The Great Day of Jehovah is NEAR!!!!!!

by Gill 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Gill

    The Year's text for 2007 is from Zepheniah 1:14:

    'The great day of Jehovah is near.'

    As usual 'near', 'soon', 'approaching'.....blah blah etc.....

    Watchtower Dec 15th 2006

    ''Now is truly the time for all of us to take to heart the exhortation given through the prophet Zepheniah: 'Before there comes upon you people the burning anger of Jehovah, before there comes upon you the day of Jehovah's anger, seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of the earth, who have practiced His own judicail decision. Seek righteousness, seek meekness. Probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah's anger.' Zeph 2:2,3

    How appropriate, then, is the yeartext that has been selected for the 2007 calendar year: 'The great dayof Jehovah is near.' God's people are convinced that 'itis near and there is a hurrying of it very much.' 'It will not be late'. Habakkuk 2:3 So as we await the day, may we be ever alert to the times in which we live, reaslising that the fulfillment of these prophecies is near at hand!'

    The WTBTS - A real Fire and Brimstone cult!

    So who is it who gets to pick the years 'prophetic' texts?

    Sadly it means I have ot listen to my mum pleading that we return to the meetings before it's too late. The children are all going to die and its my fault!

    Oh well! In the words of a true prophet 'Shit happens!'

  • Abandoned

    If I hear one more conversation that contains both the words "love" and "destruction" from these hypocrites, I think I'm going to scream.

  • bubble

    Just tell her you don't want to be in the new system anyway, because Jehovah isn't a loving god because he's prepared to slaughter billions of innocent people!

    My mum justifies this by saying that not only jw's are gonna be saved, but all those with a good heart condition. I don't think she's listening properly at the meetings! I think this is the only way she can deal with serving such an evil god.

  • crazyblondeb

    Sadly it means I have ot listen to my mum pleading that we return to the meetings before it's too late. The children are all going to die and its my fault!

    Do we have the same mother?!?!

    So who is it who gets to pick the years 'prophetic' texts?

    That's what I'd like to know!! Bet it took alot of effort for that one!! (Alot of hot air!!)gas

  • jgnat
    all those with a good heart condition

    I always got the impression these would be the ones who respond favorably at the door. Otherwise, you're toast. With a yeartext like that, there's going to be a lot of TIRED and CYNICAL veterans. ...and ticked-off teenagers who had been campaigning for college. Or dental care.

  • Gill

    Abandonded - I understand what you mean! Screaming point is easily reached with the WTBTS!

    Bubble - I have on many occassions said to my mum that she simply doesn't seem to understand the WTBTS doctrine. She claims that in my near 40 years of being a JW from birth on, I never understood what it was 'really' about and should have a 'proper' Bible study with my cousin and his FT pioneer wife. I explained that when I'd finished with them, they wouldn't be JWs any more either. She was NOT happy but resorted to 'You think You're clever, but Jehovah only loves the stupid ones.' Of course that explains it......doesn't it?

    Crazyblondeb - JW mothers are a real pain in the ass! As for the picking of the years text, it would be fascinating to be a fly on the wall when the GB have their little meeting over that!

  • Gill

    Jgnat - These stupid year texts are ridiculous.

    Does anyone have the Society quote where they claim that their years texts have often been prophetic. Including the infamous 'fig tree not blossoming' where they claim there was famine that year in some parts of the world. (What? And not in other years?)

  • jgnat

    I tried to find a list of yeartexts online, but no success. Not this morning.

  • blondie

    Who chooses the yeartext? The same people who choose the topics of the study articles, who decide what topics will be stressed at assemblies/conventions, who decide what the "campaigns" will be.

    Even when I was a JW, I noticed how the study article, TMS material, and book study material would conveniently seem to have the same theme in the same week. It is no accident. Even the day's texts are selected the same way.

    I was watching a show on TV about political ads and what works best; taking a concept the person already has and strengthening it. A typical WT technique.

    I have a list of the yeartexts back to about 1950 somehwhere. They have never been repeated, always a new one.


  • jgnat

    Good morning, Blondie. Huh. No repeats. They must run through the various combinations in a word randomizer.

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