by Latte 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Latte

    Dear all

    I am sad today as it is my Mothers 70 birthday party…and my JW brother and sister will not be there at the party gathering.

    My mother is amazing. She was left alone when my father died in (construction accident 1978) and all SEVEN of us were still living at home…and the youngest was still under two!! How she coped I will never know. That’s one of the reason she is amazing.

    We have summoned family from all over…family who’s invitations to their party’s we declined ourselves when we believed it. So this is a very special day, as it is thankfully the majority of my family that are hosing this party. My Mum and my own family left about 6yrs ago now, and of course the two who are still JW’s will not listen to any bad said about their religion cult. So hard to get through to them.

    Now, I cannot help but reason that there is really NO reason for them not to attend especially since to ‘society’ published the following article:

    The Pinata

    An Ancient Tradition

    By Awake! Writer in Mexico

    W/T 22/9/03

    The pinata today (p.23)

    …the pinata became part of the festivities of the posados* during the Christmas season and continues as such to this day. (A star shaped pinata is used to represent the star that guided the astrologers to Bethlehem.) Breaking the pinata is also considered indispensable at birthday parties.


    When considering whether to include a pinata at a social gathering, Christians should be sensitive to the conscience of others. (1Cor 10:31-33)

    A main concern is, not what it meant hundreds of years ago, but how it is viewed today in your area . Understandably, opinions may vary from one place to another. Hence, it is wise to avoid turning such matters into big issues.

    The above is unadulterated Awake material

    Surely this allows JW’s to celebrate?? This ‘star shaped pinata' is definitely evil

    My brother and sister are nice people when there not JW’s. My Mother would be sooo happy if they were able to attend. I know it will leave a gap that they are not there with us all.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Latte,

    I wish your mum a very happy 70th birthday, I hope you all have a wonderful day, especially her. It's a shame about your jw relatives, but it's the jw teachings that are at fault, they are just going along with them, and I suppose they can't help it.

    My mum celebrates her 70th birthday next year, in June, and I am so glad that I am free of the jw mindset and will be able to celebrate it with her.

    Have a great day


  • LittleToe

    Not only is this a wonderful story of a family extricating itself from a cult, it's been a personal pleasure to see your immediate family grow, in this regard! ISP and yourself are looking younger every time I see you!

    While having the remaining siblings there would no doubt enhance the pleasure of the occasion, try not to let their absence put any kind of a dampener on the achievement of the day.

    This is a milestone that marks an occasiona with layers of depth of meaning to you all, and who knows what the situation will be for her 80th?

    Meanwhile - Happy Birthday Latte's mum

  • Latte


    but it's the jw teachings that are at fault, they are just going along with them, and I suppose they can't help it.

    I know it’s not there fault….can’t help wishing they were all there though. Throughout the years of never seeing the non-JW family (because they were NON JW) this is a very special occaission. I shall miss them.

    My mum celebrates her 70th birthday next year, in June, and I am so glad that I am free of the jw mindset and will be able to celebrate it with her.

    Good for you! Excellent! You only have one mum!

    Not only is this a wonderful story of a family extricating itself from a cult, it's been a personal pleasure to see your immediate family grow, in this regard! ISP and yourself are looking younger every time I see you!

    You are so sweet Ross, it was great to see you recently also, you fab with or without your chin warmer!

    This is a milestone that marks an occasiona with layers of depth of meaning to you all, and who knows what the situation will be for her 80th?

    Ross I’ve never thought of that….feel better already…maybe they will be out by then!

    Thank you guys for your kind comments and best wishe for my mum. Only EX JW's fully understand.

  • Hannah

    It absolutely drives my CRAZY that how the society delves into every aspect of everything micromanaging everyone! But Latte, you go girl! Your mom does sound amazing and you definitely have reason to celebrate her and her birth. Savor every minute of it too. My mother passed away when I was 29. Don't let anyone rain on your or your mother's parade. Remember though, the rest of your JW family is only doing what they believeis right because as you know it's been hammered into their brains over and over again. You know, deep down they really want to be there. Try and respect that aspect and try and forgive them. The whole JW thing is about control. R & F JWs are like robots. This helps me feel better thinking about how my family shuns me because I decided to DA myself.

    This is a milestone that marks an occasiona with layers of depth of meaning to you all, and who knows what the situation will be for her 80th?

