Is Jehovah a real dude? (Sort of long)

by millions now living are dead 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Whoa.... really interesting experience. (I like the way that you write)

    It reminded me of a quote from Ephesians:

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    Having said that, as most people know, when we dream, some of our dreams are symbols. Maybe it's the same with your experience. Have you considered that maybe your fight against "Jehovah" was a metaphor for fighting against the way you were brought up (JWs)? I believe in a Creator, who is positive and full of light (knowledge, peace, etc.).... sounds like you were up against something very negative. I think your story would make a good piece for a magazine.... you'd have to slant it towards whatever publication you are writing for.


  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead

    Double Edge,

    I have examined that theory of it being a symbol and I tend to lean that way. What if my programming emits a sort of energy (dark). It comes out in other states of conscienceness as something sort of solid and percievable by the 5 senses although inside the mind. What if these healer people basically pick up the frequencies and they interpret it according to how thier mind sees it (although always dark if dark, light if light). I cannot deny that these energy workers can bring in light energy into my body. I also cannot deny that they see energy blocks and stuff like that. It's the mythology of the whole deal that starts to get confusing. Thanks for the encouraging words on writing. I actually am an aspiring comedy writer, but this is the first time I have wrote in detail about my personal experiences.


  • Narkissos

    Fascinating story. Glad it helped.

    Fwiw, I tend to see the concurrent representations of reality -- all of which involve symbolism and imagination -- as different languages (no doubt a translator's bias). There is no ultimate truth because there is no ultimate language. To each one the language of meaning is his/her mother tongue. At the simplest level, to me "a dog" means un chien, to you un chien means "a dog". The semantic relationship is symmetrical but not identical. When you get to partial "equivalents" with different semantic fields the gap becomes wider.

    If I want to make sense of this story into my imaginary language I have to "translate" words-concepts like "spirits" and "gods" into something else. As ever, something will be lost and something will be gained in the translation. Iow I won't be understanding the same thing. If I become a sympathetic tourist of imagination I may well use the "native" words but I'll still miss something, because I will never be able to know exactly what the words mean to the native when they hear them in their mother tongue.

    Surpassing ethnocentrism is an impossible yet necessary task, which starts (and probably ends) with the awareness that we have a mother tongue and a representation of reality which is not universal.

    So, back to your question, is Jehovah a real dude? Not in my cultural "language," but I do learn something about "him" by knowing that in another cultural "language" he is.

  • Perry

    I once went to a meeting after a massive dose of mushrooms. I was trippin hard. Funny how no one noticed. I later decided that they were just on their on trip. As a teen I needed drugs just to deal with the stoic jugemental faces there. As an adult I tried th JW thing for several years and found it did nothing for character, virture, sin and getting right with God.

    Even later I gave my life to Christ, was incredible surprised to KNOW that he's still alive after all these years. Peace and life now pursue me instead of my old demons. Perhaps you need to exhaust all alternatives before you embrace what was once denied to with Christ.

    BTW, I'm a 4 of 6.

  • millions now living are dead
    millions now living are dead


    I know where you are coming from. I do have to make something clear, however. I have never taken drugs except once I tried weed and didn't enjoy it so I never did it again. I don't drink but I am a little addicted to sugar.(aren't I special) I do not consider Ayahuasca a drug although it technically is. To me a drug allows you to escape from life or run away from your problems for a while. Ayahuasca does the complete opposite. The indigenous Shamans of South America actually find offense in the term drug. They consider it to be medicine. I don't mean to preach on this topic but a majority of the United States population is on some sort of medication. I was on all sorts of anti-depressents and that is considered fine by all. I take a few doses of this with an experienced Shaman and my life improves afterward. The exact opposite happens with recreational drugs and medicinal drugs like Prozac tend to cover up the existing problem. (Though I'm not against taking Prozac. It helped me when I needed it.) The only good feelings you get on Ayahuasca is when something dark is purged from the psyche, then you get a reward.

    In regards to Jesus. I have experienced Jesus since I came home. It is a feeling in the heart. Like I said before, I'm still figuring out if these entities are real or part of my psyche. I found Jesus to be very powerful, compassionate and sort of brings an instant understanding of certain things. (Christ Conscienceness). I think you are fortunate to have found that. It really is amazing.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Your experiences sound very similar to Peyote. Hallucinigenics open the mind and possibly the soul of a person. I don't pretend to understand them, but I know that much insight can come through their use. I am glad you are not using them alone. I still vividly remember experiences that I had as a teenager using Peyote. The difficult part is sorting it all out. And there is always the danger of a bad experience. I never had one, but others did. I often think of all the ones who used such substances in the past and many still do. There are some American indians who use mushrooms. Even won the right to use them legally in US as part of their worship. I think you will be sorting things out for some time.

    Gnostic writings and ideas facinated me when I first read them. They also tend to stretch the mind. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  • AnonyMouse

    This is an extremely interesting subject to me. Spirits, light and dark energy, and stuff like that.

    I have no idea what to think about any of it, and I have no idea where to get any information on the subject.

    Call me crazy (I probably am), but I've gotten better and better at 'feeling' where people are. For instance, I can tell with 95% efficiency, whether a house is occupied or not. I've 'felt' people in a location I wouldn't expect them to be (on the side of the house not visable to me), and just thought maybe I was wrong. But then a person walked out from behind there, and I was right. That's why the subject is so interesting. I want to know if my subconcious is somehow faking it, or if theres some scientific explaination, or spiritual explainaition.

    Only twice have I gotten mixed up. Once, I could not 'feel' a woman in the house, even though she was there. And one day mom was 'invisible' to me. It was irritating, because she kept sneaking up on me...she NEVER sneaks up on me.

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    This is very interesting, the day before yesterday I accidentaly found information on this ayahuasca plant, and read extensively on that subject. I find it strange that this would be posted today. I'm glad that you were helped I hope you completely recuperate.


  • XU

    Whoa, That is totally rad. I know it has been exhausting, but I think it's awesome. I read a series of books called The Law of One, by Ra the sun god. People supposedly channelled him to learn about life on earth. He talks about dimensions and how we are in the third dimension which is about survival, and we are moving toward the 4th dimension, which is love. He talked about entities being polarized, gaining and using power either in a positive or negative way. There were beings from the 6th dimension who tried to introduce teachings to humans about love and god and evolution in a way that we could understand, but it led to wars and fighting over ideologies. Then Jesus came from the 5th dimension to teach us about love and try to correct what had happened with the interpretation of the other knowledge. Ra also talked about Jehovah being from the fifth dimension and being negative. It was weird, but oddly made a lot of sense. After losing my pardigm given to me as a child, my mind has been open to giving any information a fair listen. I've heard of spirits in astral fields and having to protect yourself. A few people have told me a quote about how depression is the natural result of being aware of life. If you look out in our world and see the suffering and have a belief structure that makes you think it's all ok, you are being a little deluded. There are healthier perspectives for seeing life, but being depressed just can mean you are paying attention. But by all mean, take a re-uptake inhibitor if that helps and you need to function. I personally have the luxury of having time and space to get upset about life (like I don't run a company or have kids). I would like to experience death of my ego. A friend of mine a few years ago had similar experiences with LSD and ecstacy. None of the hallicinatory drugs I've taken have led to an experience like you describe. There is probably no way to answer your question because who knows? But stay near the light and love.

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