I can't sleep

by jayhawk1 21 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • BrentR

    the classicist mentioned melatonim and I have had very good results with it for years. It is cheap, available at most stores and no side affects. You won't have any groggy hung over feelings in the morning. As we get older our bodies make less and less melatonin are our sleep patterns start getting messed up. It is also a very potent antioxidant.

    My wife works 24 hr shifts so she uses it alot to get her body clock reset.


    JayHawk1..I`ve done my share of midnight shift..You need to reset your body clock..Stay up later than you normaly would for the next week..Takes a bit of time but you can turn it around...OUTLAW

  • juni
    JayHawk1..I`ve done my share of midnight shift..You need to reset your body clock..Stay up later than you normaly would for the next week..Takes a bit of time but you can turn it around...OUTLAW

    Good advice OUTLAW. My son had the same problem when he went from days to nights and vice versa.

    I find that reading a good book really helps to tire you out. Not the stimulis that TV has on a person. Of course stay away from anything w/caffeine. Having an alcoholic drink can relax you too, but of course you don't want to use that method long term or you'll have bigger problems.

    Your sleep biorhthyms are messed up. More or less that's what a neurologist is going to tell you. That was his advice for my son.

    And you can always try counting sheep!

    Juni who wishes you sweet dreams!

  • jayhawk1

    My mom also suggested the melatonin pills. I think I will go get some. It has been 3 days now and about 10-12 hours of sleep total for the 3 days. I've never experienced this before, but I am so tired my speech slurs at times and I can't do a thing about it.

  • BrentR

    I used to work 24 hr shifts and I know that level of tiredness. It gets worse when you get to the punch drunk stage. That is when you no longer feel tired but start dropping things and running into corners. That is when you are the most danger to yourself and others.

    Good luck and get some sleep. Right now your immune system is wide open to the first cootie that comes along.

  • jayhawk1

    4 days, 17 hours total sleep. This is getting old, but at least for the first time in 3 days I got 5 consecutive hours of sleep. Maybe tonight will be better.

  • exwitless

    What "sleep aid pills" did you try? Over the counter ones or prescription? Over the counter ones might be OK for the occasional bout of insomnia, but they actually do interfere with your deep sleep cycles, so that's why you might not feel refreshed when you use them. Some OTC sleep aids are nothing more than Benadryl with a different name. Benadryl can cause some people to feel restless. If you haven't tried prescriptions, consider seeing your doctor about it. They do a much better job than OTC meds. You might only need them temporarily until you readjust your sleep cycle.

    Word of caution: someone posted that Melatonin does not make you feel groggy in the a.m. Actually, it certainly can for some people. Just beware that the first few times you use it, you might feel a little woozy when you wake up. Make sure to follow the label directions. It's actually pretty potent, so you don't want to take more than recommended.

    ExWitless - Nurse and sufferer of sleep disorder (not insomnia, however)

  • 5go


    Kansas will never make Cannabis legal.

    They said the same for boose !

  • MsMcDucket

    I can't sleep neither!

  • JWdaughter

    Great, now its contagious? Who yawned??? I hope things are going better for all you sleepless ones!

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