Matt 24:14 fulfilled..anyone called bethel to confirm?

by candidlynuts 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gordy

    Sounds like a bit of panic at Brooklyn

    They know how remarks like that grow among JW's.

    That it will be used against them for making another "false prophecy" by the rest of the religious community.

  • vitty

    Do you think hell get a public reproof

  • pandora

    Hey everyone. It's been a long time since I've been here. Just living life, ya know. Until my mother told me that she needed to talk to me about something important, but she didn't want to fight. Well, after I talked to my JW sister to find out what was going on, I came here. Seems this little rumor has made its way into the midwest (Missouri). And now my mother is freaking out and trying to save her BABY. :) Gotta love the misguided, right? NOT really. Thru my searches here, I still haven't seen the ORIGINAL email. If someone can post that or point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it. AND can I then logically tell her that if she didn't read it in the Watchtower (this newest warning) that it is not authorized? I'm think that this is the road I'm gonna go down. Because, besides laughing thru the whole conversation, I'd like to have something concrete to say to her that might make her think. I appreciate any ideas any of you have. thanks

  • lovelylil

    I agree with Bryan,

    Something about this whole situation was planned by the GB. The brother who spoke made a point to put down his notes before making his statement. As if to say; this is OFF the record but the GB wants you to know this information. Of course now they are careful (I should say Legal is careful) not to put anything in writing that will be used against them later.

    Anyway, I think the point was they are "testing" the flock to see how they would react if they actually announced the end of the preaching work. IF they do announce this as official, they will problems for a few reasons. The first is this would be another reversal of teaching. As the current teaching is that they will be preaching during the great tribulation. Also, even if this announcement gives them a little more time, they know they are dying out anyway. Eventually the JW's will see that the governments are not turning on religion and figure out it was another ploy by the WT. (like the 1974, this generation ) And lastly, the Witnesses whole identity is wrapped up in this work and that is the purpose of the Ministry school too. So now, they may have been wondering about why they would still have to preach or go to the Thursday meeting. They will not be able to change teachings anymore by slipping them in. This generation of Witnesses, thanks in part to the information age, is too smart and up to date for the WT to pull the wool over their eyes. I'm sure Bethel was flooded with calls after that assembly

    Whatever the true motive behind this, you know there is a sinister reason this was done. Only the WT's PR Reps know for sure.

    My prediction and I said this for a long time already is this: the WT is a corporation and must do something drastic to survive and protect thier bottom line. Even if that means initally loosing many of thier members and dwindling down drastically. They are already failing with this generation of Witnesses. And if they are to survive in the future, they need to drastically re-invent themselves. I can see them going more mainstream to do this. Then they may loose lots of people in the begining but will find another Gimic, to bring more into the organization and rebuild from there. This is really their only hope to survive as they are already in deep do da! Lilly

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