Hypothetical situation: What would you do?

by winnie 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • winnie

    Lets just say that the jw teaching regarding armageddon, living forever were true.

    And lets say that many on this forum who still attend meetings somehow survive.

    You don't agree with the teachings. You may not even like many others who survive.

    Why would you want to live with the kind of people who continually judge others actions? Who are in no way flexible to the opinions of 'outsiders'? Why would you want to live a way of life that is rigid in rules and regulations, ones that you know are not right?

  • RAF

    Well that's what really bother me when it is that simple : we have a french proverbe which says : Ma liberté s'arrête là où commence celle des autres" means my freedoms stops where others once freedoms starts ... Well that's what I want overall ... but I only can make choices for myself and still have to deal with other onces choices ...

  • DannyBloem
    Why would you want to live with the kind of people who continually judge others actions? Who are in no way flexible to the opinions of 'outsiders'? Why would you want to live a way of life that is rigid in rules and regulations, ones that you know are not right?

    If that is true there are no outsiders anymore, so that problem is solved.

    If that is true you do not nkow you are right, because they were right....

    There are many nice JW's, so would be willing to life with them if that was the way....

    if all was true, I would chooce life, and do (almost) anything to get there....

  • Zico

    'Why would you want to live with the kind of people who continually judge others actions? Who are in no way flexible to the opinions of 'outsiders'? Why would you want to live a way of life that is rigid in rules and regulations, ones that you know are not right?'

    I wouldn't.

    What exactly, is the point you are trying to make here?

  • Gill

    If they are 'right', then it proves that God is EVIL. Jehovah's Witnesses behaviour, even the nicest of them, is twisted, convoluted and brain aching.

    I would choose to die a free person, rather than a slave to evil!

    If you like, I'd rather die with the also 'hypothetical' Satan, than live such a depressing and terrible existence.

    As I said to my Gob smacked parents, I would rather die right now where I stand than ever go to a KH again, and certainly I would never want to live forever with JWs!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    They aren't right anyway but if, hypothetically speaking they were, I'd rather be wrong.

    I wouldn't want to live with one jw, never mind a planetfull of them

  • Uzzah

    Conversely what if other religions are right. JW's die wake up in the clouds looking at heaven.

    Walking up to the Pearly Gates that are closed and loudly knock on the gates..

    (unbeknownst to them Peter the keep of the gates is saying "ssshhhh it's the JW's .. let's pretend we aren't home."

    JW hell?

  • Honesty
    Lets just say that the jw teaching regarding armageddon, living forever were true.

    Don't worry, IT's NOT.

  • winnie
    What exactly, is the point you are trying to make here?

    As stated, it is hypothetical. Does there have to be a point?

  • proplog2

    People are people. We misbehave. We walk over other peoples territory. We all need to be put in our place on occasion. Humans are naturally opportunistic. Humans are naturally judgemental. We even judge others as being "judgemental".

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