As of Thursday night I am no longer a Jehovahs Witness

by Es 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • damselfly

    Oh Es sweetie. I am sad and glad for you at the same time? It hurts but you can move on as I think you are well on your way to doing.

    Hope you got your x-mas card and (((((((huge hugs))))))))) from me to you.

  • Es

    Thanks so much paisley

    Big hugs dams, sent you a pm just before after reading your thread. Loved the card babe it was great getting it :) Miss ya heaps, Im doing ok ive had a year really to prepare so im used to being shunned.


  • damselfly

    Thanks luv, I just read it.

    Maybe this will help bring you in to some sort of closure with all of it? Ann as you said you have been shunned for a year now so really not too much will be changing. Just made "official".

    So sorry to hear Blake is having trouble adjusting, it breaks my heart taht kids get put in the middle of all this bull.

    I'm most def. going to be keeping in contact with you, you big sweetie!

  • Es

    Yeah i think what really annoys me is that last time we saw them was a few months ago they offered to pick up kaias cot and pay for some of it, well they were asking if Blake could come and sleep over and they promised to come over with the swing set for him. All this was supposed to happen before he started school, well school starts thursday, so again the poor kid gets disapointed.

    luv ya dams


  • penny2


    Sorry to hear that this has happened Es. Your father could have turned a blind eye instead of asking the direct question!! I'm sure he'll regret this. It must be difficult to explain to your grandmother. Hopefully she will point out to your father how pathetic the whole situation is.


  • wozadummy


    Good on you girl ,you've got strength and dignity - I can't believe they say no hard feelings ......their creating it.

    Let's just hope they see the truth one day and then they'll regret the missing of your love for them.

  • FreeChick


    Take, your husband and children will be in my thoughts.


  • nicolaou

    Found this topic late but glad I did. Es you are one tough cookie, I only hope I can show the same strength you have. Good for you.



    Im really happy and calm about it, I've had my initial cry over it, and now I feel good that I dont have to lie and hide things anymore.

    Its such a relief.

    What a girl!

  • sass_my_frass

    Hey it's great that they'll let you visit your Nan, (at least once!). Make sure you do, for your sake and hers, it will be weird without your parents there etc, but at least you and she can have a little alliance. It must be hell for her to be living right in among it, not having any choice. She's a sweetie, don't lose her!

  • Es

    penny- yeah my nan has known for a while i used to visit her once a week when she lived at her place, and she knows all about and cant understand how they could be like that, the only thing is she relies on my mum her daughter alot so she doesnt have the strength to say anything about the situation, but should be interesting to see if she knows the latest development

    woza- thanks babe

    freechick- thanks so much

    nic- ohh thanks hun for the kind words, im just really lucky i have wonderful kids and hubby to share my life with

    sass- oh yeah im going to see her next week, will be strange going to folks home i havnt been there for over a year, wonder if all the photos of me have been removed. I wouldnt be suprised.


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