    Couldn't agree more with this statement. Happy Birthday Latte's Mom. Lots of Hugs and Kisses to her!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Latte,

    Please wish your mom a very "Happy Birthday " for us!!!

    Try asking your JW family how it is ok to celebrate a babyshower. Is it not the celebrating of the "birth"?? The joy of the birth usually includes a cake, gifts, and lots of friends and family. How come one year later you have to pretend like it never happened and suddenly a day that was so special is supposed to be forgotten and ignored??

    If there is something truely wrong with birthdays, then why can the Jws celebrate baby showers.. are they not celebrating the "0" year??

    Here is another thought too: The Witnesses use the old..there are only two recoreded births in the Bible and at both someone was murdered, reason.. lets use that same principle on another event in the Bible... It was a wedding and as a wedding present to his daughter, the King had a entire village murdered. So.. are wedding receptions, or presents wrong??? How come the same reasoning doesn't apply here??

    And of course, most ignored is the birth of the most important human, that of Christ Jesus. It was not only recorded, but it was such a joyous occasion, the angels in heaven rejoiced! I would say that if the angels in heaven thought it was worth rejoicing over, we certainly can follow their example..

    Hang in there, you never know what may one day make your JW family think. There are certainly alot here , including myself that never imagined being out of a organization we have known all our lives. But the truth reaches hearts, and one day their hearts maybe open to truth.

    In the meantime have a wonderful day, and cherish your special times with her!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hello again, thought I would post the scripture I spoke of: 1 Kings 9:10-16:


    And it came about at the end of twenty years, in which Sol´o·mon built the two houses, the house of Jehovah and the house of the king, 11 (Hi´ram the king of Tyre had himself assisted Sol´o·mon with timbers of cedar trees and timbers of juniper trees and with gold as much as he delighted in,) that at that time King Sol´o·mon proceeded to give to Hi´ram twenty cities in the land of Gal´i·lee. 12 Accordingly Hi´ram went out from Tyre to see the cities that Sol´o·mon had given him, and they were not just right in his eyes. 13 So he said: "What sort of cities are these that you have given me, my brother?" And they came to be called the Land of Ca´bul down to this day.


    In the meantime Hi´ram sent to the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold.


    Now this is the account of those conscripted for forced labor that King Sol´o·mon levied to build the house of Jehovah and his own house and the Mound and the wall of Jerusalem and Ha´zor and Me·gid´do and Ge´zer. 16 (Phar´aoh the king of Egypt himself had come up and then captured Ge´zer and burned it with fire, and the Ca´naan·ites dwelling in the city he had killed. So he gave it as a parting gift to his daughter, the wife of Sol´o·mon.)
  • vit

    Regarding un-believing family members who are *oh-sooo-sad* because their JW children are not present on their big b-day bash, could it be possible that their JW children are just as sad their unbelieving family members are not at the meetings or active JW's? boo hoo hoo ...

    Some American Indians don't celebrate the traditional Thanksgiving holiday. So are you going to make a big fuss if one of your friends decline your Thanksgiving dinner invitation because they are American Indian? Even more so, if you know they don't observe Thanksgiving, are you going to force an invitation on them? boo hoo hoo ...

  • Latte

    Ouch Vit….your tone is kinda…unkind.

    Many family situations are more complex than people can divulge in a few post here on this forum.

    What’s wrong with me saying that I would like my family to be together for a special occaision??

    Why should a family gathering not take place just because of a little ’birthday’ title?

    The Pinata article clearly states :

    When considering whether to include a pinata at a social gathering, Christians should be sensitive to the conscience of others. (1Cor 10:31-33)

    A main concern is, not what it meant hundreds of years ago , but how it is viewed today in your area. Understandably, opinions may vary from one place to another. Hence, it is wise to avoid turning such matters into big issues.

    So Vin, why is it not the rule that JW’s should feel free to celebrate anything according to the above comments???

    One cannot even get them to read and reason on their own article!

    The GB have a duty to clarify what this article is getting at…I understand it to mean that if it’s OK to have a evil star shaped Pinata then we & JW’s CAN celebrate birthdays!

    The article seems clear as a bell to me!

  • carla

    I think vit give the perfect jw 'witness'. Typical. So loving and compassionate.

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