In need of Literature

by loosie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • loosie

    Well in my town I think they are lazy I never see magazines at the laundry mat and I go weekly. I can't have a friend order the cd because then they would wonder why I can't order it myself.

  • blondie

    loosie, I take it that you live in a small town or are well-known as a "JW" in your city. Why not have a non-JW friend ask to have the magazines dropped off at her/his place. Of course, that means that they will be in danger of being "called on" again. Is this going to be a one shot deal or ongoing? Is there someone who goes to the KH that would be willing to get them for you...without caring whether you are going or not? What is your explanation for why you don't go now? Illiness, depression, etc.


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