Witnesses at the Fair

by Oroborus21 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oroborus21

    Just went to the LA County Fair yesterday. Just before the gate, there were two large and prominent display stands. One said "Ask about our Free Bible Study" and other stuff and the other had colorful tracts pasted all over. At first, i thought it was some other christian ministry group because I had never known Witnesses to do something like this (although I haven't been to the Fair in years) but as I passed the young girl working on the right handed me a tract. She also read my t-shirt and gasped since I happened to have been wearing my "Jehovahs-Witnesses.info" t-shirt. But I still didn't realize it was the Witnesses until a few paces further and flipped the tract over and saw it was a WTBTS tract. (All suffering soon to end). I glanced back and the girl had ducked over to her father I think. (he was definitely the "Elder-type").

    I regret that I hadn't recognized the situation earlier or I would have told the girl something like "Other Witnesses Share Your Doubts, Find them Online" or visit JWD when she has a chance. Or even "make sure you go to college" :-)

    Anyway, if there are any So Cal folk out there going to be going to the Fair before it ends, look for them just before you go in. This was at the Yellow Gate. (Not sure if there were similar stations at the other entrances.) Maybe you can have some info or something prepared to say to them as you go in.

    On my way out the girl was gone but her dad and another elder type were still there passing literature to everyone that came in. I was late in getting my daughter to her mom's for her birthday party so I didn't have any time to talk to them.

    When they station themselves at a public venue like this and open themselves up to greeting everyone, it really presents a good opportunity to leave them with a thought or two.


  • Joker10

    They have been at the LA County Fair for years. I know because I see them there EVERY year. I also personally know some of these Witnesses.

  • monkeyshine

    Maybe it was just my hall but when I was "in" that sort of thing was never done. It was a "Christendom" thing.

    It's funny how someone can stand there in public and try to force feed info that was provided by an "unknown" source. Unknown in that they don't personally know these people writing this stuff. Yet it is okay to hand it to a stranger in the hopes of changing their life.

    Snake oil is what it is!

  • Bstndance

    I wonder if they counted the entire time they were at the fair.

    How was the fair. My boss went and said it was boring; but, he got bored on a cruise through the Baltic. I would like to go one year but I always find an excuse. This year it was the heat and the smoke from the fires. hehehe

  • Oroborus21

    thanks for the info Joker. I hadn't been to the fair in about 10 years. One other funny observation. it was quite hot yesterday and the brothers were doing their thing with their jackets on. I was thinking to myself as I drove away that they ought to at least take off their jackets. -eduardo

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I suppose it's an easy way to contact a lot of people, though I doubt much of the literature they distributed got read. People go to a fair to have a good time, not read that crap.

  • Mary
    there were two large and prominent display stands. One said "Ask about our Free Bible Study" and other stuff and the other had colorful tracts pasted all over. At first, i thought it was some other christian ministry group because I had never known Witnesses to do something like this

    Oh my god......they're going to the Fairs now?? Oh well, desperate times calls for desperate measures.......wonder how many bible studies they started. I'll go out on a limb here and guess "zero".

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    "Other Witnesses Share Your Doubts, Find them Online" or visit JWD

    You know, that makes one great logo.....

  • juni

    One poster said they have done this for many years. Do they have to get a permit?

    I'm sure they split up the day so everyone can get "easy" hours.


  • mama1119

    I had no idea they were doing this type of stuff now..in front of Wal-Mart, and the Fair. They are getting nuttier. Or more desperate. Or both.

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