structure is what is now called "the new World Order", "the new League of Nations"; and those rulers expect it to endure forever. (Watchtower, 15 September 1941, "Demon-Rule Ending, Part 1", p. 278; 1 December 1941, "Demon-Rule Ending, Part 6," p. 355, 358; 15 December 1941, "Demon-Rule Ending, Part 7," p. 372-373, 375-376).
    "Those who love God and his Kingdom pay no attention to this great opposition and move ahead with the one thing they are commissioned to do, namely, 'comfort all that mourn,' in this time of world distress culminating in Armageddon" (1942 Yearbook, p. 216).
    "The doom of 'Christendom' is sealed. Armageddon is very near. The destruction there will be tremendous, exceeding anything of past human history.... Now we are near the FINAL END of the "time of the end", and the nations of "Christendom" are in the throes of war and turmoil. The political and commercial elements hypocritically offer prayers, presumably to God, for peace, and they look to the head of the greatest religious organization on earth as their mediator to intercede with God, for God to grant peace and prosperity once again on earth.... Jehovah’s witnesses, as pictured by Jeremiah, have a great and serious job to do, and the time in which to do it is limited by the approaching hour which God knows and has fixed for the beginning of Armageddon, 'his strange act.' .... With totalitarian rule overrunning the whole earth, and Armageddon swiftly approaching, the conditions now require that Jehovah’s commissioned people and their companions follow the example of the huntsman....The full recompense will come at Armageddon, now near. It therefore behooves Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions to lose no time, but to make every effort and use every opportunity to aid all persons of good-will to get out promptly lest these share 'Christendom's' destruction.... All these things being so, the final gathering by the Lord is on. Let nothing for one instant interrupt the onward push of his covenant-people in His service. The time is short, the opportunity is great, and blessed is he that has a part in it. " (Watchtower, 1 February 1942, p. 37-45)
    "The work is progressing, the number of pioneers increasing, and some, at least, realize that Armageddon is at hand and are arousing themselves to greater activity in helping the multitude" to gather into groups" (Watchtower, 1 March 1942, p. 80).
    "Now, with Armageddon immediately before us, it is a matter of life or destruction. Those who would be of the Lord’s "other sheep" that shall compose the "great multitude" of Armageddon survivors and live joyfully on earth forever must find the answer to a very personal question, and very important.... Do not think thyself above God’s law and that man’s law is higher than God’s in some cases, especially in some man-made emergency [i.e. World War II]. The world emergency with Armageddon at the door is the very time to most anxiously keep God’s law and obey him rather than obey desperate men. Only those who thus walk obediently with Jehovah God as Noah walked with God down to the Flood will have any chance to survive Armageddon and serve him beyond" (Watchtower, 1 May 1942, p. 139-142).
    "Now 'Christendom' has brought forth the 'abomination of desolation' foretold by the prophet Daniel and Christ Jesus, and 'the king of the south' [i.e. allied powers] and 'the king of the north' [i.e. Nazi Germany and the axis powers] have set it up 'in the holy place' as a substitute to crowd out Jehovah’s kingdom under Christ Jesus. It is a sure evidence of the nearness of Armageddon, and Jesus warns those wanting to escape to immediately flee to the 'mountains', to wit, Jehovah God and Christ his King, for safety" (Watchtower, 15 May 1942, p. 153).
    "What politicians, world-trade traffickers, scientists, militarists, and religionists may try to set up on earth after this war for world domination will not rest upon the only Foundation that Jehovah has laid. Hence their setup will be no part of the new world for which Jehovah’s High Priest has made atonement. For such fundamental reasons man’s postwar arrangement will not survive the battle of Armageddon. The 'battle of that great day of God Almighty' will break out suddenly upon the postwar builders when they think they can cry out, 'Peace and safety ’ (1 Thess. 5:3)" (Watchtower, 1 September 1942, p. 259).
    "The fact that all the nations [i.e. especially Germany] hate and persecute Jehovah’s witnesses is ample evidence that those religion-dominated nations have taken notice of the message of Jehovah’s kingdom and vengeance.... Nowthe trial of God’s elect is reaching its climax as the battle of Armageddon is being approached... February 1 marked the opening of the Watchtower Bible College of Gilead, located nine miles north of Ithaca, New York.... One of the directors of the New York corporation followed [the dedication talk] showing it was in keeping with God’s due time to institute the college now and that it was a visible indication of the nearness of the battle of Armageddon" (Watchtower, 15 February 1943, p. 53, 60).
    "Yes, when will this new world be established? After that coming "last war"; and it is not far off. Is the global war between the totalitarian monstrosity and democracy it? That it might be so, is the fond desire of all men, except professional warmongers... Do you see the structure of the postwar world being shaped in the fires of this total war? It is sure evidence that 'the battle of that great day of God Almighty' must and will come. When the postwar builders cry 'Peace and safety!' then will break forth the battle and will destroy this old world with its record of bloodshed, suffering, religion and oppression of the people" (Kingdom News, April 1943, p. 2).
    "The greater disaster of Armageddon, prefigured by the flood, is imminent" (Watchtower, 15 April 1943, p. 126).
    "Do not lose sight of it: with demon forces unseen and totalitarian forces relentlessly striving to drag all humankind down to utter destruction at the world catastrophe of Armageddon, the care of your spiritual interests is the most essential life-concern to you and those you love and can help. The battle of Armageddon cannot be sidetracked; all nations are remorsely marching nearer and nearer to it, and all we can do is to prepare to pass through it with strength and help and protection which lies not within ourselves, but in Jehovah God" (Watchtower, 15 August 1943, p. 252).
