Is the bible really the good book ( broad scope analysis of Its content )

by Handsome Dan 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    I came across this web site awhile back and I thought it had some thought provoking information. It is obviously written by a group of atheists

    who wanted to bring to light what all Christian faiths base their religious beliefs on and probablly why some devout Christians eventually turn to atheism.

    If you read their analysis of what the bible says with an open mind it can be very thought provoking material.

    After reading most of the sub topics they have listed, I found most of the reading to be both mind expanding and humorous for a lot of it, your mileage may vary

    One word of caution to people that have an already established Christian belief, you may not want to view this material or maybe you would, but I thought I should bring note to that !

    After reading some of the material perhaps you can leave some of your impressions and thoughts and perhaps start an open discussion on its content.

  • Wafe

    I have read many books about the Bible being near athiest myself at one time and have found that most of them lack the proper research.

    First of all, most use the King James Version which is not the best translation out there.

    Second most talk about the contradictions which make sense if you think the life does not contain any. Which most people well know is rarely the case.

    Third, many are written with a biased agenda in mind. Therefore I consider them as valid as a person who is religious downing evolution. A good example is the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins taking about the Bible. After reading his thoughts I could tell that this was a man who was out of his field.

    Anyway that's what I have seen from most books.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>Second most talk about the contradictions which make sense if you think the life does not contain any.

    Not all Christians feel the Bible is 100% inspired, and for them the contradictions are ok. But if a person believes the Bible is 100% from God, the contradictions are quite a problem.

    The site pointed to does draw attention to some of the odder parts of the Bible that are tough to explain away. One example:


  • Wafe

    I had been to this website before and checked out most of the statements that are made. To be honest this is one of the reasons that I read the Bible in the original lanugages.

    Take the example at De 22:28-29 the NLT translates this rape. This is not accurate.

    The word is VeHaPaSHa which actually means to lay with. Therefore it is mistranslated.

    What I do find amazing is that so many people who claim to be rational bad mouth the Bible but never take the time to look into the original languages to see what it actually says. Most think it is english which I find amusing.

  • Wafe

    I am sorry the word is VoTaPaSHa

    My mistake ;)

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>What I do find amazing is that so many people who claim to be rational bad mouth the Bible but never take the time to look into the original languages to see what it actually says. Most think it is english which I find amusing.

    Hey! The King James was good enough for Jesus, and it's good enough for me! ;-)

    You're right, at least in my case. I haven't dug into it enough to bad mouth it with credibility. Enough to be satisfied that it's not for me, but not an exhaustive deep-dive. (Doesn't stop me from the odd bad-mouthing from time to time, though!)


  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Has anyone read yet the sub topic " Christians are Hypocrites " , what did you think of that one ?

    It brings forward the complication of interpretation ....

  • Wafe

    Now that is a different story ;)

    I for one am a Christian but I would LIKE to think that I am not a hypocrite (can't always say that I am not but regardless..)

    Anyway, there are Christians that are not what they claim and it can be disappointing to say the least (teach to love one's neighbor and then killing them in a war is a good example) but I don't think that all Christians are this way. I met a woman the other day that was a Chistian and after talking to her, she was really interested in helping others, was not interested in money too much and really seemed to be genuine. On the other hand, you have people who are nothing like a Christian (I know several witnesses that are like this.)

    I think that people are people and looking to any one person to hold onto them is pointless. After all the Bible says that is the way thing are with people.

    Now whether you believe the Bible or not, it is at least in this case is true.

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Got your point Wafe I came across people that weren't even religious at all and found their characters very Christain like and vicea versa, which I find strange and surprising .

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Buddy....... do you have anything to say about and it's content ?

    I had a peek at that site you pointed to it was interesting but it's not as full and ranging as, probably written by someone with a strong jewish faith, my guess

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