Nintendo Wii

by jrjr4189 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    Not being in the "loop" of gamesters and the various game systems, I had the chance to briefly play on a Wii on Thanksgiving day, never having even heard of it before. I must say it was great fun actually going through the physical motions to play golf, bowling, tennis and boxing rather than sitting on my butt and simply pressing buttons. I'll never buy one, but for those who are into this sort of thing I think they'll really enjoy it.

  • lonelysheep

    I'm not a gamer but I DO want a Wii! It looks like it will be a lot of fun to play.

  • free2beme

    Went to a friends house and checked it out. It was pretty cool and seems to be more common to find then to PS3. I like video game a lot, but I tend to wait awhile before I purchase anything new. I just bought the XBOX 360 recently, after the price went down and it became more reasonable. I will probably do the same thing with the Wii and the PS3. I hardly have enough time to play with the games I have and could easily wait for something new. Although, it was funny going to Walmart and seeing all those people camping out to get a system. Reminded me of the Star Wars days, when people did that. Looked like a lot of fun, but cold.

    Why do companies like Sony spend so much on advertising, and then have a poor amount of product to put into the market place? Personally, I think Wii is at least trying to take steps to advance the gaming experience and not just depend on what game has the best graphics and game play. They are doing something that sets them apart from the rest, and I think that will make their place in the gaming world grow. For the most part, Sony has dominated with the larger growing share of XBOX being a factor. The game cube never took off with people past the age of 15 because of the childish game selection. Sony is by far the leader, which is a shock, considering that Nintendo was all there was for years. I think it is because they cater to the men age 25-50 who play and do not want a kids game.

    Only time will tell, but never by a first generation game system from Sony, as they always have errors and problems. Just look into what happened with the PS2 at the original launch. I had to send mine back, for the overheat problem and that is why I always wait now at least a year, or until a game comes out that makes it worth the purchase. From what I have seen of PS3, I can wait awhile. Wii, something different all together, and much more reasonable in price. So maybe I will pick that one up, sooner, rather then later. I want to see how long those controllers last before they go bad though. Which I think could happen, and they will make money on replacement parts. Something I do not want to deal with. So, I guess time will tell.

    Oh, and Blue Ray, ... who cares!

  • PrimateDave

    I'm a big fan of the Legend of Zelda ever since the Ocarina of Time came out for Nintendo64. That said, I'll still probably wait for the next Metroid to come out and get the Wii with LoZ:Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3 all at once. Then again, there is the chance that I'll just get LoZ:Twilight Princess for my Gamecube and skip the Wii for a while.

    I have been playing "Okami" for my PS2. It's been lots of fun.


  • Simon
    Does anybody remember the Panasonic 3DO? Sony should. Sony's $199 price tag buried the 3DO's overpriced media extravaganza (700 dollars).

    Lesson learned: Nobody pays a lot of money for expensive multimedia video game systems. Ps3 has a danger of becoming this generation's 3DO.

    There was a blog post somewhere where someone had graphed the prices of each console (adjusted for inflation). The 3 that were way higher than all the rest were the 2 that had bombed (3DO and the other I forgot) plus the PS3. At the end of the day, it's a toy. It's too much to pay for a toy for most people.


    The new sony playstation is $600.00????..Thats 37 cases of beer..I`m not giving up 2 weeks worth of beer for that!..I could put $600.00 towards a new computer and give this one back to Fred Flintstone!...OUTLAW

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