Got my invitation to the memorial today

by fairchild 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry

    Personally, I'd like to go. But I just know that there would probably be a scene. As soon as they started talking about how wrong it is to receive Jesus, I honestly believe that I would start prophesying and they would be forced to stone me to death.

    I have children to think about now ya know.

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    First and foremost, please know that I understand where you are coming from and I commend you for maintaining your integrity. You are not alone in taking this position; many who are close to me feel the same way. However, I think you misunderstand me on a view points:

    1. The ratification that I speak of has absolutely NOTHING to do with the WTBTS and/or any "vows" taken as part of them. I am speaking of ratification of the New Covenant, which is done by means of the blood of our Lord.

    2. Baptism by water (John's baptism) is minimal compared that baptism by holy spirit and fire (the baptism of our Lord). Although one can have the latter without having had the first, the first is truly of no significance without the latter.

    If I set foot in a KH, it would violate that record of staying clean from the newly contaminated and enforced self-realization from Brooklyn: that they had screwed up and didn't close the loophole (likely from CTR's day) that dedicated JW's to a generic religion.

    3. First, if that were entirely true, then setting foot in ANY religious edifice, be it a church, mosque, synagogue, etc., would result in contamination. Thank God, He doesn’t dwell in hand-made temples!

    Second, "Brooklyn" is not "newly contaminated." It was never "clean." It did and does, however, have people with the potential to become clean in her, from time to time (think Lot and Sodom/Gomorrah). That being said, I can understand how it would seem that my going would be tantamount to "touching the unclean thing." That is not the case, however, as my MOTIVE for going has absolutely nothing to do with that "city" – I do not condone her, follow her, nor worship in her. However, like Jerusalem, there are still sheep captive inside her walls. Thus, I go for the very same reason that my Lord told his disciples to remain in Jerusalem although the temple had already been abandoned and city condemned: there were those still inside who needed either to be warned (which I humbly admit is not my assignment), or given an example (which accept and profess is one of my assignments). Indeed, who is there to show them? If no one partook in their sight (and this occurs at many a Kingdom Hall) how would they know that it truly is okay, indeed NECESSARY to do so in order to (1) be resurrected at the last day and (2) live forever, the two hopes on which they base their very existence in that organization?

    Folks more often talk about how they “heard” of someone partaking” but you can tell by the craning of the necks that most don’t often SEE anyone doing so. It is for the sake of those, then, that I go: to set an example for them, to DEMONSTRATE my faith and not just pay lip service to it. Like the city of Jerusalem, the “city” of the WTBTS is void of God’s spirit, her “temple” abandoned; however, the time has not yet come for me to leave her entirely, for my Lord has not left the people entirely. So long as there are FIVE righteous souls, he will continue to call out to them. Thus, I continue to say “Here I am, send me!” and go… leaving entirely when my Lord, the Spirit, directs me to.

    And I don't need to go up to the temple of false prophets to affirm anything.

    I totally agree; I don’t NEED to go up to the temple to affirm my acceptance of the New Covenant. I do, however, need to DEMONSTRATE my acceptance of the terms of that Covenant, which terms are summed up in love. If, therefore, I do not go but completely abandon the sheep, while there are still some there and before my Lord directs me, I will have proved false to my calling.

    Don't contaminate yourself. But if you went to meetings or otherwise participated after the early 80's this doesn't apply to you; so you may "do as is good in your own eyes".

    I began participation with that organization in 1982 and thank you for your concern and concession; however, what is good in my own eyes is completely irrelevant. It is the Lamb that I must listen to, his will I must do, and he that I must follow… wherever he goes… or sends me. And just like him, although prohibited from the Law Covenant from touching anything unclean, he did in fact touch many who were unclean under the Law, not in trangression of the Law, but in surpassing it through love: he felt LOVE for those afflicted and enslaved and was willing to forego "legalities" for the sake of pity and compassion. As a result of his love, therefore, HE... although touching people considered "unclean"... remained clean. Because HE was clean. Which is why I cannot totally agree with your statement that:

    BTW, there is nothing of worth offered at that place.

    True, there is absolutely nothing worthy offered in that place; however, there are still PEOPLE there, those deserving of MY love... although they consider me their “enemy.” I do not go to worship there, however: I do not participate in their public prayers or singing - I do not “partake of the table of demons” or “eat things sacrificed to idols." I go, because I am sent… as a servant to the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ… to demonstrate what keeping the command to “eat my flesh” and “drink my blood” actually looks like... even to my enemies. Because it is by means of the flesh and blood of Christ that we will live forever... and I wish to prove myself a son of my Father.

    I hope you understand and are not “stumbled” by my position, dear Mustang; truly, it is not my intent to wreck the conscience of ANY of God’s sheep; however, I must fulfill my vow of love, even with regard to my “enemies.”

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of our God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, and the peace of His Son and Christ, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, be upon you… and your entire household… if you so wish it.

    Your servant and fellow slave of Christ,


  • geevee

    Sorry, been awol. When is the memorial this year?

  • jayhawk1

    I didn't get an invitation and I work that night. What a shame...

  • looseend

    I haven't went for the last couple years. An elder in the local hall asked me if i was going last year. I said it would be disrespectful since i don't believe in God. The elder said that it wouldn't be. I still don't know how that is. Maybe, since i am white i can go to a black panther party too.

  • 95stormfront

    I've finally made it clear to my wife and relative that I'll not be rearranging my responsibilities to go this year. It's just one hour of the most collossal waste of time ever? It was quite laughable, watching them go back and forth about taping it for me.

  • needproof

    No, haven't got mine, something tells me I wont get one lol

    Whats the point anyhow? It's all sun worship

  • zagor

    Hell, I've got one today meself, it is about the size of wacktower and has Jesus tied into ropes on it.

    I'll start getting paranoid; wherever I move they find me lol. I found this nice new condo. Haven't been there 3 days and already got knock on the door. We spoke for few minutes and young couple gave me the invitation. I told them, "I would really love to come but can't find any date to come with me to last supper" ;)

    So the went "oh no sir, you see it is not really a supper as such ..." It was really funny I'm just too tired to write in details lmao

  • anewme

    Living as I do way back in a canyon with 5 NO TRESPASSING signs posted at the gate I doubt I will receive a memorial tract at my door step. However I did receive an email invite.


    I can only speculate as to the reasons:

    1. That they wish to boost the numbers of attendees to look better at the annual report to indicate there is a growing interest in their religion, therefore making their latter day preaching effort more important than ever.

    2. They feel the end is so imminent that their mere presence on memorial night might save thousands from the ensuing angelic destruction.

    3. They will be serving laced kool-aid to all who falsely partake, that way eliminating false anointed.

    In any event, I do not trust them anymore, having returned to the KH several times since my dfing and its always the same ol same ol nothing new non-inspiring meetings. And I do not want my presence counted and reported in their annual report to make them look more popular.

    Does Jehovah count the time four years ago I went to the Memorial? Does he count the six months I sat in the back of the hall here in this town in shame and disgrace?????
    Does he count the 35 years I was a slave of the Watchtower??????

    I think the only one counting is the Watchtower Society! Counting on dopes to obey them and go to their stupid dishonoring service which pays more attention to the elite anointed Governing Body than to beautiful Christ himself.

    HELL NO I WONT GO!!!!!

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