How many Christians were there in the 1st century?

by yaddayadda 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JWoods

    Much that has been written about Christian martyrs is embellished by tradition and therefore unreliable. For example, the martyrdom of Polycarp of the second century C.E. is described in Fox’sBookofMartyrs as follows: "He was . . . bound to a stake, and the faggots with which he was surrounded set on fire, but when it became so hot that the soldiers were compelled to retire, he continued praying and singing praises to God for a long time. The flames raged with great violence, but still his body remained unconsumed, and shone like burnished gold. It is also said, that a grateful odour like that of myrrh, arose from the fire, which so much astonished the spectators, that many of them were by that means converted to Christianity. His executioners finding it impossible to put him to death by fire, thrust a spear into his side, from which the blood flowed in such a quantity, as to extinguish the flame. His body was then consumed to ashes, by order of the proconsul lest his followers should make it an object of adoration."

    Horror of horrors, Blondie - you have reminded me of a funny story about old Marion Dunlap.

    Marion was a high-class paperhanger, usually working from the Murray sisters decorating store on the most expensive Oklahoma City mansions. He did some re-decorating for an old lady who appreciated him talking reasonably with her about the bible. (Marion was NEVER the bombastic pro-witness non thinker, and could actually relate to other religions well)

    Anyway, she gave him a selection of religious books from her own library. One of these was Fox's Martyrs - and it ended up in the KH Library at Oak Glen in Oklahoma City. For many years it remained there and I would occasionally sneak it in to read during the really boring meetings.

    We eventually got a new presiding overseer (Marion refused it and remained the assistant for the time). He (new overseer, hand picked society man) spotted me reading it, wanted to know what it was, and that very passage got noticed. Needless to say, the book was declared unfit for human witness consumption, and also declared suspect for demonism - and sadly disappeared from the library. I do not know it's true fate.

    Marion and I were both disgusted. Farhenheit 451 was discussed. And this was in 1968 - long prior to Ed's trouble in Bethel. Maybe it indicates some of the seeds of the intellectual revival they had.

  • LockedChaos



    But then again,

    I'm guessing

    As are all

  • BU2B


  • servant_x


    w20 April pp. 1-32 - The Watchtower (Study)—2020

    "the majority of the anointed have been chosen in modern times."

    Whaaaat? Lol so... least 51% majority (for argument sake) of 144,00 is 73,440 since let's say the 1900s. Modern times = 1900s(?) ummm.. idk but definitely 40,000 partakers recorded since 1948 (see here).

    MATH TIME. 73,440 - 40,000 = 33,440 to go. If the trend continues, 10k+ per decade, then less than 30 more years for the end!!!!! BY 2050 THE END WILL COME!! Jk.

    So basically from the numbers, that means only 70,560 out of the 800,000 Christians that died as martyrs in the first century were "true" Christians.

    What the hell constitutes 'true Christians'?? I thought losing my life because of my faith automatically made me a 'true Christian'. I guess losing your life in the ministry, defending your faith, etc (as often said) doesn't guarantee you a "spot" after all. Lol

    But in terms of the anointed today, there would are roughly 33,400 anointed left to realize they are... or be born within 10 years from now to reach the age of understanding... what do you think?

  • waton
    losing my life because of my faith automatically made me a 'true Christian'.

    S_x: yes, Rev 20:3 clearly limits the rulership in heaven (the 144 000) idea to those killed by the axe for their faith.

    The idea that you die sedated in the Brooklyn infirmary and aspire to be counted as martyr is an affront to those that even died in the second ww period.

    This whole limited partaking is a wt invention, and how dare they declare themselves the only true christians because they only they believe in the 2 overlapping group generation.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Thanks for reviving this thread.

  • Phizzy

    They have always claimed that they are going back to the "true Christianity" as practised in the 1st century, so they agree those early followers were true Christians. This of course ignores the proof that there were a good number of Jesus Cults in the Ist century, with wildly differing beliefs.

    But quite obviously the number of Jesus followers must have been great enough before the end of the Ist Century, when the Borg says " Apostasy" began, to have more than filled 144,000 places in heaven.

    Just another stupid JW Doctrine that does not stand up to scrutiny.

  • blubberyk9

    If the number was that limited, why didn't Jesus mention it to His followers? According to the Bible, He did not specify who the "other sheep" were and if their fate were any different than what he held out to His apostles!! "One flock, one shepherd" actually implies same treatment, does it not?

  • eyeuse2badub

    Every religion has to have it's own 'pet' teaching that makes it different and therefore the 'right' religion. The wt just happens to have several 'pet' teachings which makes it even more of the 'right' religion! Except when it's wrong!

    "The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction." -- Feb 2017 Watchtower

    just saying!

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