Look what I got last night :)

by misanthropic 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    A new love in your life

    Nice puppy

  • JWdaughter

    CUTE puppy. Congratulations.

    You are really lovely too- new mommies on the board always look awesome:)

  • misanthropic

    ::One learns so much on JWD. For instance, I've always wondered about the origin of the phrase: You lucky dog. I open up JWD and here's the answer!

    lol, how did I miss this the first time ;)

    ::er no...did u get my email
    OMG that's weird we must have some sort of psychic connection ;p

    ::im not a huge dog fan..but i like labs
    Oh yeah thats right, I tried to convince you to get a dog before and you weren't having it :)

    Thanks everyone for your comments, I can't even believe how mellow he is compared to my Beagle. This puppy's already like a saint in comparison.

  • DanTheMan


    Dogs are the coolest.

  • Xena

    Very cute! I'll have to be sure and NOT open this thread when my daughter is around cause she sooooo wants a lab puppy. Alas we live in an apartment so it's not to be.

    Don't forget to keep your favorite shoes somewhere way far away from puppy.

  • JH
    she sooooo wants a lab puppy.

    Give her a lab rat.....

  • Xena

    No varmits.

  • misanthropic

    ::Don't forget to keep your favorite shoes somewhere way far away from puppy.

    Yeah he was riping up my new running shoes earlier, luckily I caught him before there was any real damage done :-)

    Here are a couple shots with him being still so you can see how sweet he is, the first 2 from earlier you couldn't really see his face so well.

  • Abandoned

    Cute puppy, now who's the beautiful lady holding him?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    Tony!! congrats MIS, he's the cutest lil thing!

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