Giving Up The Struggle

by choosing life 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I recently realized that I don't know or need to know the answers to the big questions in life. The details no longer matter to me. I just kinda gave up on the struggle to be right or in the know. I just wish to live my life and experience what makes life real, the here and now.

    There is so much peace of mind in just living and experiencing life without all the analyzing. I have good friends and precious family to love. What could be better than this? It was trying to find answers to questions that don't really matter that got me involved in the jws and it is the total lack of desire to know these details that has finally set me free.

    Anyone else feel the same way? After I left, for a year I was looking for a new set of answers. No more. I just want to drift along with life and see where it takes me. Such a feeling of freeness and contentment I have not experienced since I was a small child.

  • I Know what I like, and I like what I know
    I Know what I like, and I like what I know

    Yep, I feel exactly the same. For the moment, I am rather confused about the big questions and answers. For sure, what they told me for 35 years in KH is not the answer. But who does have the answers? It´s all about believe. And I just want to enjoy the moment. Without feel guilty etc. I am fading out at the moment, I choose to do it that way. And it´s such a relief. No commitments, I am free! Finally!

    I know what I like, and I like what I know

  • avidbiblereader

    For the first two years out, I took my negative experience and didnt turn anywhere but to my own way. Now I have returned to the Bible and find more answers but when it comes to certain things that don't bring glory to God the Father through Chist it doesnt matter, or the things that have to do with salvation. Other than that I have found more answers by the HS directing my thinking and it has worked out the opposite.


  • serendipity
    The details no longer matter to me. I just kinda gave up on the struggle to be right or in the know.

    At this point in my life, I feel the same way. I reserve the right to change my mind, though.

  • Emma

    I love the feeling. I no longer need to have all the answers, and it's so liberating!

  • lawrence

    Yes, I agree. I no longer need answers, or generate questions. Yesterday was history, and tomorrow is a mystery. What a relief! Living in the now, let it be.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Yesterday was history, and tomorrow is a mystery. What a relief! Living in the now, let it be.

    I like it.

  • jaguarbass

    Anyone else feel the same way? After I left, for a year I was looking for a new set of answers. No more. I just want to drift along with life and see where it takes me. Such a feeling of freeness and contentment I have not experienced since I was a small child.

    Very much so. It took me a long time to get here.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I agree whole heartedly . The feeling of extreme pressure is gone. Now I follow my own conscience. If it moves me to do something, I don't stand back and analyze it to death, I just do it . I do more things motivated by love than I ever did before .

  • onacruse

    I post all kinds of odd-ball stuff, and it's all something that interests me: old WTS literature, philosophy, fact, I was just yesterday thinking of starting a thread about Mandelbrot patterns and Hawkings' singularity theory.

    But, ya know what? I don't for one second delude myself to think that I'm doing anything less than mental masturbation. Don't take me wrong! I mean every single word I post, and hope that someone else can relate to it, and maybe share a bit, on their own part, in the journey of life that I'm experiencing.

    However, a good chat with Kate on the front porch, in the springtime sun, is better than anything and everything I've ever said or posted.


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