Happiness is.................

by purplesofa 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    Being a Pioneer

    I kid you not..........this was on one of those chrome frame things that go around a liscense plate on a car I saw today. It was a cute lightblue VW beetle bug. Old one.........restored beautifully......with alot of chrome on it. The bug caught my eye then I saw the plate........I thought ....what the heck. So I got a look at the driver, I did not know him but he was in a suit and tie. It was around lunchtime and he pulled into a little stip mall. He was alone...........he surely had to be a JW. Not a 4 door though.


    What would you put down for your Happiness is.........................................?

  • delilah

    Wow. How ridiculous.....the car is cute, but the license plate....

    Happiness is............being able to enjoy my family,celebrating holidays, going places on a Saturday morning with them,( instead of in service) watching my boys play football, all free of guilt,and free of the borg.

  • Arthur

    Happiness is . . . . . . .

    Feeding squirels at the park.

    Playing frizbee at the beach.

    Getting all green lights when you are in a hurry.

    Getting to sleep in on the weekend.

    Finding a twenty dollar bill in a pants pocket that you forgot about.

    Getting to hold somebody else's baby; and then be able to hand it back when it starts crying.

  • JH

    I had a VW beetle also. It was a 1974 model that my brother in law gave me in 1981. It was yellow. It had a gas heater.....omg....

  • Carmel

    ....riding my Vulcan 800! Just came today! Wheeeeeee....


    I'd flash a picture but don'tknowhow

  • XU

    This is a little off topic, but I needed to confess this to somebody one of these days. When I was little and learned about personalized plates, I told my family I wanted mine to say I..M..A..J..W..2. One of my brothers told me I was stupid and the other one told me people would think I was a Jew.

  • Thirdson

    ...a cigar called Hamlet.

    Not that I'd know but the older Brits will get it!


  • bubble

    Yeah I get it Thirdson. The power of advertising eh!

    For me, happiness is........attending the apostacurry!

  • dobbie

    I know a witness with a car like that too!I also know one who had JAH in their registration plate. I remember that hamlet cigar advert too - yes i was VERY young

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Happiness is...Lining up your drive off the first tee just after sunrise on a warm summer morning. As you relax for the shot you hear the sound of birds and a light breeze touches your face. As the sound of Titanium contacts the ball, and you follow thru, right toe on the ground, left foot flat, you see the arch of the ball as it gently moved directly in line with the center of the fairway and lands softly. As the shot lands, your eyes caress those manicured fairways and sand of the bunkers. In the distance you see the green, your objective, as she calls to you with the sweet voice of summertime. You pluck your tee off the ground, smile at your partner, and begin another perfect day.


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