Happy Df'ing Anniversary to me!!!!!

by VeniceIT 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ITguy

    Hey Ven,

    I'm glad you've been able to find happiness. Everyone deserves to be happy, whichever lifestyle they choose to live. You go and continue to live life to it's fullest.

    Take care and talk to you soon.

  • Ranchette

    Happy Anniversary!!!!
    I was thinking of doing the same thing on the date I stopped going to meetings unless they DF me for expossing the ORG over this UN issue to all my witness friends and Family.If that happens I
    ll have a new anniversary date!

    Enjoy your freedom!!!

  • Winston


    One nice thing about being DF'd is that they have done just about all they can do to you, your not under their control anymore.
    I have to wait until july to celibrate.

  • LovesDubs

    Gosh already??? What a difference a year makes! Look at all the LIVING you did in that year of freedom girlfriend. Your mind your soul your family your life...all OUT of that BOX!

    Here's lookin at ya kid CLINK!!

    [_]o :)


    Hey I wonder if they DF a lot of people in October because its like cleaning house for their new service year? Hmmmmmm

  • borgfree

    Congratulations Venice


    "You can fool some of the people all of the time" especially if you are a member of the WT GB
  • Pathofthorns

    Good for you venice

    It must be over a year for me since I went to my last meeting. It was definitely a long road to finally making that break and it has been an interesting trip since.

    Like you said, the last year seemed like a lifetime. All the changes in your thinking and outlook and beliefs until you finally settle in that place that feels comfortable.

    To life and freedom... Cheers,


  • jst2laws

    If your happy, I'm happy,
    But I'm angry you couldn't just leave for conscience sake without being cut off from your friends. I'm still inside and worried about getting caught. Not for my sake but for my aged parents, my children, the inlaws.

    You said they are "evil". Right on. Dr. Scott Peck in "People of the Lie" described evil people basically as anyone who is willing to harm someone else to get what they want. He gave many examples of evil religious nuts harming their own children because it was God's will.

    Go and celibrate, and say hi to the folks.


  • Pathofthorns

    I just have to add that I cracked up when I saw "happy Df'ing Anniversary to me" as the title of the thread. Its like goodbye to the days when people got all depressed over being dfed... Now they are flaunting it and celebrating it! LOL

    So much for shocking this girl to her senses, eh? LOL


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Happy anniversary to you,
    Happy anniversary to you,
    Happy anniversary Dear Venice and expatbrit,
    Happy anniversary to you!

    Congratulations on discovering TRUTH and FREEDOM!

    I would never have guessed that you and expatbrit have been out only a year.

  • safe4kids

    ((((Ven and Expat)))

    Congratulations you guys! I'm happy for both of you that you've been able to get away from the mind-numbing machinations of a cult. Ain't freedom a wonderful thing??!

    Dana, toasting you both with my diet coke

    "...I'd walk with my people if I could find them..."

    Third Eye Blind, Deep Inside of You

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