What was the most hypocritcal thing you saw at the kingdom Hall ?

by Handsome Dan 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Here's one that comes to mind : Are C O gave a Sunday morning talk I remember and the theme of the talk was " The dangers of materialistic desires "

    Well after the meeting me and my jw buddies who usually hung out by the cars in the summer were checking out what was a brand new black Chysler Imperial, big and beautiful with

    burgundy leather interior we were just wowed and we wondered who owns that ? as we were peeking inside I heard a voice at the front of the car and I looked up, wouldn't you know it, it was

    the C.O. with a big grin on his face he said " How do you like it boys " of course we said nice. Then as he was getting into the car I also noticed that he was wearing what must of been a

    new suit, looked expensive silk if I remember. Well my family and I went back home and on the way I remember sitting in the back of my dad's banged up station wagon and thinking to myself

    so that's what hypocrisy is all about.


    In my last congregation there was too many to tell, but here are just a few!

    1. Elders stopping brothers going on to the platform unless dressed in a suit. (i.e. jacket & trousers of same material)

    Then many of the elders, doing just that, even when they FIRST announced it, the elder closed in prayer with sports jacket/blazer and trousers (not of same material).

    2. Spending £3,500 on a "white elephant" of an air-conditioning unit (which was supposed to be a central heating unit!). Because it didn’t function as a central heating system, they came out with a stupid get-out remark – Never mind, it will keep us cool in the summer. NO ONE was reprimanded, if they had been working for a company they would have got the sack.

    3. The "Panorama" program on child abuse.

    When I asked for the tape of the chairman’s talk on it, I found out that the elder had given instructions to the sound servant not to record this.

    4. Elders lying through their teeth about why I was removed from carrying the microphone. (At this time I was suffering from an exploded disc and was lying on my back for about 4 months). They even wrote to the society, their lying was revealed, but as usual, nothing was done about them.


  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Crazy power in the hands of insecure under achievers........Little men with power spells trouble


    We had an Elder who had no children.He was always complaining from the podium that small children should not have coloring books,dolls,trucks,stuffed toys,markers or anything that would cause a distraction to others.They would need to sit and listen to the program no matter what age they were.Many times after the meetings ,he would talk with the parents to see why they needed to bring all these toys to the Kingdom Hall. Well,wouldn't you know it,his wife got pregnant.Now,his wife was bringing coloring books,markers and human size dolls to the hall in order to keep the baby quiet.Since he was an elder,no one ever said anything to him out of fear.

  • betterdaze

    The sluttiest sister I knew growing up became married to the fine upstanding bro who gave our last Memorial talk. She dragged him over to meet me, so show off her trophy.

    All I could think was, "Nice guy, I hope he got all his shots."


  • becca1

    Calling the UN the "disgusting thing that causes desolation" and then promoting it's programs in the Awake!

  • jambon1

    Brothers speaking about love (identifying mark) from the platform and me nodding in agreement only to walk breezily past a disfellowshipped sister and her 3 kids without even raising a smile.

  • exwitless

    Being encouraged not to work for material things...as a newly married couple, we gave up good paying jobs to have a cleaning business (LONG story) and bought a mobile home because we thought it would be materialistic to build a brand new home, even though we could have afforded it if we had kept our good jobs. Now the elders and their wives in our former congregation all have really nice houses, some of them built brand new, nice cars, nice furniture, go on vacations to Europe frequently, and so on.

    Another one...constantly being hounded about "regular meeting attendance"; who would you guess were the most likely to miss meetings often? ELDER'S WIVES. Most of the elder's wives missed the meetings very frequently; usually because they 'had a headache' or 'were worn out'. Jeez-if I missed a meeting every time I had a headache or was worn out, I would've never attended a single meeting! And, to boot, most of the elder's wives didn't work outside the home. But heaven forbid, if you were a rank-and-file JW, you couldn't miss one meeting without someone calling saying "We missed you at the meeting...(silence, as they wait for your excuse)"; never mind if you worked full time and had kids and so on.

  • Handsome Dan
    Handsome Dan

    Good stories everyone.............when we talk about these things it helps us to identify the pyshcology of human nature in all us

    and brings to light what happens when the white sheet of righteousness is placed upon us !

    Keep writing folks...........

  • Nosferatu

    What was the most hypocritcal thing you saw at the kingdom Hall ?

    My mother

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