Just What Is The WT Up To Now?

by lovelylil 68 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • lovelylil

    Has anyone heard about what is going on inside the organization these days regarding those who claim to be "anointed" Christians? I have had at least three different people now who live in different areas of the country tell me that the elders are systematically pushing out people who claim to have become anointed within the last few years. These would be younger ones who are now professing the heavenly rather than earthly hope.

    I find this interesting for several reasons. The first is it seems to show that many in the org. are looking towards heaven like those Christians in mainstream churches already do. And secondly, the WT is very upset by this trend. I can see why because the number of the anointed will not go down but rather will go up and they can't have that for obvious reasons - the two classes of Christians teaching will have to go out the window. No more power for the GB.

    Two such ones being affected by this said the elders began picking on them and telling them that they are talking about going to heaven too much during the meetings and that it is influencing others who are now claiming they are anointed because they want to go to heaven too. This one elderly man was harrased so much he is now inactive. The "brothers" were accusing him of causing divisions and he swears he never said anything to anyone. And they are telling people who have been partaking to stop partaking as they are confusing the congregation and they could not possibly be anointed.

    I wonder if this has to do with the fact that the great crowd class has the run of the GB? What do you all think? Lilly

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Well, I don't personally believe in the two classes of christians idea anymore, I really don't know why I was ever fooled by it, but if this is true, it seems to me that these elders are going beyond the things written here. If someone makes such a claim, whether it is bull$hit or not, the elders have no right to judge.

  • Zico

    Hi Lilly,

    That's quite interesting. Have you seen the recent change in the Jan 1st 2007 watchtower? New Light has told the GB that it is no longer necessary for anointed people to be on Earth when Armageddon comes, like they previously taught. Perhaps they are slowly trying to get rid of all anointed people in order to deal with the 1935 and 144,000 problems?

  • Nosferatu
    Perhaps they are slowly trying to get rid of all anointed people in order to deal with the 1935 and 144,000 problems?

    Could be that, or the Elders have taken it upon themselves to make Armageddon come faster.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    They are trying to fulfill their own prophecies! Damn!

    They are starting to catch flak from the GC who see that the number is not going down like it should. So they are 'culling' the bad eggs.

    They are trying to 'self-launch' the end, boys and girls. Time is starting to run out and they damn well know it.

    I am excited to hear this Lil. Can you tell? Is my voice loud enough?

    They are getting scared that they will have to 'adjust' yet another major lie [the 1935 sealing - which was hand in hand with the 1914 Generation]. They are worried, or this would not be happening. They see 2014 on the horizon, and nothing is 'happening' to show that this Kingdom, set up in 1914, is going to ever act. Soon they will lose all credibility, and they must be feeling this now. This is good news indeed.


  • parlay

    What page was that point on in the Watchtower? A good question would be, if there are no annointed on the earth, who will feed the domestics spiritual food at the proper time? This has been the basis on which the GB held dominion.

    The truth is the belief that annointed ones would be on the earth right up to the end painted them into a corner, just like the 1914 generation teaching. Just like they changed one they changed the other and the rank and file will accept it as "new light". They can't distinguish the difference between humble compliance and blind stupidity.

  • daystar
    Have you seen the recent change in the Jan 1st 2007 watchtower? New Light has told the GB that it is no longer necessary for anointed people to be on Earth when Armageddon comes, like they previously taught.

    Interesting... very... anyone have soft copy?

  • lovelylil

    I don't believe in the two classes of Christians either. But I was very interested but not very surprised by this developement. Usually they put the "anointed" up on a pedestal but now they want to get rid of anyone professing to be a heavenly bound Christian. I actually fortold this would happen in my DA letter written almost 3 years ago! At the time my hubby thought I was nuts.

    I knew when I was in they already did not take too kindly to new ones realizing they were going to heaven and I left because of many issues but this was the main one. They would not allow me to partake either and I was not going to let them tell me whether or not I am a Christian who was called by Christ - but that is a another long story.

    Anyway, I still keep in touch with many of the Witnesses who cried for me when I left. I had a huge inside ministry work I was performing by helping people really learn the bible and upbuilding them when the societies rules got to them. It was a covert operation of sorts but after three years I was "found out" and reported to the elders. But those who I helped know me and they know I am not a deranged lunatic. They have told me that they felt I had Holy Spirit WAY before I announced it to the rest of the congregation. I really loved my congregation, the individuals that is but it came to the point where I had to leave or would have been pushed out anyway. I decided to go on my own terms but kept my friendships intact. I don't talk about those I know who are still active much because I am protecting them. Not even my husband knows who I speak with that is still "in". And he hates this fact but a promise is a promise.

    Because I have people who trust me, I am usually "in" on certain information. I thought something odd was going on so I made a few calls last night and YES they are forcing all those who claim to be heavenly Christians OUT and they are trying to do this as fast as possible. They are accusing them of things they have not done, they are telling them they "allowed" them to partake for a while but were wrong, and they are accusing them of telling others that they are heaven bound also.

    The way I see it is this: Like you guys said they have to explain why the numbers are going up. They are totally paranoid because things are not going the way they planned them. They most likely thought all their "anointed" would be in heaven by now and these newbies are messing with their plans. Thus they are trying to expel them.

    Watchtower - if you are reading this, we are already onto your plans and SHAME on you! If you throw out one true Christian and tell them they do not have God's spirit when HE put it upon them, you are sinning against the Holy Spirit and YOU KNOW FULL WELL WHAT YOUR JUDGEMENT WILL BE! So you elders out there who are going along with your little witch hunt had better stop or YOU personally will be accountable.

    BTW- in my DA letter I raised this issue about the society telling people the door to heaven is closed and what a wieghty judgement they will have on them. 9 pages in all I sent out and sent it to over 50 JW families in my area as well as many of the "anointed". I knew this would be an issue very soon and warned them that the time would come shortly when they too would be forced out of the org. Here I am only 2 1/2 years out and exactly what I said would happen - IS happening.

    Yes, this is interesting news. Lilly

  • M.J.

    Very interesting how "other sheep" elders could be potentially harrassing members of the sacred, composite "faithful discreet slave".

  • lovelylil


    I agree with you. The WT must be very frustrated that their number of the "anointed" is not going down at all - it has been increasing slightly more years than not. And I am sure some jdubs are asking why? Even though they don't push the "this generation" teaching anymore, the older ones would remember this and want to know if these "anointed" are going to live to be 200 or what??? Lilly

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