Help me understand God's will

by TheListener 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge ya doing Double Edge....ya old bastard

    just hunky-dory..... nice to see you too Gumpster .

  • TheListener


    Thanks for the suggestion. I've been reading Ephesians and the first chapter really made me think about predestination. I'm not saying I agree with it but I would like to learn more about it. This book may be the right way.

    I would also like to learn more about why some feel that Ephesians isn't talking about predestination; but that is for another thread and another day.

  • TheListener


    Yes, the search included modal auxilaries. Or as I learned them, helping verbs. My way doesn't sound as cool so now I'm adopting your way - modal auxilaries.

  • sinis

    God(s) will?

    First, dump the Bible. Its just a book as is the Koran or Illiad and Odessey, or even Atlantis for that matter.

    Next, live life now, because this is it.

    I understand that most people have to have faith in something better as that is human nature under the umbrella of religion. Cut religion out of the picture and you start to understand that the limited amount of time you are given is just that, and what you do with it makes a difference in your life and those that you mingle with. You are a cog in the universal machine that wears out in time and needs replacing.

    What I find extremely fascinating is that if you cut the Bible or any other religo book out of the equation than life takes on a whole new meaning. Does life exist on other planets, extremely possible. Could we have been the offspring of a dying world (sound far fetched?)? Dying Gods? Perhaps. Civilization rises and falls with each fall putting us in the dark ages. Then the subsequent rise uses the knowledge of the previous civilizations and builds upon it, thus advancing us further. It always seems right before a certain era becomes its most advanced, putting us on the cusp of something far reaching and great, that they always take a dive into war or social decay. Sounds alot like the Matrix... or the gods playing chess...

  • sinis

    Oh, and if your still bent on using the Bible as the authority from God, then I would suggest learning about the birth of Christanity and how the Bible and modern church were established. You will see that it all has pagan roots and once again comes full circle and points to one thing - man trying to control man, nothing more, nothing less.

  • poppers

    Understanding "God's will" presupposes that you know what God is. Without referencing anything written about "God" investigate for yourself what "God" is. Notice how readily people accept something because of some declared or implied authority of another or of some "holy book". Instead, find out for yourself. And how does one do that? By first finding out what YOU are in reality, for you have created in your own mind the idea that there is an "I" who seeks to understand the "will of God". You have created a duality: I and God. Find out if this duality is real or not by discovering the nature of this "I" that is believed in so strongly.

  • Flowerpetal

    Maybe it means to be like God. I read an interesting book, and it's very short, can be read in a day. It's called God Does Not Create Miracles -You Do. It's written by Yehuda Berg and certainly makes one think on a different scale.

  • chaiyah

    Poppers says, "find out for yourself. And how does one do that? By first finding out what YOU are in reality, for you have created in your own mind the idea that there is an "I" who seeks to understand the "will of God". You have created a duality: I and God. Find out if this duality is real or not by discovering the nature of this "I" that is believed in so strongly." ... an interesting concept. If WE are not rigidly formed and God can mould and change us from A to B to C to D to E to F ..., then our nature is NOT STATIC nor subject to mind controls of others. ... I noticed back in '78 that the Society was trying to lock my mind into their template; and I was not willing to allow that to occur. ... So I walked. I hear that others have left and are leaving for the same reason : that the Society is taking on the same mind-control strategies that the New World Order has adopted : governance without consent. ... Whereas. Remember, in scripture, Jehovah ALWAYS ALWAYS got the consent of the people, when HE established a Covenant, whether with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Israel, Moses and/or Jesus. Each gave their individual consent to follow God and change in the ways that God required change. ... The changes that the Society demands are not progressive, they are regressive : reverting to simple obedience of reckoning rules. Being afraid of outsiders. Taking no initiatives, just waiting on the Society to do all one's thinking. ... That's a cult, and God does not call us to give our brains away to a cult mentality. He developed human reason in the older covenants from stewardship, to community survival, to literacy, to law, to the expression of Goodness over mere acquiscence. ... What the WBTS merely does now is programming; and it's like dog training, no longer an education, just read the lines and go through the steps. ... I'm so glad to see how many others walked away. : ) Chaiyah


    God wants you to heat up the BBQ..Put on some double smoked farmers sausage..Invite some friends over and have a beer...OUTLAW

  • M.J.

    These are some interesting passages regarding God's will:

    Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

    Rom 9 :11-21

    11 Yet, before the twins were born or had done anything good or bad—in order that God's purpose in election might stand: not by works but by him who calls—she was told, "The older will serve the younger." [ d ] 13 Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated." [ e ]

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