    "The sight of the 'abomination of desolation' standing contrary to divine law in the place that is 'holy' or set apart for God's Righteous Government is a sign, Jesus said; a sign that the great tribulation is dangerously near.... In September, 1939, total war broke out. Thereafter more than thirty members (the majority) of the League of Nationsbecame actively involved in the struggle between totalitarian and democratic political powers, symbolized in Daniel 11 :40-43 as war between the Rome-controlled 'king of the north' and 'the king of the south' under Anglo-American control. Thereby the essential functions of the League of Nations and its Permanent Court of Arbitration were forced to suspend operations, and the seven-headed "beast" took a fall down into the bottomless pit or abyss, but not to stay down . The prophecy says that the international "collective security" beast will 'ascend out of the abyss' and 'shall be present'. (Revelation 17:8, Diaglott; Roth.) This must come at the close of the total war and at the international effort then to restore peace and security... Because of this blasphemous anti-Christ abomination, "Christendom" will bring irreparable desolation upon her own self first, and upon all nations of the earth shortly thereafter, at Armageddon" (The Truth Shall Make You Free, 1943, pp. 336-338, 340).
    "Despite all declared aims and slogans of the United Nations, this curb against the free spreading of the truth will not stop with the end of the global war. God Almighty's own Word for it is that the opposition to Bible Christianity will not weaken in the postwar period, but will persist and strengthen. At the last it will bring the nations to the climax, the battle of Armageddon. For this reason, when the postwar builders get their political, commercial, religious structure erected and operating and begin to cry "Peace and Safety!" it will not mean a peace with the truth about Jehovah's Theocratic Government under his Christ. Therefore it will not mean a peace with or from Jehovah God. Suddenly complete destruction from God and by Christ will come upon the whole postwar arrangement, and organized religion will go down first. God's Word says so" (Fighting For Liberty on the Home Front, 1943, pp. 28-29).
    "The 'strange work' which precedes God’s 'strange act' at Armageddon is not yet done. So many of the 'other sheep' are yet scattered and in danger of perishing, and need to be fed. We stand at the threshold of 1944. It is certain to be a crucial year. Whether it brings either sudden or speedy close to the conflict between 'the king of the north' and 'the king of the south' is immaterial. The postwar era must come with its human efforts and machinery for global peace. That will bring its own tests of the faith and faithful endurance of Jehovah’s servant class and their companions, because Satan and his demons will be relentlessly marching all nations to the climax at Armageddon" (Watchtower, 1 January 1944, p. 11).
    "God has commanded that at this time immediately before Armageddon’s war his consecrated people must be his witnesses and sing forth his praises and tell the peoples of earth concerning Jehovah’s doings in order that the peoples may know that Jehovah is God and that deliverance is at hand by his kingdom under Christ" (Watchtower, 1 March 1944, p. 77).
    "The day of Armageddon is very near, when God will express his wrath and exhibit his great power against Satan and all his forces.... in obedience to the Lord’s commandments, these witnesses give warning of the impending disaster that shall fall upon the old world at Armageddon. Therefore this is the time of great emergency, because the battle of Armageddon is very near" (Watchtower, 1 May 1944, pp. 141-142).
    "That terrific whirlwind of annihilation is drawing near, according to all the weather signals of God's Word. It will shortly strike all nations in "the battle of that great day of God Almighty", at Armageddon. Religion has lined up all nations in opposition against Jehovah God and his Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus. Therefore the whirlwind is inevitable.... The Kingdom is the only sure haven and protection from the oncoming world-storm" (Religion Reaps the Whirlwind, 1944, pp. 59-60, 63).
    "Already, down to this year 1945, Jehovah God has fought many battles for them and has maintained for them the ’freedom wherewith Christ has made them free’. They look forward calmly and confidently to the fast-approaching battle of Armageddon, knowing that the same unconquerable God shall fight that battle for them too, because the battle is not theirs, but God’s.... At the time when Satan’s visible postwar organization will have made its loudest boasts and direst threats against Jehovah’s servants on earth of his Theocratic Government, then the night of Armageddon will settle down upon this world" (Watchtower, 1 April 1945, p. 104, 108).
    "There is no longer any time to wait, for the Kingdom of God is here! .... It is a day of decision, and its precious hours of opportunity are remorselessly ticking out. The zero hour for the final war of Armageddon is undelayably coming on, although no man knows the day nor the hour thereof (Matthew 24:35-39)... Allowing for no uncertainty as to what to do in this epoch of total war that began in 1914 (A.D.), Christ Jesus foretold the World War I, of which there was a resumption in 1939.... It is therefore in these days that we must look for the 'abomination of desolation'.... What, then, could that foretold 'abomination of desolation' be but the global government of which the Dumbarton Oaks plan was only a tentative diagram, to be amended by the 1945 San Francisco Conference? The attempt is to stand up such a world system of international collaboration in the 'holy place' and thereby make unnecessary the rule of the Kingdom of God, the Holy City, of which Christ Jesus is King.... The international 'abomination of desolation', therefore, represents the final total lineup of this old world against Jehovah's universal domination and his Theocratic Government by Christ Jesus.... It is the time for the battle of Armageddon, and the Captain of all of Jehovah's hosts is his 'Commander to the peoples' " (The Commander to the Peoples, 1945, pp. 21-23, 26, 28; from a talk delivered by N. H. Knorr on 10 June 1945).

