A story that is hard for me to tell

by under_believer 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?


    What a brave post. You and yours have been through so much.

    Good Girl

  • whyizit


    Why don't you head up a study on Leviticus 18 in your congregation and actually try to accomplish something good for Jehovah?

    While your at it, perhaps you should also study Mat. 25:45-46. Turning a blind eye to this type of abuse is as good as participating in it yourself.

  • TopHat

    Wecome to the board Noble....Do you recieve the Watchtower in your location of China?

  • TopHat

    I am sorry about your sad plot in life Un believer....Here is a and a (((HUG))) you are a surviver.

  • BluesBrother

    A courageous post, under believer.

    I wanted to post up a refutation of free-to-see's comments and say that this is still very rare , among the 6 million of them.

    But then Lady Lee had joined in, and Woofer, and love2Bworldly, and then I did not feel that I could say it any more.

    I took a lot of convincing that such things really happened in significant numbers, because my own lifetime experience was that we never saw it. But I must now accept it...sadly.

    BTW . UK televisions"Panorama " is doing another programme about child abuse in the Catholic religion , tonight I believe

  • under_believer

    BluesBrother, I think it DOES happen in significant numbers. However, I, like you, remain unconvinced that it happens at a greater frequency among Witnesses than it does among non-Witnesses.

    The issue for me isn't the frequency--it's the response. The secular response, at least in first-world nations, is much more robust and protects children much better than does the response among Witnesses. Witnesses often, even typically, end up failing to protect children from abuse and punish the abuser, often resulting in the abuser abusing again. I don't know, in my grandfather's case, if his proclivities came to the attention of the elders in his hall or not. I wish I did. I suspect it remained a family affair.

    The only way the religion came into this story was the disowning and shunning of my uncle, who chose to leave the religion and his family over the issue, and the fact that this story illustrates the complete impossibility of believing that the Holy Spirit has anything to do with the selection or retention of the "glorious ones"--elders.

  • mouthy

    Un-believer ..I too was very disturbed by your story ......(((((((HUGS))))Thanks for sharing

    Nobel!!!! You are so hypicritical __ You are not really supposed to be on the internet by "Mothers" orders, Yet you dare to come on here & say what you did. Remember what happens to those who say evil is good & good is evil?????? read it in your twisted bible

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