Question for JWS and EXJWS

by Fisherman 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Fisherman

    1 Do you now reject all of the wts teachings and doctrines?

    2 What doctrines do you still believe in?

    3 What doctrines have you stopped believing in?

    4 What doctrines are you not sure about?

  • SacrificialLoon

    At this point I have rejected everything about religion.

  • Beer Connoisseur
    Beer Connoisseur

    True Christians should look at any professed Christian Group like the Watchtower and answer ............

    1) I only reject those that are not based on Scripture.

    2)All that are based on Scripture

    3)Those that are not based on Scripture

    4)None, If everything I believe can be supported clearly by Scripture then I can be confident I have only truth.

    A simple example. The Watchtower tells its members to believe that Jesus is Michael the Archangel. Read the small book of Jude. What does Jude say about this? Also consider that If Jesus is Michael when back in heaven, why does every New Testament writer call the resurrected Lord Jesus, Our Savior Christ Jesus, Christ Our King etc. Can you find one verse where Michael is called Our Lord, Saviour, King?

    I choose to believe my Bible when it tells me Jesus is Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)

  • Mystla

    It has been a long process, but I currently believe only one thing that they taught me: When you die, there is nothing.. you are dead.

    It has been said that to reject God is like throwing out the baby with the bath water. I disagree, I didn't "reject" anybody. I looked for the baby in the bath water and didn't find anyone. This was not some knee-jerk reaction to leaving the JW's. This was the result of a lot of meditation and study.

    This was the personal conclusion that I came to.


  • What-A-Coincidence

    I have rejected everything that has to do with religion. I am now at peace. Praise Allah and the inventor of inflatable dolls.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    LOL, WAC!!

    1 Do you now reject all of the wts teachings and doctrines? You betchya. I reject the WTS totally. The WTS merely gives lip service to scriptures and a biblical God.

    2 What doctrines do you still believe in? None of the WTS doctrines.

    3 What doctrines have you stopped believing in? All of the WTS doctrines. If one is wrong, they're all wrong, because the truth with a big fat lie in it is not the truth, contrary to WTS opinion.

    4 What doctrines are you not sure about? I'm not sure about none of them.

  • Jeepthing

    1. Rejected most of jws main teachings on faithful discreet slave, going to service, turning in times, even on memorial,

    2. Hell, and trinity

    3. Faithful and discreet slave, door to door service, Jw is only true religion, no such thing as one true religion, jws are only one to survive

    4. That all these religions are false religion. I think most of christian religions are branch off main teachings from first century and it is unavoidable that we have so many different religions now.

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    1 Do you now reject all of the wts teachings and doctrines?

    I would prefer to say that I have come to my own conclusions by studying the Scriptures without the WTBTS blinders (their literature) on. After so doing, I share some teachings and doctrines with JWs as well as other sects of Christainity, and some that perhaps none of them hold.

    2 What doctrines do you still believe in?

    Those that can be clearly proven from Scripture without having to resort to supplemental material to support a clearly preconcieved doctrine.

    For example, start with the Law of Love, then add to that those other things (all summed up in that law, but fully expounded on elsewhere) as follows:

    Putting faith in God, his Son, Jesus Christ, his Son's ransom sacrifice's power to redeem us, and his inspired word the Holy Bible - Hebrews 10:12, 26; 11:6; 11:1-40; John 3:16-21; Romans chapters 4, 5 & 6; Romans 10: 9-17; Acts 4:12; 10:43; Matthew 26:28; Mark 3:28-30; James 4:17; 5:15; 1 John 4:9-14;Luke 13:23,24; 1 Timothy 4:10.

    Practicing the fruitages of the Holy Spirit, doing our utmost to avoid sin -Galatians 5:19-25;1 Corinthians 6: 9,10; Matthew 12:31

    Prayer - Matthew 5:44, 6:9, 26:41; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:16; Romans 12:21; Phillipians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; 1 Peter 4:7.

    3 What doctrines have you stopped believing in?

    All those that have no Scriptural support, and those that can be interpreted to have multiple, soundly Scripturally based, conclusions.

    4 What doctrines are you not sure about?

    If we're talking JW doctines, most. I believe only some of the doctrines taught by JWs (and organized Christian religions) have clear Scriptural support, in other words, there are, Scripturally, multiple ways to interpret the basis for many doctrines.

    If one prays for Holy Sprit in faith, and studies the New Testament with the intent of examining each topic as to whether it is a law or rule that must be obeyed for salvation, versus a principle, suggestion, admonition, etc, versus chronology, prophesy, etc, one finds that the "core beliefs" are those necessary for each individuals salvation, while most of Scripture is for other purposes, and should be treated accordingly.

    God judges the heart (cf. Hebrews 4:12), not whether one thinks the "right thoughts" in doctrinal matters of belief.

    In the end, God will judge each of us as individuals, not as part of a "religion", "group", "organization", etc. Many hide behind the mask of their religion’s beliefs, letting them decide what is right and wrong, what is necessary for salvation, etc. It takes personal study, research, and the ensuing Love, Faith, and other Fruitages, along with the aforementioned Scriptural practices, to gain salvation.

    That is why, imo, Jesus spoke these words in Matthew 7:13,14: "You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.


  • RichieRich
    1 Do you now reject all of the wts teachings and doctrines?


    2 What doctrines do you still believe in?

    that at some point in most people's lives, they will die.

    3 What doctrines have you stopped believing in?

    That my eternal happiness is contigent on how well i follow the ever-changing orders of some old guys in a tall building in Brooklyn, New York.

    4 What doctrines are you not sure about?

    I'm going to go with "N/A" here.

  • Stealth453





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