What went on in Mexico and Malawi?

by Jerohobobonadad 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • PopeOfEruke

    Isn't this the most disgusting story! I think this ranks as the worst scandal that the WTS is responsible for. Witnesses in Malawi paid a heavy price to the WT God, the mighty real estate dollar.

    Shame on you Watchtower! Shame on your greed! Shame on your lies and tactics! Shame on your wicked schemes!


  • startingover

    I agree, very disgusting.

    Great synopsis Zico, especially the part about the problem created with military service by being a "cultural" group.

  • The Quiet One
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I garnered some idea about Malawi from previous threads but they were too detailed. This post is excellent! I had no idea. Does anyone know what Protestants and Catholics did in Malawi at the same time as the Witness persecution. As I wrote about Rutherford's letters and statements to Hitler, it is very easy to write in a relatively free country with a strained but still robust democracy thousands of miles away. Somehow I feel strongly if a GB member needed a blood transfusion, blood would have new light.

    Again, I keep repeating that I had no idea when I first start reading posts here how pervasive a cult JWs are. I notice that as with the Nazis, the concern was for JW property, not human lives. In an earlier post, I recall how the British government sent the Queen's representative to do obeisance to Idi Amin to save a Briish diplomat's life. It was a bit similar to Obama kissing the feet of Bin Laden. Many British thought the principle was more important than an individual life.

    My uncles went to prison during WWII. They could pay no bribes to the Selective Service Committee. In fact, a childhood JW friend of my mom's spoke with Bethel reps during his trial. They fired the 18 year old up, so he exclaimed some Witness slogan during his federal triial against his lawyer's advice. His youthful outburst earned his three more years in prison. The Bethel brother never showed up to serve time for him.

    I feel slimy. How could my family ever become involved? I always heard it was radically different in Bible Student days. Yet when I read that literature, it is even crazier. Children sacrificed to pedophiles when brothers have clear notice of past behavior, the best predictor of future behavior. As a child, I could not sleep worrying about the German JWs. My main mantra is what would Jesus do?

    I make jokes about my present religions love of cash. Those with money have a much better time in the religion. It is good natured statement of human life. People laugh with me. These GB members need to stand in the shoes of the rank and file. Jesus stood in human shoes. The result is that Jesus is far more accessible to me than God. People have a right to join a religion without losing their life or being raped. Principles are worth dying for but principles, not an asset balance sheet. Perhaps I am wrong but the venality is very apparent on the part of the GB. The grieving prob. praised the GB. REvolting.

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