"Knocking" Documentary on JWs?

by Gayle 15 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Gayle

    Maybe this isn't a new topic.


    The clips I saw only gives a very "positive" biased message for JWs, not the through & through facts.

    PBS will be showing this in May. There will be free showings at colleges, libraries & museums (alarming, since such places would seem to give a supporting validity) throughout the US so far starting April 17 in Idaho then elsewhere thereafter.

    I've only seen the free clips at their site. It is alarming!

    Just wondering if anyone will be "picketing" these showings?

    My sign would say "Knocking their members around" !!! :)

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    "Knocking Their Members Around"

    That's a great idea for a protest poster, Gayle.

  • IsaacJS2

    I know almost nothing about it, but would like to see it. Is it truly biased? Some of my in-laws watched it together and thought it was neutral because (they said) it isn't entirely positive. But I suspect it must lean strongly in the Society's favor. To them, that's probably neutral. :-/ What I've seen of it makes it seem pretty positive so far. According to my wife's family, the Society granted them permission to film it, so it can't be too negative. I doubt the Witnesses would have cooperated otherwise.

    Back when I was a Witness, you were to treat the media with suspicion.


  • abbagail

    That is amazing the WT agreed to it... They must be desperate for some positive publicity... hoping to gain more recruits? Or as a counter-attack to the flood of "Is that JW at your door a PEDOPHILE?" questions from householders?

    I guess they are too cheap to make their own films... ?

    Isaac: Agree, yet I think it was just a year or two ago they were STILL saying the media was from Satan because of pedophile articles and such. I think it was at a DC where this was repeated in the not so distant past.


  • sf


    Even though KNOCKING is scheduled for a national PBS broadcast on May 22, 2007,as many as one-quarter of local PBS stations will not show KNOCKING. Local stations are allowed to replace the national PBS schedule with their own programming. If you want to see KNOCKING on your local station, you must contact your local programming director to make sure he does not cancel KNOCKING. To learn why some PBS stations won't show KNOCKING and to ensure
    that your local station will, visit this link: http://www.knocking.org/PBS_Station_List.html

  • IsaacJS2

    I gotta say that the link you provided about PBS stations not showing Knocking makes it sound like a pretty "pro WT" production to me. They seem to be addressing JWs specifically, though not everyone may agree with me on that.


  • Morocco

    You can do a YouTube search for it and watch a few clips from the documentary. From everything I've seen it is basically Watchtower propaganda. It seems, from what they've released on YouTube, that it is speaking supportively of the Watchtower.

    The Knocking documentary claims complete neutrality, that is one of the persuasive arguments of the video. The problem is that the director's mother is a witness. So you can immediately throw into suspicion the idea of the video being neutral.

    I think this project must have Watchtower sanction, especially when you understand the extreme controlling nature of the GB. Even if this video talks about some of their "faults" it will probably talk about less controversial faults and will definitely play them down and focus on their achievements. On a page at freeminds.org you can read some of the letters the staff from Knocking left on Randy Watter's guest list.


  • Morocco

    P.S. Think about it -- if the video wasn't completely in favor of the Watchtower the Knocking staff would have their pants sued off just like the Quotes website. That's why, without having seen all of it, I would venture to say that it gives a positive PR spin on ye ole Org

  • garybuss

    You wrote: "The problem is that the director's mother is a witness. So you can immediately throw into suspicion the idea of the video being neutral."

    My mother's a Witness. Do you think I'm positive bias towards the Witnesses? Very funny.

  • 5go
    The Knocking documentary claims complete neutrality, that is one of the persuasive arguments of the video. The problem is that the director's mother is a witness. So you can immediately throw into suspicion the idea of the video being neutral.

    Hey gary your neutrality is suspicous.

    Against the society that is. he he he

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