    For those JWs who today are shook up by the recent statements on the nearness of Armageddon in the publications, the constant drumbeat in these 1930s and 1940s-era publications that exceed what is written today should give one pause.

  • glenster

    Thanks for all the helpflul responses! The last Watchtower example, from 1945, is a deception double-header:

    - it contradicts the 1968 claim that the JWs leaders didn't succumb to pre-
    dicting Armageddon soon during WWII, and

    - it contradicts that Russell, prior to WWI, taught you weren't supposed to
    interpret wars, earthquakes, etc., as signs of impending Armageddon, and even
    fudged to the point of dismissing any conviction that his predictions were reli-
    able, by describing Russell as predicting WWI.

    1884 "What commoner all through the ages than wars and rumors of wars,
    famines, pestilences, and earthquakes? These, as marking the course of the age,
    can never indicate its close."

    "No, there was nothing special to alarm the antediluvians before the day that
    Noah entered into the ark; nothing special to startle the men of Sodom ere the
    fire from heaven fell; and like as it was in those days, so will it be in these.
    All going on just as usual, no single sign to attract the world's attention.
    'None of the wicked shall understand' the true state of affairs, only the 'wise'
    enlightened by the word of prophecy." ("Watchtower Reprints," Sept., 1884,

    1897 From "Studies in the Scriptures," Vol.4, "The Battle
    of Armageddon," pp.566 and 567:

    "Yet it is against the kind which 'deceive many' that our Lord cautions us
    here, and again, later on in his prophecy, in which connection we will examine
    particularly the antichrists which have deceived many.

    "The History of Eighteen Centuries Briefly Foretold--Matt. 24:6-13; Mark 13:7-
    13; Luke 21:9-19--

    "And ye shall hear of wars and rumors [threats, intrigues] of wars: see that
    ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not
    yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and
    there shall be famines and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All
    these are primary sorrows." Matt. 24:6-8

    "Thus briefly did our Lord summarize secular history, and teach the disciples
    not to expect very soon his second coming and glorious Kingdom. And how aptly:
    surely the world's history is just this--an account of wars, intrigues, famines
    and pestilences--little else."

    1914 "We had expected that if the Gentile Times should end with the present
    year, this would surely mean that all the Bride class would participate in the
    First Resurrection change from earthly conditions to Heavenly conditions before
    the end of the present year. Although this was not stated positively, it was
    pointed out to be the logical conclusion.

    "Now it does not look so. We see Scriptures which are not yet fulfilled and
    which, we are convinced, could not find accomplishment before the end of this

    "There is still a possibility that we have made no mistake in respect to the
    time, but have erred in respect to the things expected. For instance, it may be
    that the Times of the Gentiles do expire with the present year, but that the
    Lord will not dispossess them nor take from them their earthly dominion so
    quickly as we had anticipated. Considering that they have been in power for
    2,520 years, dispossession in one year might seem very sudden--indeed, to accom-
    plish it in five, or ten, or twenty years, might seem not an unreasonable time."

