any of you believe in some person in the sky floating around called Jesus? Or having a relationship with that person (or God) who is in some other DIMENSION apparantlY? Being a Witness, they stressed so much having a relationship with "Jehovah" and all that. Do you believe there is a Jehovah? Or a JEsus up there?
Do you believe in God? oR Jesus?
by themonster123 28 Replies latest jw friends
No. I think a God requires more of an explaination regarding how it got there then the residents of planet Earth do.
If there is someone up there, they've done a helluva job staying hidden.
I believe in God and his son Jesus Christ.
I don't pray often. If he is the God of the JW,s, then I'm deceived.
what about both being there?
do any of you believe in some person in the sky floating around
Welcome, Monster.
Why would we want to confine our foundational significance to an invisible creature or configuration somewhere out in space, time and dimension? Why place any quantitative or spatial limitations on our Source and Sustenance at all? Who the hell are we to do such a thing?
In other words, my answer would be: "No".
Lately, I subscribe to George Carlin's view of things.
God? Is this the god who sits wherever he sits and watches the crap he watches while not doing anything visibly to fix things? OH yeah, him and me are tight....
I believe in God the Father, his Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Three distinct personages, One is essence and One in Nature.....ahhhh.....the Trinity
Tyrone van leyen
I need proof to beleive there's a God who cares. When he decides to stop playing games, then I'll beleive.