I'm a little confused about this forum

by gordon d 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    I know that I'm new here...and maybe this topic has already been covered.

    I keep reading posts from members that make referrence to going to a meeting or going out in service..... Holy Crap?!?!?

    What percentage of the people here still actually consider themselves as witnesses????? .... and WHY???

    Are people just going out of habit, desperation, for family/friends???

    I don't get it, how can someone post some of the things that they do and then go out knocking on doors?

    What do you say to the householder?

    If anyone can help me understand.... please do so.


  • mouthy

    You must be reading differant posts than me. I havent read of any going out in service !What thread did YOU read????

  • Chameleon

    My story: I'm 20, been a dub since I was 8, my dad's an elder, it's not easy to avoid meetings/fs when you still live at home. I plan to fade. When I go out in FS I don't leave any wt bs of any kind, I just read something from the bible, thank the person for their time, and I go on my way.

  • AudeSapere

    If that shocks you, you might just fall over when you learn that some of the posters are active elders.

    It's a support forum for anything JW-related. They all have their reasons. I hope some will post to your thread.

    -Aude. (Fully-Faded 14+ years and counting.)

  • PopeOfEruke


    I think a fair few of the posters here who still participate in meetings and field service do so because of family reasons, quite often spouse/children related. Some times it makes sense to take things slowly, esp when dealing with this crazy religion.

    I think it's great these posters appreciate our forum and we have to be tolerant as we don't know all the circumstances involved.


  • Leolaia

    We had a thread on this topic sometime earlier this month...could someone find the link? Basically, there are a lot of ppl "still in" because if they make a clean break, they will lose family, friends, etc. The best way to retire from the org w/o tearing apart one's family is to do a slow fade gradually over time, which will necessarily involve some token "service" and meeting attendance. I know individuals have worked out their own strategies of dealing with the issue of seeming hypocrisy of "witnessing" when they don't believe the teachings any more. Some prefer to just read a Bible verse or something like that.

    Since these are people doing the fade, I would not imagine there are pioneers here (aside from possible apologists), but who knows, maybe there are some people comfortable where they are and have no qualms; some maybe believe the Witness teachings but believe the org. is corrupt and want to reform it from the inside. In short, lots of different people here with different reasons.

  • ocsrf


    It is very easy to understand why some do this. Many are plagued by the insisting of the elders to go out in service, keep in mind, they keep track of all JWs activity on a monthly basis and special designations (name calling) (irregular and inactive) for those who fall short and miss a month or heaven forbid 6 months. How do people like myself knock on doors...with much trouble. After awhile you become expert in doing very little, for all intensive purposes meaningless; however, it keeps elders and others from bothering you. So you ask why the pretense, why do something you don't want to and why serve an organization you no longer feel holds the truth. Because of family and life time friends, if you can't understand this, than you were never a real friend to anyone!


  • truthsetsonefree

    Aude-Sapere mentioned some are active elders. Heres one. The truth of the matter is I avoid the door knocking and plan to fade out. But to do it right means bringing my family out with me. So I've had to stick it out. Further many active JWs find themselves in similar situations.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    One of the great things about this forum is how it does help those who have a foot still in the WTS. As those above have said there are many reasons.

    For many just knowing JWD is here for them while they struggle through fading or trying to get the family out or just not lose family ios a great asset.

    I left the Witnesses 21 years ago. There was no internet. I struggled on my own for so long thinking I was the only one who was out. When I did get on the internet I found out the real thruth about the WTS. Being able to post here was a blessing and is why I stay - to help others.

    For those who are stuck for now at least they can come here and know they are not crazy or alone

    The posters on JWD do a great job of offering the place for them to learn and get support. My heart goes out to those in-between worlds

  • gordon d
    gordon d

    I'm not even sure what to say.... (perhaps I'm more naive than I thought)....

    I just can't imagine being in the situation that some of you have described.

    If I can help in any way, please let me know how. You'll all be in my prayers.

    On the odd chance that any of you are out in FS in the Houston area and need a "return call" place to hang out... just let me know.

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