
by vanillamocha 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi vanillamocha, and welcome to the forum.

    I am sorry that you are having to deal with this. As for jws lying, there's nothing new there. They will almost stop at nothing to protect the reputation of the org. As other posters have said, I would print some information about their policies and take that to the court. I have a strong feeling you'd win your case.

    Good luck

  • BluesBrother

    Check the links and video in rebel8's link. I am sure that your Legal Adviser would be able to demolish all that stuff

  • LovesDubs

    The courts and the judges are not considered WORTHY of the truth. Period. They will bold face lie to worldly people to make themselves appear holier than thou...watched it in PERSON in a custody battle...wanted to puke and the JWs laughed through the whole proceedings because they knew the Judge didnt know shit about what the JWs believed.

    Topic: Preparing for Child Custody Cases - WT (page 1)

  • mama1119

    Wow, what a sh*thead! I hope all the links everyone gave you helps. I am sure they think they are practicing "theocratic warfare".

  • BabaYaga

    I just want to say STRENGTH TO YOU, VanillaMocha... I wish you all good things out of this unbelievable ordeal.

    Is there any exDub group with lawyers to help this kind of thing when the Borg gets pulls out their own? Seems to me if he has a lawyer, you need one too...


  • Quandry

    Was there an announcement in the Kingdom Hall made that you were no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses? If that wasn't df'd, what was it?

    I am sorry that you are going through this. Welcome to the ranks of some that never in a million years thought they would find out some of the things that these people are willing to do and live with themselves. As we now know, "IMAGE IS EVERYTHING."

  • JWdaughter

    I am sad that you are being so sorely used by the society, your ex, and former congregation. If nothing else, this should show others on this board the lengths to which the WT will go to hurt those who won't play their game the way they want it played. Lying doesn't count if you are doing it for Jehovah's people, you know!

    Good luck to you-take the excellent suggestions of providing proof of WT teachings from their own lit. It isn't top secret, its in black and white. And YES, do go to the press when it is concluded(or at an appropriate time that won't hurt YOUR case).

    The judge has a right to know when they are given perjured testimony and it will discredit JWs in his court for ever after. You might want to show your ex/his elders your proof before you go back if it will give you a bargaining position. They may give up the attack if they realize how much damage continuing against you, with their their lies clearly showing, will do to the org.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Vanillamocha,

    WELCOME!! (((HUGS)))!

    I am so sorry you are going through this garbage! Unfortunately, lying in court by active Witnesses is not shocking to me. Seems like no matter what the cost, they will lie and cover up what they feel may make them look bad. Hang in there! You will find many friends here to love and support both you and your son!


    Lady Liberty

  • becca1

    Dear Vanillamocha: I am so sorry for your situation. Unfortunately I've seen it before (not the details, but the situation). For some reason witnesses can not wrap their heads around abuse occuring within witness homes, and they fight the very thought of it tooth and nail. I had a good friend in your situation and it boils my blood to this day.

    I wish you the best.

  • LovesDubs

    Get a transcript of the court proceedings. Send copies to his hall, to the Society and to the local paper with direct quotes and references from their own literature. Expose them.

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