What Naughty Things Did You Know Of That Went On In Your Hall?

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • J-ex-W
    Me...being sexually abused by 2 "brothers"

    ((((((((((((((((( misguided ))))))))))))))))

  • Descender

    Naughty things. Well, I guess I was kind of naughty, but not nearly naughty enough. I passed up so many chances with attractive witness girls because I was trying to be a good witness boy. I had many supposedly good witness girls want to help me lose my virginity. But alas, I kept it until 19 and when I did finally have sex with a witness girl, I felt horrible and prayed over and over and thought I was going to die. Eventually I told on myself, and got DF'd. My best witness buds all moved in together, at 19 years old, while I was DF'd and started smoking a lot of pot and doing shrooms and drinking every night. Some were having sex, but still, most wouldn't talk to me because I was DF'd. The only one who wasn't a hypocrite and was willing to talk to me even when I was DF'd is still one of my best friends. The others, I haven't seen in years. I hear they're elders now.

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