anti-witness surprise today

by johnny cip 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    WOW !!!!

    Great anti-witnessing, Johnny.


  • Sam87

    That was awesome! go johny! woo-hoo! congratulations man!


  • Purza

    Wow -- you rock! I could never do that as I have a hard time keeping my cool. Anger and hurt always gets in the way when I try to talk with JWs. I am surprised that they just didn't walk away, but I am even more surprised about the phone call. Way to go!


  • MinisterAmos

    Good job man!

    The best way to approach the blood issue is to do as you did, take them all the way through it and then hit them at the end with "which of these fractions is produced from blood poured on the ground as the WT interprets Jah as ordering them to do? None? OK then why is the WT breaking Jah's explicit command?"

    You get the idea

    I like to use the birthday cake recipe in that the WT commands that they can eat the individual ingredients but not the whole cake. Why? Because of what the cake represents, not what it consists of. I agree with them fully then lead them into a discussion of fractions and then we talk about what Jah commands us to do with blood. I of course insist that they read it out loud to me.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    great job but me being the man I am were the young sisters cuties? You may have struck gold twice.

  • exjdub

    Johnny....You did so well I thought that I would break your post up a bit so it is easier to read. Nice job and great sandwich illustration. Very powerful.


    i run into 6 sisters today . i would guess poineering. figured i'd stop and give them a try. i'm well known in this area, and wasn't even thinking they would talk with me. but i got a surprise. the young sisters, started talking with me. and i'm sure i knew at least one of the 70 year old sisters. we went into the new afake mag on blood. ( not my best wt subject) i ask the 3 20 something sisters. if you got hit by a car while out in field service today. and was dying from loss of blood at the hospital. could you tell the doctor . which blood fractions. the wt now says your allowed to have to save your life? no answers. so i said you just would bleed to death waiting for the hlc to show up? 2 of the olders sister start barking . we take no blood fractions period. i buzz tro the new awake and find the chart on fractions. hand it to sister grandma. and ask her which fractions the wt says you can now take? she gets mad closes the mag and tell me i don't understand it. sorry grandma I think it you that don't understand it.

    NOW I GOt there attenion. i tell them it's like a combo sandwich with ham salami, turkey, 4 cheeses, lettuce, tomato, onions. pickles,oil vingar mustard and mayo. the wt now says you can take the sandwich apart. and eat it ingredent by ingredent. but not have the whole sandwich.! then i give a little lesson on how this fractions are made from stored blood. this goes on for about 10 minutes. with the older sisters trying to justify the wt stance. i draw the line and tell them the bi8ble says to pour blood on the ground. which of these fractions made from bloodwas poured on the ground? again i ask the younger sisters what would they tell the doctor if they were going to bleed to death in 30 minutes? what sister grandma says or are you going to explain the new bllod doctrine to the doctor. that you don't understand? grand ma starts getting upset. but the young sisters are interested.

    i switch into false witnesses and ask grandma. is she honest? since she's been a jw since the 1940's go into vaccan ations and ask her to tell the younger sister about the vacc. ban she started turning red. i reminder her jehovah hates a false witness. now tell your young sisters how the wt said any tghinking christian would rather have small poxand polo the take a vaccanation. i asked her did you get your shots before school. she amitted no. i asked why? she wouldn't answer. so i told the young sisters her mommy was following the wt ban that has been lifted in the last 50 years. then i asked the young sister's you ever met on person with small pox or polio. ? they answer no.i tell them that at sister gradma's time , it was very common. today you next to0 never here about such deseases. why? because of shots. just think of the millions of lives saved. and at the time the wt was telling jw's you were following satan . if you got your shots. grandma was over a barrell.

    i switched into 1975 and the generation of 1914. and again told to 2 older jw's that jehovah hates a liar. to make a long story shorter, their were dancing on the street trying to talk there way out of this false prophecy. but the younger sisters knew i busted them. it was written all over their faces. all the while i was writing down different wt pubication dates on a wt . to back up most of what i said to prove it. i handed the wt back to the most receptive sister. with my phone number on it. about 3 hour later this sister called me up and told me her partner and her looked up some of the pub's i wrote down . and were surprised i was RIGHT. we talked about 5 minutes more . as i was working at the tim e. i gave her freemind's to look at . she said she will call me with some more question. for a rabid firebreathing apostate. i think i did real good . john

  • zagor

    Damnit Johnny, I almost didn't read it when I saw your formating. GREAT JOB.

    Give us an update what happened when you talk to the girls again

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