What's the BIG deal with Bethel?

by onlycurious 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • bronzefist

    I never ever had the desire to go "visit" Bethel. At Hall you would hear how "different" we are from lavish " Babylon the Great" with our modest KH's, yet whenever anyone came back from a "tour" they were awe struck by the vast empire holdings.

    Listening to them reminded me of how I felt the first time I had sex, but I didn't end up with brain herpes.


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Q: What's the BIG deal with Bethel?

    A: Egos

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)

  • kristyann

    The guy that I was dating before this one used to work at a nursing home when he was a kid, and some Jehovah's Witnesses from the local KH used to come in to talk to the residents once a week on Tuesdays. He said that one time the people that run the nursing home were giving the JWs a tour of the facilities, and one JW remarked to the others "This reminds me of our tour at Bethel!"

  • Jim_TX

    Yeah... what everyone else has said.

    When I was still married to the first wife - who was a JW - she came home one day and announced that she wanted to go on a 'field trip' to this Bethel. (I went in 1975-ish when I was still a JW.)

    Anyway... I told her great - but our budget wouldn't allow for it. It cost too much. Know what? She went and helped her dad (who isn't a JW), by sitting on a tractor and mowing right-of-ways and doing other grass trimmimg and edging here in the Texas heat - until she had saved up for the trip for her and our daughter (I think it was something like $800+ at that time). They went - it was for about 6 or 7 days, too - on a bus.

    Ahhhhhh... that was the BEST vacation I have had in a long time!

    Oh. and she enjoyed her trip, too. *weak grin*


    Jim TX


    Lived, worked, ate, and slept there for 3 yrs.... to be perfectly honest its a nice place for a bunch of 19 yr olds to get energy out, make friends, and get out of the house. If you know the right people you can have a nice cushy job and be do shit and be viewed as "gods" in the local congs and back home. It gets old though and I am glad that I left when I did. Its like any congregation though complete with "hallitics" immorality, stealing, etc. Nothing special.

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