You should not expect justice!!

by Gill 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Flash

    Lessons for Us:

    1:15 It is futile to spend time and energy trying to correct the oppression and injustice that we see today.

    Of course! That was Jesus attitude exactly!!! Don't help, feed or cure anybody. No need to extend good to others, just sit on your hands and (say it with me now) "Wait On Jehovah!"

    And I thought it couldn't get any worse. LOL ...Incredible!

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It's like they are saying nothing really matters except the wts, don't waste your time, energy and money on enjoyment, give it all to us instead. Idiots!

  • LongHairGal

    I hope everybody sees where this crap is going!

    They are not just talking about "justice" in the world, they are talking about justice in their wonderful religion. They are setting up all the gullible people to be abused and taken advantage of. I hope nobody falls for this but the shame of it is that many will. Too many stupid people there.

    They are heavy duty into exploitation in every sense and are looking for people who will allow themselves to be exploited.

    Remember, nobody can take advantage of you without your permission!


  • daystar
    Cultural activities, such as architecture, gardening, and music, as well as luxurious living are 'striving after wind' because they neither make life truly meaningful nor bring lasting happiness.

    This really pisses me off. It's complete BS. Just trying so hard to suck the life right out of them, turn them into/keep them automatons.

    God, how can they really rationalize trying to remove the joy from life? Say even if, hypothetically, their apocalyptic view were accurate, why would they so want the JWs lives to be such drudgery?

    Well, I think I know... It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. They must make life in this system a drudgery, a hell, to prove that this system is near the end. It must be!

  • Effervescent

    1:15 It is futile to spend time and energy trying to correct the oppression and injustice that we see today. Only God's Kingdom can do away with wickedness. Daniel 2:44

    This is self-fulfilling. It reminds me of my struggle with my 5 year old to teach her to tie her own shoes. She gets exasperated easy and gives up before she even tries. We have conversations that go like this- "I've shown you over and over how to do it, now at least try, I'll help you if you need it" "But I can't" "You haven't even tried yet!" "But I CANT DO IT!"

    Efforts are only futile if you've convinced yourself its no good to try...

    Cultural activities, such as architecture, gardening, and music, as well as luxurious living are 'striving after wind' because they neither make life truly meaningful nor bring lasting happiness.

    This is absurdity in it's finest.... I can't think of a more spiritual activity than cultivating life and beauty from the soil. What do they think God created flowers for? I can remember a couple sweet widows and retired couples from the congregations I attended that had beautiful gardens so lovingly tended. I would think it would break their hearts to tell them something so dear to their hearts is all for nothing and a waste of time.

  • Schism

    I am anxious about the animal cruelty in this world. I guess by my trying to reverse a little injustice towards animals was just a waste of my time. Hold on, let me ask my dog if she thinks I wasted my time saving her life from death row....

  • Gill

    Schism - Everything that doesn't involve pushing the interests of the WTBTS is a waste of time, to them.

    There is no Christian charity involved in being a JW. They are obsessed with the Kingdom, but this is not really God's Kingdom, it's just the huge financial corp Kingdom that is the Watchtower Society and its own selfish interests.

  • Kudra

    OK then why are they involved with that organization CENSUR (sp?) that was just posted on the other day? It's an organization to fight discrimination against small religious groups. WHY DON'T THEY LEAVE IT IN JEHOVAH'S HANDS??? It totally flies in the face of this article. I am disfellowshiping the WTBTS at my own private service meeting TONIGHT. I realize more and more every day how lame that bOrg is... -K

  • dido

    This is just another way of trying to control people, they want every minute of your life spent on the `kingdom interests`, so blocking out any activities that could take up time. What is so ridiculous is that they are against gardening? So are jw`s supposed to let their gardens over grow?

  • carla

    Sounds like an excuse for laziness. Haven't they said in the past that gardening is a useful pastime and wives should plant gardens and make dinner from the fruits of the garden? whackos.

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