BEST BUY employees not allow to say "MERRY CHRISTMAS"

by lighthouse19something 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    What a strange world we live in. Some JW is fired because she won't sing Happy Birthday and a non-JW is threatened with firing if they say "Merry Christmas."


  • Soledad

    So let me see if I get this: a major retailer that needs to ring up major profit for their annual reports and relies almost exclusively on this season to do so can't extend a simple courteous "merry christmas" to the very people they rely on?? Does this make sense to you all? Not to me.

  • smellsgood

    people need to get over the notion that nothing in life should ever offend them, that they should never be put upon, or heaven forbid, wished to have a merry-something they don't celebrate-. I just picture big whiners with nauseatingly unchallenged lives (americans) thinking, how can I live in a bubble, nooo no, a bigger bubble, a reinforced airtight exclusive bubble!

    Let me never have an adversarial point of view postulated, let no one ever offer me something I don't really want, let nothing interfere with my perfect whitewashed bubble. Since when do private corporations have to be so scared about anything with religious undertones, when they CAPITALISE ON IT in an extreme way, that they have no freedom, and it does take away personal freedom, to wish someone have a merry Christmas??

    Happy holidays? That's gotta go soon too I should think, y'know, 'holy-days'

    Now I'm afraid that if I try and wish someone a good Tuesday they'll be offended since Tuesday isn't their favourite day, and I'll have to reform to happy weekday!

    I bet those people wonder why their sh*t stinks.

    If someone wished me happy Channakuh, I couldn't be less put upon, I'd wish it back.

    To cop John Stossels phrase, give me a break.

  • Finally-Free

    Any employer that tried to tell me what I can or cannot say would get the earfull of a lifetime, especially some shithole that probably doesn't pay much better than minimum wage. Jobs like that are a dime a dozen. You can make more money cleaning toilets - ask any JW.


  • Stealth

    The owner of Best Buy has some connection to the JWs.

    Back in 2000 I corresponded with a JW from one of the JW dating sites who said that her father was the owner of Best Buy. I never met him, but I have no reason to doubt her claim. Her mother had passed away and her father lived many states away, Texas i think it was.

    From what I can remember he did not consider himself a JW at that time, but he was married to a hardcore JW women and most if not all of his children are active JWs.

  • Tigerman
    If retailers don't recognize Christmas for what it truly represents then they have no business being in the business. Forget about them !

    For clarification, what exactly does it represent?" Black Swan asked.

    It probably represents the fact that you haven't been good this year and Santa is not coming to your house. But, Merry Christmas anyway!

  • Confession

    I'm so with you, Smellsgood. As a JW, I never had any problem with someone wishing me a Merry Christmas. I knew they were just trying to be nice--and recognized that the great majority of people in this country celebrate the holiday. Then there was a good friend's wife (who is Jewish) who told me how much it bothered her when greeted in such a way.

    "I just don't like it when they assume you celebrate Christmas."

    She'd get so worked up about it. Just like I write all the time: Different people, different mindsets. I just think some of us are very sensitive and want all of life's moments to be appropriate and clearly defined. When someone says "Merry Christmas" to us (and we're not a celebrator,) some feel a jarring ripple in the universe's harmonic convergence.

    And some of us just get it that about 90% or more of Americans celebrate Christmas. If you want to say "Happy Holidays," great. But this concept of forbidding people to say "Merry Christmas" is weird.

  • restrangled

    One of our sons is working at Best Buy this holiday season. He says he vaguely recalls that during one of the 7:00AM pre season sales meetings it was suggested that the employees use a generic phrase such as Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings. If you live in a culturaly diverse area then this would make sense.

    He said that he says Merry Christmas or Happy Hannukuh to the customers all day long and has not been reprimanded by anyone.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis
    If retailers don't recognize Christmas for what it truly represents then they have no business being in the business. Forget about them !

    For clarification, what exactly does it represent?" Black Swan asked.

    It probably represents the fact that you haven't been good this year and Santa is not coming to your house. But, Merry Christmas anyway!

    <<stomps foot>> But I have been a very good girl and <<stomps foot again>> Damn It I want toys!

  • jayhawk1

    For anybody who has a problem with hearing the phraze, "Merry Christmas" as they shop. Wait until after Pre-Christmas to shop. Or better yet, go ahead and shop, but demand to pay full price for your products. It's called a Christmas Sale you idiot!

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