The Need To Question Atheism

by The wanderer 142 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vinny

    I cannot re-edit posts from a Mac. Forgot to delete that last quote on the bottom from LTCMD.LORE.


  • Anti-Christ
    1- Antichrist, how does life evolve from lifeless matter? Please tell us.

    2- Antichrist, how does it feel believing that red corvette simply could arrive all on its own since universe, life and earth (all far more complex) all arrived on their own?

    3- Antichrist, if its true that all these things just happened on their own, why cannot the same science and technology which sends folks to the moon, create ANY LIFE (even the simplest of living things) from non-living matter today?

    4- Antichrist, what about the universal fact of life PRINCIPLE that EVERY BEGINNING MUST HAVE A CAUSE CAUSE? What does THAT do for atheism?

    5- Antichrist, what does it say to you when people such as Einstein, Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Boyle, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin, Max Planck, and thousands of others scientists, philosophers, leaders such as Ghandi, MLK, every single President elected and many other successful people as well as BILLIONS of others believe in a Supreme Intelligent Designer and REJECT ATHEISM OUTRIGHT.

    If you are not atheist Antichrist, then will you tell the other posters just WHY you are not atheist at this time. Though your replies sure SOUND like atheist. If you are atheist then please answer the questions. There is only five of them. Or perhaps another atheist can answer all five in order.

    Hi vinny, I thought I did answer, but I'll try to make myself more clearer.

    1-I don't know, Like I said I'm here to find answers and different point of views.

    2-I don't believe the red corvette thing.

    3-I'm not sure but maby I'ts because they don't know how to and that's why they are still doing research

    4-I answered that one at page 7

    5- That every body has a right to beleive what they whant.

    And for your last question like I sai I'm not sure about god. I don"t have to Know every thing and I don't have an answer to every thing

  • Terry
    1- Antichrist, how does life evolve from lifeless matter? Please tell us.

    2- Antichrist, how does it feel believing that red corvette simply could arrive all on its own since universe, life and earth (all far more complex) all arrived on their own?

    3- Antichrist, if its true that all these things just happened on their own, why cannot the same science and technology which sends folks to the moon, create ANY LIFE (even the simplest of living things) from non-living matter today?

    4- Antichrist, what about the universal fact of life PRINCIPLE that EVERY BEGINNING MUST HAVE A CAUSE CAUSE? What does THAT do for atheism?

    5- Antichrist, what does it say to you when people such as Einstein, Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Galileo, Descartes, Newton, Boyle, Faraday, Mendel, Kelvin, Max Planck, and thousands of others scientists, philosophers, leaders such as Ghandi, MLK, every single President elected and many other successful people as well as BILLIONS of others believe in a Supreme Intelligent Designer and REJECT ATHEISM OUTRIGHT.

    In each of the above there are things assumed to be true and necessary. Secondly, what is assumed to be true and necessary is also asserted to be a matching analogy with evolution.

    For example, all of us see red corvettes as the result of a deliberate manufacturing process. This is compared to an organic process in the analogy. The analogy is ridiculous.

    On the point 3. it doesn't seem even mildly curious that God requires no Cause because you've already assumed he doesn't need one.

    On point 4. your scholarship is radically in error. Einstein, for example, came right out and said he did not regard God as a person.

    The fault in your argument is one of Whack-a-Mole and not analysis.

    Nobody can learn anything without the attitude: "I'm willing to be wrong."

    Think of it this way. There are, say, 5 billion people on earth. Every day one of them has something happen to them which happens to nobody else. The "chance" of that happening is 5 billion to 1. That does not make it impossible; only rare.

    Only possible things happen. Once they have happened it doesn't matter how unlikely it was. The chances of your dad's sperm uniting with your mom's egg and producing YOU instead of millions of others is vanishingly small. This doesn't mean you are impossible.

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