Notes from recent CO meeting with elders/ms

by Doubting Bro 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk
    And even funnier was that the CO said that will no explaination, and just moved on. I couldn't look up because I was afraid my reaction would have given me away.

    Im sorry,i dont really understand what your getting at?

  • Virgochik

    Minimum age of 27-28 to be appointed an elder...where does it say that in the Bible?? Lots of them are immature goofballs still living with Mommy at that age, while others of 25 or so could be very mature! Guess the Holly Spear-it will decide. Or wait! No, gotta go by the rules. If he ain't 27, it's thumbs down from heaven.

  • blondie

    It is based on the ages at which the Levites and priests started serving. The WTS dances around this. I have seen boys as young as 15 appointed MS.



    Presiding over his household in a fine manner, with children in subjection. (1 Timothy 3:4, 5, 12; Titus 1:6) Some may feel that elders must be at least 30 years old, but the Bible does not set a minimum age. Yet, the person must act as an older man in a spiritual sense. Ministerial servants and elders should be old enough to have children.
  • reneeisorym

    I never could make it through a meeting without using notes to write down what i had problems with and what was bothering me. Your notes reminded me of my "last days"

  • AuldSoul


    Doubting Bro was referring to the CO stating as fact that Paul was a member of the First Century Governing Body, as though there is no need to demonstrate that is a Biblical teaching. He just stated it and moved on, as though this fact should be obvious and undisputed.

    The reason DB had a reaction to it is because in Galatians Paul states that in the first 17 years of his ministry he only went to Jerusalem once where he met only Peter and James. Aside from the occasion of discussing the issue of Gentile circumcision and adherence to the Mosaic Law, the Bible doesn't mention any occasion of Paul discussing anything with the men in Jerusalem (the JW-authorized location for the First Century GB).

    On one other occasion he sent a messenger to them to advise them of something, but he is hardly depicted as being anything like a Governing Body member. Paul was far removed from being regarded as a member of a Governing Body over the early Christian congregation. This doctrine is contrary to the Bible, but the doctrine is necessary to establish the centralized nature of authority of the early Christians.

    Unfortunately for the religions who like to manipulate what the Bible says into basis for their modernized claims to divinely appointed authority, there is no clear picture of a singular centralized authority over Christians in the First Century. Except for Christ, that is.


  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Sounds like more of the same old stuff. Sorry you had to sit through that.

  • sspo

    Back in the early seventies they were appointing elders as young as 20 years old. They were pioneering and so they figured they were full of wisdom and God's holy spirit,

    when in reality they were nothing but horny young men..........having power to judge the lives of many.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    Cheers..i had worked that bit out i think there should have been a "require"in the CO,s comment.

    I just read it a bit quickly.

  • serendipity

    Thanks for posting that, doubting bro.

  • restrangled


    Back in the early seventies they were appointing elders as young as 20 years old. They were pioneering and so they figured they were full of wisdom and God's holy spirit,

    when in reality they were nothing but horny young men..........having power to judge the lives of many.

    My JC was actually being run by a little piss-ant back from Bethel. I did a google search just recently and found out that he was only 6 years older than I was. He had gone from Highschool to Bethel and came back a kingpin and boy did he run with it. I was 16 at the time, that made him 22. He wanted me fried! You nailed it big time on the nothing but "horny young men"......I won't go into the nightmare here..... But he was losing his hair, had to wear glasses, and I was this tall, long haired blond that had to be brought under control. I was just too much for the whole bunch and they destroyed me. r.

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