Facing reality about getting older

by JH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • looking_glass

    My guess that is why my mother is pressing hard for the "end of this system" and seriously buying into the JW babble, she is having a hard time getting older and sicker. You see my grandfather use to always say to her, you will not graduate high in this system and she did, then he said, you will never has to see your kids become adults in this system and she did, then he said you will never see grandkids in this system and she did. My oldest nephew is 18 (and applying for Bethel ... don't get me started on that!) So realistically she could become a great grandmother. Now my grandmother is dead. My grandfather is very sick and in hospice. My mother is getting more frail because of her post polio. So what does that mean. That means that she will die "in this system" and everything she dreamt of will be of nothing.

  • moomanchu
    we are getting older, and sicker and uglier....lol

    Your'e a U.F.O. Ugly Fat and Old. Hey your 100+ years old what'd you expect.

    I find it interesting how Bethel has been "laying off" Bro's and sista's.

    Lots of witnesses went to bethel with the idea they would be there till armageddon.

    Not no more!!

  • jaguarbass

    Was it hard for you to accept that you will one day die, after being told that paradise is just around the corner?

    I spent a good part of my life depressed and angry because of the lies told by the borg.

  • juni

    I wish I could say the same abr. You are in a good place........

    I just take each day as it comes. I feel horrible when young men and women die and kids and babies.

    At least so far I've had 58 years of life. I only wish we could have one "do over". There are so many major decisions I would not make the same way.


  • SPAZnik

    Not being able to "live forever" was a bit of a dicey one for me initially.
    That had been my mindset since birth. I felt a lot of pressure comparable to being handed a death sentence of one week to live. Simultaneously, I felt at peace. Like, what can I do about it. Nothing really. JUST LIVE every moment out to the best of my ability confident that that's what I've always done anyway. That was several "lifetimes" ago now. Feels like forever. :)

  • SPAZnik

    Hey and who you callin' ugly? :P

  • Twitch
    Was it hard for you to accept that you will one day die, after being told that paradise is just around the corner?

    It kinda inspired me to do as much as I could, today. Give 100%, work hard, play hard. Eat, drink and be merry. Go to where I want to be. Enjoy the ride,...:-)

    As for paradise, didn't really believe in it anymore by that point. The thing about corners is there's always another one until you get back where you started. It then seemed pointless and illogical. LOL

  • Farkel

    : Cor 2:9 9 That is what the Scriptures mean when they say,

    “No eye has seen, no ear has heard,
    and no mind has imagined
    what God has prepared
    for those who love him

    Isn't that the same book that tells us that there are talking snakes, when we know that snakes have no vocal chords? Isn't that the same book which tells us to forgive 77 times 7 times those who sin against us, yet the supposed author of that book took such a vengeance on the very FIRST and rather innocent sin of wrong fruit-eating that it screwed up ALL of humankind for thousands and thousands of years until this very day, yet didn't do anything to the super-human creature that made that snake talk and deceive? How long can people keep making excuses for that piece-of-shit Bible God? And even worse, that angel-induced talking snake told the truth! He said if they ate they would know the difference between good and evil, and when they did eat, the Lord God himself said that they now knew the difference between good and evil. Then he screwed them up and the rest of us, too.

    So whatever God has "prepared for us" as mentioned in Second Corinthians, it has to be better than what he has given us since the dawn of mankind. I don't trust him. His track record is worse than terrible when it comes to his dealing with his earthly children. If he was a human who treated his children like the Bible says he has he would be executed by now.


  • hambeak

    Having been raised in the org. I truly believed I would never see 30 in this system of things.

    I am now 55 and trying to save every penny I can for retirement.

    As JW's you are discouraged from getting an education and saving for the future as you are taught that there is no future for this system of things.


  • bigmouth

    I wasted my life in the org. I feel 20 but my body and reflection tell the truth. The things I wanted to do were put on hold.
    My hope now is to be able to commit suicide before I am frail and incapacitated.

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