1973 District Convention

by frozen one 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    Yep, James, that was the assembly where half of the hall at O.G. went to Houston and got dripped on (The Astrodome was pretty new then, and the roof had leaks).

    The rest of the hall went to the new KC Royals stadium and roasted in the outdoor sun.

  • aarque

    I attended the International convention at Yankee Stadium in July 1973. After all these years I can remember only two things: Being told that all umbrellas had to be put away during the drama and sitting out in the full sun and getting terribly sunburned. Then, when leaving, someone with a big folded umbrella tucked it under his arm and the end caught me right smack in the forehead and nearly knocked me down. One more thing: N. Knorr was the last speaker on the last day. When he walked out to the podium he got a standing ovation that went on and on and on, while he just stood there, soaking up all the attention. All I could think of was that he wasn't a very humble person to let the applause go on for as long as it did.

  • avidbiblereader

    I just turned 12 and was running wild, I dont' remember too much of the 70's and certainly not an assembly


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