
by parakeet 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • parakeet

    In another thread truthseeker revealed that the WTS is quietly gathering and burning as many of the old Russell and Rutherford books and magazines it can get its hands on in order to hide the hill of bones on which its present-day existence was built.

    In addition to this effort to hide its sordid past, the WTS also warns its followers to immediately dismiss apostate evidence derived from the Internet. I remember ThirdWitness challenging posters to "produce" the letter that proved the WTS was in cahoots with the U.N. It's so very convenient for JWs to ignore "virtual" information because it's difficult to substantiate with original sources.

    What if there existed, in physical form, a small library/museum with virtually everything the WTS ever printed, along with as much original outside documentation and photographs as possible? Everything a JW could demand as proof of the WTS's checkered past would be there, in paper and ink, for them to examine for themselves. No more "1975 predictions never happened"; "the WTS was never a UN/NGO"; "Biblical scholars agree that 607 BCE was the correct date for the fall of Jersusalem;" etc.

    Even though most JWs would refuse to visit there, a library's very existence might be a more difficult obstacle for the WTS to overcome in its zeal to stamp out dissent and evidence of its own past. As a side benefit, it could be a valuable resource for outsiders who want to write or produce documentaries about JWs/WTS.

    Has this idea ever been considered? What do you think of its merits (if any)? Would it make enough of a difference to be worth the effort?

  • Moomin

    Hi Parakeet,

    I think that would be a brilliant idea. Just like the witnesses have trouble convincing most householders that what they believe is true unless the person gave them loads of time, it is also just as difficult for ex-witnesses to quickly explain why it isn't true.

    A place where no convincing is needed as the evidence speaks for itself would be perfect.

    I would love to work there, would you? Sometimes I need to keep on checking that all the shocking stuff I found out is true :)

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Parakeet:

    I understand the basic concept of the idea, however,
    there are some underlying questions surrounding it.
    For example, who would really be interested in a
    Watchtower library or museum? Other than a witness
    or former witness for the most part? Most people
    do not like Jehovah's Witnesses.

    If it ever did get off of the ground more than likely
    the Watchtower Society would find a way to put a stop
    to it, or tell the rank and file to not visit the site
    because it is not endorsed by the Watchtower Society,
    but by the "world".

    Although, I do like the fact that you did ask the
    question regarding the subject.


    The Wanderer

  • lawrence

    Perhaps an electonic library of what is now scanned and what can be scanned in the future would be a great place to begin. There are many publications already in electronic format. Who would you recommend as librarian/curator? I think these items should be made available to all. Search engines could be influenced to direct folks to the electronic library and memorabilia. Thoughts...

  • Sam87

    I think it would be a great idea, it would educate people more on what the JWs have done and what they believe in before they came knocking on the door. I think more people than just JWs and x-JWs would be interested, for example anyone that is interested in the bib or religion, and it would give them valuable information to tell any JW they know.

    One question though, who would fund this and where would it be located?


  • fullofdoubtnow

    It's an interesting idea Parakeet, and well worth consideration.

    As to how it would be set up, that could pose problems. The only way to make it available to a world wide audience would be to make it electronic, and I'm sure the wts would be irritated by it and try to stop it, but if it can be done it could be a very worthwhile enterprise.

  • carla

    The only original I have is the Harp of God, would be willing to donate to a legitimate library for the purpose of study by ex jw's and others.

  • jimbo

    I lthink it is a very good idea but the person that does this better have a lot of money. The Lawyer form the BORG would try anything to shut it down.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If it was electronic, it could easily be DISTRIBUTED (available on several servers around the world).

    The benefits of this are enormous - first, it provides some redundancy in case of a local disaster. If there is a planetary disaster, well, all bets are off. Second it provides some assurance that if one individual decides to "retire" or loses interest in the project, the project does not come to a screeching halt.

    Quotes was sort of a beginning, and when the WTB&TS shutdown quotes, they received a lesson in distributed networks - suddenly the quotes site appeared in multiple places, completely out of the control of the original Quotes owner, I might add. This work continues, quietly.

    As for hardcopy collections - the original source material - it is, of course, more rare, and is subject to the interest level of the owner of the hardcopy. Death, for example, has a way of vastly lowering one's interest level. Getting the hardcopy into digital form is a problem that is easily addressed by throwing money at it.

    The UADNA orbiting space platform is equipped with the latest technology and is staffed 24/7 to provide rapid response to requests for documented Watchtower failures.

  • AlmostAtheist

    The beauty is, you wouldn't actually have to have anything in it! Just a big empty building with a sign that says "Watchtower Apostate Museum". No non-JW's would care, and so wouldn't enter. No JW's would dare enter for fear of demon attack. And the Watchtower would still have to deal with its existence!

    OK, maybe not. Still like your idea though!


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