    "The great crisis, the great clash, symbolically represented as a fire, that
    will consume the ecclesiastical heavens and the social earth, is very near. But
    when we have said this we have said about all that it is safe or proper for us
    to say. We have never claimed inspiration nor prophetic vision. All that we
    have ever claimed is that 'Wonderful things in the Bible we see,' and that the
    dearest is the love of the Heavenly Father and our Heavenly Lord Jesus, and that
    the time for the establishment of the Kingdom is very nigh." ("The Watch Tow-
    er," May 1, 1914, pp.132-134)

    On July 28, WWI broke out. Though it was a year and two months earlier than
    his corrected date (no year "0"), Oct., 1915, and two months earlier than his
    original date, Oct., 1914, Russell pretended he predicted something for the
    Aug.15, 1914, Zion's Watch Tower and wrote:

    "St. Paul, referring to our day and to present conditions, declares the Lord's
    Message, 'Yet once more will I shake, not the earth only, but also the heavens.'
    By inspiration the Apostle informs us that this will be the last great shaking
    which the world will ever have, because in this troubled time in the early dawn
    of the Millennium, everything shakable will be shaken and destroyed so thorough-
    ly that nothing will remain except that which is unshakable--that which will
    fully have the Divine approval. The Apostle says that the only thing remaining
    unshakable will be the Kingdom of God in the hands of The Christ--Head and
    Body.--'Hebrews 12:18-27'."

    As the big date, Oct., 1914, approached, Russell fudged again:

    1914 "The present terrible war is not the great Time of Trouble in the full-
    est sense of the word, but merely its forerunner. The great Time of Trouble of
    the Scriptures will be brought on by anarchy--the general uprising of the peo-
    ple; as the Prophet says, 'every man's hand against his neighbor, no peace to
    him that goeth out or to him that cometh in.'--'Zechariah 8:10'."

    "While it is possible that Armageddon may begin next Spring, yet it is purely
    speculation to attempt to say just when. We see, however, that there are paral-
    lels between the close of the Jewish Age and this Gospel Age. These parallels
    seem to point to the year just before us--particularly the early months."
    ("Watchtower Reprints," Sept.1, 1914, pp.5526,5527)

  • yaddayadda

    "By the time the Aug. 15, 1945, issue of the Watchtower was published, Witnesses were told that they could not all currently be regarded as children of God. On page 253 of that issue, it was written: "he is not yet giving the `other sheep' the standing of sons of his, sons of `The everlasting Father' (Isaiah 9:6). But these faithful ones will become such during his thousand-year reign after Armageddon; and now, by virtue of the prospect of eventually becoming Jehovah's perfect sons, they address him prospectively as `Our Father.'"

    Wow, I knew that the 'other sheep' weren't considered to be God's son's until they were perfected at the end of the millennial reign, but I didn't know they only address Jehovah as father 'PROSPECTIVELY'! That is a new twist to me.

    What a frikken outrage!

  • greendawn

    It's interesting to note the urgency of the message throughout the years it never diminishes it's always coming some time really soon. That is the manipulation for drawing people in and then intimidating them using the same issue. The tactic hasn't changed at all even in 2007, it's a constant theme because it was very successful for them.

  • garybuss

    New administrations have the job of establishing credibility and loyalty to their administrations. That was especially a large job for Rutherford due to the context of the change as well as due to the way the change was done. Russell was a popular leader, his prophecy of 1914 just failed, World War One raged on, loyal Russell appointed directors were fired and escorted out of Bethel by the police, and the work was banned in Canada. Grim times!

    Much of the Rutherford work done was to discredit Russell without losing the paying members. That was not very successful. Rutherford lost many followers. The loyalty to Russell was termed "creature worship" by Rutherford and made a sin. The "trumpet" conventions occurred in this frame and time and these are still seen by Witnesses today as fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Unfortunately, my ancestors were among those who chose Rutherford.

    The hype and drama was to establish the new administration. Knorr and Franz did the same thing after Rutherford died in 1942. Knorr moved quickly to establish signature programs and policies. End time hype has always been a handy distraction and as history has shown, the Armageddon scare has been nothing but hype. The current leaders are still beating that drum.

    The current administration is carefully dismantling the Rutherford and Knorr revelations and claims. Interestingly the Rutherford claims have survived pretty well. Those that are changed are those that fail with the passage of time such as we are seeing right now with the 1935 prophecy.

  • Pahpa

    The Watchtower never discusses the anticipation of JWs to every suggestion the organization makes....except to blame its followers when the predictions fail. We all experienced this with the 1975 fiasco. Visiting representatives of the Watchtower (Circuit and District Overseers) made the view of the FDS very clear that we could expect Armageddon that year even though the literature did not go that far. Like crafty lawyers, the Watchtower could say after the fact.... "Well, we never actually said....."

    I remember talking with a number of older JWs about their expectations during the years of 1940 - 1945. At the time it was generally held that the "great tribulation" started with WW I and was "cut short" for the sake of the "elect." WWII was viewed as the continuation of that "tribulation" and would culminate in Armageddon. Like with all the other failures, the Watchtower diminished its own responsibility and blamed others for its mistakes.

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